自从有了微博,身边的很多事情都开始微博化了。热爱织围脖的同志们时不时还搞“微小说”创作比赛,看谁的小说写得又短又有深度。在网上转了一圈才发现,原来这并不是国内围脖爱好者独创的,国外的文学爱好者们也爱写“微小说”哦。 Hint fiction is an extremely short literary work, typically no more than twenty-five words, that hints at a longer, more complex story. Hint fiction(即中文的“微小说”)指极其简短的文学作品,基本不超过25个字,但却隐含着一个更长更复杂的故事情节。 Those very, very, very, VERY short stories are all the reader is ever given. Just a hint. Not a scene, or a setting, or even a character sketch. They are given a hint, nothing more, and are asked — nay, forced — to fill in the blanks. 读者看到的只是一个特别特别短的故事。这只是一个提示。不是场景,不是故事背景,也不是人物描写。读者读到提示,然后需要自己去填充缺失的故事情节。 A hint fiction titled Progress: After seventeen days she finally broke down and called him "Daddy." 以下为一篇名为《进展》的“微小说”: 17天以后,她终于招架不住,叫了他一声“爸爸”。 |