标签: CAN

  版块 作者 回复/查看 最后发表
3月31日听力练习 Can I help you? 【四级教室】 tingroom 2011-3-31 8 / 2716 龙楚红 2011-5-15 11:22
Can you help me? 网友求助 Osscal 2010-12-17 3 / 1887 shdvb 2011-2-15 13:24
【运动】Weightlifting Exercises You Can Do at Home 阅读提高 leenyao 2010-12-21 2 / 2225 leenyao 2010-12-21 22:10
Can you help me ? Self-Introduction Kellandluck 2010-12-10 17 / 3350 areyouready 2010-12-20 18:10
Can the posts be fixted by the date? 【每日英语听写】 danielli 2010-11-22 0 / 1484 danielli 2010-11-22 08:05
11月13日谚语:Can the leopard change his spots 【每日英语谚语】 macp 2010-11-13 17 / 4084 macp 2010-11-16 17:19
11月13日谚语:Can the leopard change his spots 【每日英语谚语】 macp 2010-11-13 17 / 4084 macp 2010-11-16 17:19
Can we make friends? Self-Introduction christine_0512 2010-10-12 6 / 3381 christine_0512 2010-10-13 22:30
I Can Self-Introduction zhangyu456 2010-10-8 3 / 2008 thx 2010-10-10 14:28
9月20日口语提高:Can you give me a hand? 【每日英语口语】 当时的月亮 2010-9-20 18 / 5242 sunnytung 2010-9-29 23:06
HOW ONE CAN MAKE A LITTLE ROLE SO IMPORTANT 阅读提高 蓝蓝 2007-9-21 4 / 3374 梁府乎 2010-9-4 09:56
DO YOU KNOW THE KIND OF FISH CAN'T SWIM?? Self-Introduction 魚魚 2010-9-1 1 / 2036 areyouready 2010-9-1 17:55
I Can Be a Member of You Self-Introduction Ashley988 2010-7-2 9 / 3300 红星帝国 2010-7-7 23:03
Hey...Can I be your friend? Self-Introduction 小况 2010-6-28 1 / 1775 yuandan 2010-6-29 10:56
新手上路 Self-Introduction collin5471 2010-5-24 0 / 1345 collin5471 2010-5-24 21:04
I HOPE I CAN CONQURE ENGLISH Self-Introduction 幸福娃 2010-5-18 1 / 1874 tingroom 2010-5-19 09:15
想学好英语 Self-Introduction 499433707 2010-5-17 1 / 1550 yoyo530521 2010-5-17 18:20
Get to know me Self-Introduction dreamcontinue 2010-5-4 1 / 1561 星期一 2010-5-5 00:48
4月26日口语提高:Can I have a day off? 【每日英语口语】 justtt 2010-4-26 7 / 3224 猫咪 2010-4-28 13:28
1月27日笑口常开:Can I get a raise in my wages? 【每日英语笑话】 snowmen 2010-1-27 9 / 4335 陶浩菊 2010-3-23 14:06
新人报道 Self-Introduction antianchow 2010-3-16 1 / 1747 halo 2010-3-17 10:41
12月16日口语练习:Can you finish the report by Friday? 【每日英语口语】 x-ace 2009-12-16 0 / 1878 x-ace 2009-12-16 10:17
英语经典口语:Can I talk to you for a minute? 【每日英语口语】 隋朝来客 2009-12-3 2 / 2328 peopoo 2009-12-4 16:13
行胜于言(Louder than Anything You Can Say) 【每日英语美文】 x-ace 2009-9-17 1 / 2713 hihi8943 2009-10-6 03:13
What You Can Do to Stay Healthy 阅读提高 suhongxiao 2009-6-11 0 / 2938 suhongxiao 2009-6-11 11:07
【听歌译词001期】Can't take my eyes off you——Frankie Valli 影视交流 hjtek 2009-3-24 0 / 2971 hjtek 2009-3-24 16:49
大大的眼睛会说话 Eyes Can Speak 职场英语 ljj216 2008-11-7 3 / 3741 woshiccye 2008-11-18 17:26
Can you help me ? ... 1 2 Self-Introduction XKC81579859 2008-2-26 23 / 7828 ppniu 2008-7-15 16:34
Can you translate this english ? 少儿·初·高中·大学 XKC81579859 2008-3-20 3 / 3202 XKC81579859 2008-3-21 21:55
Can you translate this english ? 听力提高 XKC81579859 2008-3-19 0 / 2222 XKC81579859 2008-3-19 16:31
Can you translate this english ? 听力提高 XKC81579859 2008-3-19 0 / 2173 XKC81579859 2008-3-19 16:06
Can you translate this english ? 听力提高 XKC81579859 2008-3-19 0 / 2379 XKC81579859 2008-3-19 16:00
Can you translate this english ? 听力提高 XKC81579859 2008-3-19 0 / 2100 XKC81579859 2008-3-19 15:38
Can you translate the topic ? 职场英语 XKC81579859 2008-2-23 5 / 3231 XKC81579859 2008-3-12 10:42
Can we be friends ? 交流茶馆 XKC81579859 2008-2-22 10 / 4329 XKC81579859 2008-2-27 13:53