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当前位置: 英语听力论坛 » 休闲乐园 »  你被“逼婚”了吗
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  不管是被情人逼婚还是被家长逼婚,总是有点不大情愿,需要武力来迫使某人就范,这样的婚姻就是 forced marriage,也就是被逼成婚啦。那要表示“强迫某人和谁结婚”怎么说呢?可以用force someone to marry someone,例如:
  My cousin was forced to marry a girl he doesn't love.

  My girlfriend force me to marry her within one month.

  曾经看过一条消息,说一个阿拉伯人被父母逼着结了四次婚,原文是这样写的:A Saudi man is in hospital after his divorced parents forced him to marry four times within six months. (就算可怜天下父母心,这样做是不是也太过分了?)这里的marry 是用做不及物动词,表示“结婚”,比如 They married in their twenties.
  如果不出现结婚对象,只是表示“被逼结婚”的话,还可以说 force into a marriage,在英国 Citizens Advice Bureau 的网站上关于 forced marriage 有这样的陈述:It is a criminal offence to force a person to marry under duress. If you are afraid that you may be forced into a marriage in this country, the police should be contacted. This is also the case where there is concern that another person may be forced into a marriage. If you are afraid that you may be forced into marriage overseas, you should, before travelling, contact the address below for advice.
  “逼婚”除了用force 表示“强迫”外,还可以用make.如果你说“make”一个人做什么事情,就有“迫使”人家的意思,例如:Why People want to make you marry?
  那如果是因为怀孕了而被迫结婚要怎么说呢?就是 shotgun marriage,也叫做 shotgun wedding.Shotgun 的意思是霰弹枪,shotgun wedding 原指女方拿枪逼男方结婚,如今则指因为怀孕而被迫结婚的婚礼,也叫 military wedding.


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