如何表现的懂礼貌是项学问,因为文化差异,有些在一个国家被认为是礼貌的举动到了另一个国家可能截然相反,反之亦然…… 日本这个国家吧,就有些“与众不同”了——这里有5条在日本最奇葩却被认为是有礼貌的行为。有些真的让老外hin费解而且很长时间都无法习惯……不过到底哪些礼仪被评为日本奇葩礼仪TOP5呢?一起来打开新世界吧!
#5. Making no sounds 制造噪音 I don’t know about you, but ever since I was a kid I was told that making sounds while eating was basically the worst thing you could do while having a meal with others, short of hurling bowls and silverware at your host.
And yet in Japan, when you go to a ramen restaurant, what sound fills the air? Slurping. Making saliva-saturated sucking sounds is perfectly a-okay in Japan, in fact it’s a sign that you’re enjoying the dish. For some it can be sickening, while for others it can be the sound of freedom ringing in their ears, a sign that they can finally enjoy their noodles the way they always wanted to, but were too afraid to try.
#4. Elevator etiquette 第四名:电梯礼仪 In Japan, using the elevator politely is as much a part of Japanese common sense as bowing and slurping.
The biggest difference is the usage of buttons. If you’re with a group of coworkers or guests, it’s considered polite to press and hold the “door open” button until everyone else is inside/outside the elevator, then let yourself in/out last. Even if you’re not with guests, if you’re next to the buttons it’s usually polite to hold the “door open” button until everyone is inside, then press the “door close” afterward to make the whole process as speedy as possible.
#3. Not pouring your own drink 第三名:不要给自己倒饮料 Unless you want to be thought of as a rude barbarian, then be careful not to pour your own drinks when you’re out eating with friends and coworkers. In Japan, pouring your own drink is basically the selfish equivalent of eating off other people’s plates.
“But wait,” you might say, “what do I do if I want a drink and my glass is empty? Just die of thirst?”
No need to shrivel up, friend! Just grab the water/soda/alcohol container and fill up some other people’s glasses that are getting a little low. Chances are they’ll reciprocate and fill yours up right away.