Fleshmeet refers to an in-person meeting, particularly between people whose regular communication is exclusively or primarily online. “面对面的会晤”指的是现实生活中的会面,尤指主要或仅在网上交流的网友之间的会面。 The world’s geeks and technophiles have a reputation for being, oh, let’s be nice and say “socially challenged.” 世界上的极客和技术达人们大多“在社交方面不受欢迎”。 According to the stereotype, they’d rather code than converse, and if they must do the latter, they’d rather do it online than in person. 在人们的印象中,他们宁愿写代码也不愿交流,如果他们不得不交流,他们宁可在网上交流,而非面对面。 Of course, another stereotypical geek trait is a lack of personal hygiene, so perhaps their face-to-face meetings result in an olfactory ambiance ripe enough to inspire only nauseating neologisms. 当然,另一种典型的极客特征就是个人卫生状况不好,所以也许他们与人面对面的交流会让人们创造出“令人作呕”的新词。 |