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Viva la Vida -- Coldplay

本帖最后由 Rachel0818 于 2013-5-10 10:09 编辑

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After surfacing in 2000 with the breakthrough single "Yellow," Coldplay quickly became one of the biggest bands of the new millennium, honing a mix of introspective Brit-pop and anthemic rock that landed the British quartet a near-permanent residence on record charts world-wide. The group's emergence was perfectly timed; Radiohead had just released the overly cerebral Kid A, while Oasis had ditched two founding members and embraced psychedelic experimentation on Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. U.K. audiences were hungry for a fresh-faced rock band with big aspirations and an even bigger sound, and Coldplay were more than happy to take the reigns. Parachutes went multi-platinum in several countries and earned the band their first Grammy, but Coldplay continued to grow into the 2000s, topping their debut album's success with higher record sales and an increased public profile.


主唱Chris Martin在乐队中司职原声吉他,钢琴和键盘,他出生在多文市,他从15岁开始玩吉他,至今参加过三只乐队The Rockin' Honkies, The Red Rooster Boogie Band 和 Pectoralz,他最喜欢的乐队/歌手是Sparklehorse, The Flaming Lips, Tom Waits, Bob Dylan, Neil Young,现在在学校主修远古历史。如果问他为什么作起音乐,他肯定会坚决地告诉你,“摇滚就是我想要得一切东西,但是它他XX的根本和那些被吹嘘的一塌糊涂的花花绿绿的药丸,那跟摇滚没他XX的一点关系,也没必要把自己搞的神神叨叨,更没必要关心别人怎么看你,酷不酷和我的音乐没关系,摇滚乐的意义在于告诉你如何寻找最终的快乐。至于我们就喜欢一起四处闲逛和作音乐,我们不管别人怎么说,我们感到愉快而心安理得。有时候,我们看起来有些过于坦率,而且不关心我们到底该怎么做,但是,我确认我们热爱生活而且异常勤奋,我们只是不希望把时间浪费在那些陈词滥调的规矩上,我们不想为陈腐的人活着。
贝斯手GUY出生在苏格兰的费弗,但12岁的时候搬到了肯特市,13岁他开始弹BASS,以前只参加过一只乐队TIME OUT,他喜欢James Brown, Kool & The Gang, funk and soul。开始再学校主修工程学,但在去年辍学。GUY性格很倔强。
吉他手JON他出生在威尔士北部的摩德,当问及他的家乡他说,“那儿和音乐似乎没什么关联,但是Rhys Ifans 是在哪儿成长起来的。”JON11岁就开始玩吉他,COLDPLAY是他参加的第一只乐队,能得到他推崇的乐队只有The Stone Roses和Ride。他是个让人吃惊的家伙,除了作音乐,他还获得了数学和天文学的双学位。


Coldplay ( 1996 - )
Britpop/Alternative Rock
主 唱:Chris Martin
吉他手:Jon Buckland
贝司手:Guy Berryman
鼓 手:Will Champion


本帖最后由 Rachel0818 于 2013-5-10 10:09 编辑 I used to rule the world 我曾经主宰世界 Seas would rise when I gave the word 当我一声令下,海洋应声而起 Now in the morning I sleep alone 现在清晨我独自醒来 Sweep the streets I used to own 清扫我曾经拥有的街道 I used to roll the dice 我经历过孤注一掷 Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes 感觉到敌人眼底的恐惧 Listen as the crowd would sing: 也曾听到谣言中传唱: "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!" "先王已死,吾王万岁!" One minute I held the key 片刻之后我便霸权在手 Next the walls were closed on me 再一分钟城墙就在我面前紧闭 And I discovered that my castles stand 我发现我那耸立的城堡 Upon pillars of salt, pillars of sand 如盐沙砌成,摇摇欲倾 I hear Jerusalem's bells are ringing 我听见耶路撒冷传来的钟声 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马的骑兵军歌嘹亮 Be my mirror my sword and shield 利剑和盾牌映出我的宿命 My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士们在异国的沙场征战 For some reason I can not explain 出于某种原因我无法说明 Once you go there was never, never an honest word 若你离去,这里再不会有,诚实的话语 That was when I ruled the world 那就是我主宰这世界的时刻 It was the wicked and wild wind 邪恶的狂风卷起 Blew down the doors to let me in. 冲破重重铁门,助我前行 Shattered windows and the sound of drums 战鼓声声中窗棂摧裂 People could not believe what I'd become 人们不敢相信我变成如此模样 Revolutionaries Wait 造反者们期望着 For my head on a silver plate 我的头颅被摆上银盘 Just a puppet on a lonely string 而我只是寂寞之线操控着的玩偶 Oh who would ever want to be king? 哦,又有谁真的愿意为王? I hear Jerusalem's bell's ringing 我听见耶路撒冷传来的钟声 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马的骑兵军歌嘹亮 Be my mirror my sword and shield 利剑和盾牌映出我的宿命 My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士们在异国的沙场征战 For some reason I can not explain 出于某种原因我无法说明 I know Saint Peter won't call my name 我知道圣彼德仍不会呼唤我的名字 Never an honest word 再没有诚实的话语呵 But that was when I ruled the world 但那就是我主宰这世界的时刻 (Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh) 哦 Hear Jerusalem's bell's ringing 我听见耶路撒冷传来的钟声 Roman Cavalry choirs are singing 罗马的骑兵军歌嘹亮 Be my mirror my sword and shield 利剑和盾牌映出我的宿命 My missionaries in a foreign field 我的传教士们在异国的沙场征战 For some reason I can not explain 出于某种原因我无法说明 I know Saint Peter won't call my name 我知道圣彼德仍不会呼唤我的名字 Never an honest word 再没有诚实的话语呵 But that was when I ruled the world 但那就是我主宰这世界的时刻

