Don't you think wishing the provide the ship?
I mean i'm thinking of having a drink with you one of these days.
Good idea,when?
How about sometime next week?so,next tudesday.
That's all right with me,well.
Aon't you think we should improve our relationship ,
I mean, I'm think if i can drink with you one of these days.
B:Good idea. Hom(Name)
A: How about sometime next week, see.. next Tuesday?
B:That's all right with me. Hom.
Don't you think we should prove our relationship?
I mean I'm think of having a drink with you on these days.
Good idea^
How about some time next week,say,next tuesday
That's all right with me,where?
Don't U think we should improve our relationship.I mean I think U have drink with U one day.
Good idear.Welen.
How about some time next week? So next Tuesday.
That's all right with me.Well.