标签: meaning

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VOA慢速英语2012.05.04 【VOA慢速教室】 Rebecca949 2012-5-4 5 / 2729 jy1991 2012-6-25 23:26
VOA慢速英语2012.05.28 【VOA慢速教室】 Rebecca949 2012-5-29 6 / 2686 jy1991 2012-6-25 23:23
VOA慢速英语2012.06.02 【VOA慢速教室】 Rebecca949 2012-6-2 3 / 1908 jy1991 2012-6-25 23:18
每天一句音译汉 【每日英语口语】 leyla 2012-6-16 1 / 1410 leyla 2012-6-16 21:43
5月14日美文阅读:silent meaning 【每日英语美文】 hollo 2010-5-14 5 / 2963 hnzyg 2012-5-14 12:16
英语语调的意义 基础英语 Rachel0818 2012-5-11 2 / 2401 Rachel0818 2012-5-12 20:11
VOA慢速英语2012.03.24 【VOA慢速教室】 Rebecca949 2012-3-31 1 / 1601 yjf186 2012-3-31 15:32
英语学习要注意语调不同意思也不同 高考英语 小尾巴猪 2012-3-13 3 / 1990 tingroom 2012-3-14 11:28
六级练习2011.12.15 【六级教室】 Rebecca949 2011-12-15 3 / 2814 lingkiki 2011-12-17 10:05
Shining light in dark corners 照亮黑暗角落的光芒-(55-110830) 【每日英语美文】 sunny萝卜 2011-8-30 2 / 2183 sunny萝卜 2011-12-5 17:27
Life is fulled with brutal Self-Introduction foxfromhunan 2011-10-24 3 / 2192 foxfromhunan 2011-11-1 10:44
Do you know the meaning of UID? 【每日英语评论】 惑子 2011-8-30 6 / 2337 王笑天 2011-10-12 07:11
六级练习2011.08.09 【六级教室】 Rebecca949 2011-8-9 1 / 2154 omit 2011-8-10 10:52
VOA慢速英语2011.07.20 【VOA慢速教室】 Rebecca949 2011-7-20 7 / 2537 Floria 2011-7-23 06:46
2011-7-8故事:知识就是力量,法国就是培根? 【每日英语故事】 yy2235 2011-7-7 5 / 2954 sunny萝卜 2011-7-11 17:10
2010-10-25 听歌学英语--Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely 【每日音乐欣赏】 小豹子_acong 2010-10-25 7 / 2375 xiaomeixin 2010-11-25 16:41
can you guess the meaning of the proverb,write it down to gain the score. 【每日英语谚语】 governor1 2010-7-16 6 / 2291 51persistence 2010-10-24 16:13
Girls give boys the meaning of the various gifts 休闲乐园 vlebxzoaf 2010-8-29 0 / 1589 vlebxzoaf 2010-8-29 07:28
can you guess the meaning of the proverb,write it down to gain the score. 【每日英语谚语】 governor1 2010-7-18 5 / 2197 lxl119 2010-8-12 08:36
can you guess the meaning of the proverb,write it down to gain the score. 【每日英语谚语】 governor1 2010-7-16 2 / 1772 youxiaxiaolala 2010-7-18 22:16
selfintroduction Self-Introduction aliceqin.zhou 2010-6-19 0 / 1046 aliceqin.zhou 2010-6-19 11:18
what's the meaning ? can you ? 交流茶馆 elaine0219 2010-5-11 0 / 1599 elaine0219 2010-5-11 09:36
The meaning of"out of the picture" 阅读提高 sophy_5288 2010-3-15 4 / 2281 sophy_5288 2010-3-24 15:17
3月9日英语美文:Silent meaning 【每日英语美文】 sumny 2010-3-9 1 / 2300 石头静儿 2010-3-12 09:11
5000 words meaning! 听力提高 寒风 2006-12-15 4 / 4843 wuqianizy 2008-4-23 12:45
Give it meaning 阅读提高 蓝蓝 2007-9-21 0 / 1742 蓝蓝 2007-9-21 19:08
Give meaning 阅读提高 蓝蓝 2007-9-21 0 / 1693 蓝蓝 2007-9-21 19:06
Give meaning 阅读提高 蓝蓝 2007-9-21 0 / 1844 蓝蓝 2007-9-21 19:05
Make meaning 阅读提高 蓝蓝 2007-9-21 0 / 1572 蓝蓝 2007-9-21 19:04
WHAT I THINK THE MEANING OF LIFE IS 阅读提高 蓝蓝 2007-9-21 0 / 2724 蓝蓝 2007-9-21 18:48
WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE? -Inspirational stories 交流茶馆 蓝蓝 2007-9-21 0 / 1755 蓝蓝 2007-9-21 18:45
what's it meaning? 交流茶馆 2002anna 2007-6-19 2 / 2881 九尾金狐 2007-8-29 14:15
what's the meaning? 论坛议事厅 2002anna 2007-6-19 1 / 3525 2002anna 2007-6-21 10:21