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发表于 2009-7-16 16:46
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“Choose yet again."It was the fairy's voice.
"Two gifts remain.And do not despair .In the begining there was but one that was precious,and it is still here.
"Wealth-which is power!How blind i was!"said the man."Now,at last,life will be worth the living.I will spend.squander.These mockers and despisers will crawl in the dirt before me,and i will feed my hungry heart with their envy,I will have all luxuries,all joys,all enchant-times of the spirit I will buy,buy,buy!I have lost much time,and chosen badly heretofore,but let that pass;I was ignorant then,and could but take for best what seemed so."
Three short years went by,and a day came when the man sat shivering in a mean garret;and he was gaunt and wan and hollow-eyed,and clothed in rags;and he was gnawing a dry crust and mumbling:"Curse all the world's gifts for mockeries and gilded lies!And miscalled,every one,They are not gifts,but merely lendings.Pleasure.Love,Fame.Riches:they are but temporary disguises for lasting realities-Pain,Grief,Shame,Poverty.The fairy said true;in all her store there was but one gift which was precious,only one that was not valueless,How poor and cheap and mean i know those others now to be,Bring it!I am weary.I would rest."
短短的三年又过去了.到了这么一天,这个人蜷缩在一个简陋的小阁楼里,古瘦如柴,苍白无力,双眼深陷,身上裹着碎布衣衫,浑身颤抖不停.他一边啃着一块干面包皮,一边咕哝着:"该死的礼物,都是为了让我受人嘲笑和欺诈!每一样都叫错了!它们都不是礼物,根本只是租借品!快乐,爱情,名声还有财富-都只不过是长久现实的暂时伪装-它们其实是永远的痛苦,悲哀,耻辱和贫穷!那个仙女说的没错啊,她所有的东西里只有一样是珍贵的,只有那么一样不是毫无价值的.我现在才明白,其它礼物是多么低贱与卑劣!把它带来吧-那真正宝贵的礼物!我累了,我想休息了. |