Mary and Chris went around a rocky ledge and found themselves face to face with a big mother bear with her two cubs. The bear growled and they made tracks and didn't stop running till they got back to their car, jumped in and locked the doors.
第二个习惯用语是: hit the road。 Hit the road 可以用来指踏上旅途,也可以表示回家的意思。例如在下面的例子里,那位先生和他太太正在朋友家参加聚会。他们觉得时间已经不早,该回家休息了,于是这位先生就去跟女主人Lois道别。这时候,他就用hit the road来表示回家。
Lois, it's getting late. It's been a great party, but it's time for us to hit the road and get home to bed. Tomorrow's a work day and we all have to get up early.
当然hit the road时常也可以指踏上旅程,例如在这句话里:
He's always on a business trip: he often gets home the night before he hits the road again next morning.
Hit the road这个习惯用语沿用至今已至少两百来年了。有的时候,也可用它来命令某人出去,或离去,例如: Hit the road, Jack! 这句话的意思是: Jack,你走吧。
有时我们用hit the trail来代替hit the road。 Hit the trail意思也是出发。例如在这句话里:They hit the campaign trail in early spring. 这句话的意思是:他们从早春起就开始竞选活动了。
表示'尽快离开'的习惯用语还有不少,例如cut and run。 Cut and run这个习惯用语沿用至今至少有三百来年了。它可能出自英国皇家海军。船上的水手在紧急情况下为了尽快脱险会用斧子砍断下锚的绳索,扯起风帆,全速开航。这是cut and run这个习惯用语的出典。如今cut and run已经被转用到日常生活的各方面了。
例如:After breaking the window, the children cut and run. 这句话是说: 孩子们打破了窗户后拔腿就溜跑了。
还有 bug out。 Bug可以指任何一种虫子,但是在bug out这个习惯用语里,bug当动词了,bug out起先是指匆忙逃窜。 Bug out 这个习惯用语出自五十多年前的韩战期间。当时,十多个国家组成的盟军遭到敌方的突然袭击而溃不成军,几乎溃退到了半岛的最南端。可是,后来盟军又重振旗鼓,打回到原来的边界。当时人们用bug out 来指那种不光彩的溃逃,如果说军人bug out,那就有当逃兵或者懦夫的含义。
如今bug out 逐渐被广泛应用,可以用来表达“尽快摆脱任何令人不满的状况”。例如一个向往纽约大都市生活的乡下小伙子会这样说:
“I'll bug out from this place and get to New York city as soon as possible. ”他的意思是:我一有机会就要尽快脱离这个地方,然后去纽约。