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The District Attorney stared at the jury, unable to believe its verdict.
Bitterly he asked, "What possible excuse could you have for acquitting this man?"
The foreman answered, "Insanity."
The D.A. said, "All twelve of you???"

District Attorney: 公诉人,检查官 缩写 D.A.,DA,Dist. Atty.
jury: [律] 陪审团
verdict: [律](陪审团的)裁决, 判决
acquit: [律] 宣告无罪,无罪释放
foreman: 首席陪审员:陪审团主席和发言人
insanity: 精神失常(在大部分刑事审判中,可以解除被告所犯罪行的法律责任)

Do you remember there was a war criminal of Nanking Massacre escaping from the death warrant by pretending insanity?


very good !



While waiting for my first appointment in the reception room of a new dentist, I noticed his certificate, which bore his full name.
Suddenly, I remembered that a tall, handsome boy with the same name had been in my high school class almost 50 years ago.
Upon seeing him, however, I quickly discarded any such thought. This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was too old to have been my classmate. After he had examined my teeth, I asked him if he had attended the local high school.
"Yes," he replied.
"When did you graduate?" I asked.
He answered, "In 1953."
"Why, you were in my class!" I exclaimed.
He looked at me closely and then asked, "What did you teach?"

discard: 放弃, 丢弃, 抛弃
discard one's wife 遗弃妻子
discard old beliefs 抛弃旧信念
discard prejudices 放弃偏见
discard the dross and select the essential 去粗取精

attend school: 上学

Who do you think was aging more rapidly?


  • DZ



After a recent move, I made up a list of companies, agencies, and services that needed to know my new address and phoned each one to ask for the change to be made.
  Everything went smoothly until I called one of my frequent flyer accounts. After I explained to the representative what I wanted to do, the woman told me, "I'm sorry; we can't do that over the phone. You will have to fill out our change-of-address form."
  "How do I get one of those?" I asked.
  "We'd be happy to provide you with one," she said pleasantly. "May I have your new address so that I can mail it to you?"

frequent flyer account: 飞行常客的帐户,可以累积飞行里程折换免费机票和礼物。

I think it will be more convenient for the narrator to change his/her frequent flyer account.


  • DZ




wow,scj 下定决心要拿很多个"持之以恒奖"喽

