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英语口语表达:Bring home the bacon 养家糊口

十几年辛苦求学,孜孜不倦,为的就是有朝一日可以自食其力,养家糊口。今天,我们就来看看“养家糊口”在英语口语中常用的表达法。Bacon,咸肉,熏肉。能把bacon买回家,一家人也就不用饿肚子了。所以,bring home the bacon就成了“负担家用;养家糊口”的代名词之一。

Someone has to bring home the bacon in the family. 一个家里总得有个养家糊口的人。
When we grow up, we should bring home the bacon, this is our duty. 长大了,我们都要养家糊口的,这是我们的责任所在。

A: Is your household one where mom stays at home and dad goes out bring home the bacon, or are you a part of an increasing number of non-traditional families, where the roles have been reversed? 你的家庭是属于母亲留在家中操持家务、父亲出外赚钱养家的呢,还是那种势头渐增的非传统家庭?在这样的家庭里父母的角色转换了。
B: My dad is in poor health. So my mum has to work for the family. 我爸爸身体很不好。所以妈妈不得不出去工作养家。

I wish I could go to college full-time, but I have to work bring home the bacon. 如果我能把时间都拿来念大学就好了,不过我必须工作以维持家里生计。
Pekins was the main breadwinner at a time when few women worked. Pekins在还有极少女性工作的那个时候已经是家里主要的经济支柱了。
We had to work hard to get an order out the Americans but finally we were able bring home the bacon. 为了得到美国人的定货单,我们不得不拼命工作,不过最后我们还是成功了。




视频: 李连杰CNN访谈

i have to bring home the bacon when i married

