Many children first learn the value of money by receiving an allowance. The purpose is to let children learn from experience at an age when financial mistakes are not very costly. The amount of money that parents give to their children to spend as they wish differs from family to family. 许多孩子通过得到零花钱开始懂得金钱的价值.目的是让孩子在犯财务错误代价还不是太高的年龄从零花钱的使用中学到经验.父母想给孩子自由支配的零花钱数额因家庭不同而有差异.
Timing is another consideration.Some children get a weekly allowance,others get a monthly allowance. In any case parents should make clear whatif anything is the child expected to pay for with the money.
timing is another consideration ,
some children get a weekly allowance others get monthly allowance,in any case ,
parents should clear what if anything the child expected to pay for with the money