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Four common bad habits combined – smoking, drinking too much, inactivity and poor diet – can age you by 12 years, a sobering new research suggests.
一项发人深省的新研究表明,吸烟、酗酒、不运动和不良饮食这四种常见的坏习惯结合在一起会使人提前衰老12 年。
The findings are from a study that tracked nearly 5,000 British adults for 20 years, and they highlight yet another reason to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
这个结论来自于一项对将近5000 名英国成年人长达20 年的跟踪研究,它为人们应该选择更加健康的生活方式又增加了一个重要理由。
Overall, 314 people studied had all four unhealthy behaviors. Among them, 91 died during the study, or 29 percent. Among the 387 healthiest people with none of the four habits, only 32 died, or about 8 percent.
总体来说,有314 名调查对象拥有全部四种不健康习惯,其中有91 人在研究过程中就已经去世,占总数的29%。而在 387 名没有任何这四种习惯的人中,只有32 人在研究过程中去世,大约占总数的8%。
The risky behaviors were: smoking tobacco; downing more than three alcoholic drinks per day for men and more than two daily for women; getting less than two hours of physical activity per week; and eating fruits and vegetables fewer than three times daily.
这些危险行为是:吸烟;男人每天饮酒超过3 杯,女人每日饮酒超过2 杯;每周运动时间少于2 个小时;每天食用水果和蔬菜少于3 次。
These habits combined substantially increased the risk of death and made people who engaged in them seem 12 years older than people in the healthiest group.
这些坏习惯加起来大大增加了人们的死亡几率,使那些拥有这些坏习惯的人看起来比那些最健康的人要老12 岁。
The healthiest group included never-smokers and those who had quit; teetotalers, women who had fewer than two drinks daily and men who had fewer than three; those who got at least two hours of physical activity weekly; and those who ate fruits and vegetables at least three times daily.
最健康的人包括:从不抽烟或已经戒烟的人;滴酒不沾者;女人每天饮酒少于2 杯,男人每天饮酒少于3 杯;每周至少运动2 个小时的人;每天至少食用3 次水果和蔬菜的人。
“You don’t need to be extreme to be in the healthy category, ” said lead researcher Elisabeth Kvaavik of the University of Oslo. “These behaviors add up, so together it’s quite good. It should be possible for most people to manage to do it.”
For example, one carrot, one apple and a glass of orange juice would suffice for the fruit and vegetable cutoffs in the study, Kvaavik said, noting that the amounts are pretty modest and less strict than many guidelines.
Study participants were 4,886 British adults aged 18 and older, or 44 years old on average. They were randomly selected from participants in a separate nationwide British health survey. Study subjects were asked about various lifestyle habits only once, a potential limitation, but Kvaavik said those habits tend to be fairly stable in adulthood.
参与这项研究的4886 名英国成年人的年龄都在18 岁及18 岁以上,平均年龄为44 岁。他们是从英国一项独立的全国健康调查参与者中随机抽选的。这些被调查者只被问过一次他们的各种生活习惯,虽然可能有局限性,但科瓦维克说成人的生活习惯往往很稳定。
Death certificates were checked for the next 20 years. The most common causes of death included heart disease and cancer, both related to unhealthy lifestyles.
在接下来的20 年中,研究者们检查死亡记录发现,心脏病和癌症等最常见的死亡原因都和不健康的生活方式有关。 |