_______________________"Anniversaries are meant to be celebratory occasions when you come out with what we may want to call your brag sheet, your score card, and you don't just talk about it -- you also mark it a bit of 'oomph' and'razzmatazz,' which unfortunately they can't do because of this season of mourning. And it's a season of mourning which also exposes their soft underbelly with regard to insecurity."___________________________"周年庆本该是一个欢庆的场合,在这一天他们发表所谓的"吹牛报表"和"成绩卡",而不仅仅是平铺直叙,而是精彩激昂,但是遗憾的是因为正值哀悼期间,他们无法这样做.此外这次事件也暴露了他们的安全软肋."