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Gifted Children: Embarrassed of smart kids?

Q: Why is it that parents are always so proud of their child's accomplishments in sports and will push them to, or even past, their limits, but so many parents are embarrassed about having kids who are smart? --Wendy Rakus

A: Ah Wendy, you sure picked up on a sad cultural trend. Some gifted kids have received a bad rapn.[]斥责,批评). "They're all nerdsn. 书呆子) or geeksn.怪诞可笑的人)or Ugly Betty-types." But that stereo-type doesn't fit the reality. Yes, there are kids who are profoundly gifted (think Einstein and Mozart) but they are rare. Most gifted kids aren't the geek type at all, but fun, curious, great kids who do get along and fit in as long as their parents have put all the emphasis on intellect and remembered to save time for fun and the social scene so they can learn friendship making skills.

The sad thing is these days kids don't want to be seen as smart or gifted. They would much rather have that "jock"n. []男子汉)label. By middle school and certainly high school many of these intelligent kids are deliberately(adv.故意地) hiding their talents so the other kids don't know they're smart. It's why many parents of profoundly gifted kids in particular go private schools (for all gifted) or home school.


问:家长们通常为孩子在运动方面的优异表现而感到自豪并且鼓励他们继续努力,甚至去挑战极限,而同时又有许多家长因为他们的孩子很聪明而感到难为情,这是为什么呢?——Wendy Rakus

