Parliament in Rwanda has voted in favour of banning the BBC in the country following a television documentary about the genocide of 1994. _________________________________. 卢旺达议会投票赞成禁止BBC在卢旺达国内进行关于1994年种族灭绝大屠杀电视纪录片的跟踪拍摄._____________________________. A US Federal jury has found four formal security guards from the company Blackwater guilty of shooting dead 14 unarmed Iraqis and wounding more than a dozen others in Baghdad in 2007. One formal guard was found guilty of first degree murder and three others of voluntary manslaughter as Juana Jolly reports from Washington. 一个美国联邦陪审团发现4个来自于黑水公司的正式警卫对在2007年巴格达射杀14名手无寸铁的伊拉克平民并造成至少十几人平民受伤事件负有责任.一个正式警卫被认定犯为一级谋杀罪,另外三名犯有故意杀人罪.Juana Jolly在华盛顿为您报导.