iQuit, says Jobs, leaving Apple in the hands of a disciple. After this, lots of comments comes, they worry about Apple's future, and people pay even bigger attention to Jobs's whole life carreer in Apple to give their special memory for him. Therefore leadership in a company is quite important, it represents the management style or culture of a company, so what do you think of this?
乔布斯宣布辞职后,引来了很多评论。很多人担心苹果的前途,也有很多人回顾了乔布斯在苹果的事业历程,用自己的方式来记住这个苹果创始人。我们可以看到,领导的力量在团队中是至关重要的,他不仅代表着管理方式,甚至代表着企业文化,请问你们有什么感想呢? |