The meals are hot, the fridge is always fulland the rent is free. So is it any surprise that more twenty- andthirtysomethings in Britainare living at home with their parents than at any time in the past 20 years?
The Office for National Statistics saysmany young adults in their mid-20s and early 30s, and especially men, areincreasingly postponing the transition to adulthood.
One in three "adult-kids" whohave not left the parental nest say they are still living at home because theycannot afford to get a toehold on the property ladder by buying or renting. Butothers, who have been dubbed kippers – kids in parents' pockets – are, say thedemographers, staying through choice.
在这些没有离开父母的“啃老族”中,有三分之一的人表示之所以这样做,是因为无力维持生计和支付房租,实乃无奈之举。不过按照统计学家的说法,另一些“啃老族”是自己心甘情愿选择黏在老妈的围裙旁。 |