A Guatemalan court has found former dictator Efrain Rios Montt guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity. A judge in Guatemala City sentenced the 86-year-old to 8 years in prison, 50 years for genocide and another 30 years for crimes against humanity. Rios Montt was convicted of ordering the deaths of 1771 people of an ethnic group during his time in office from 1982 and 1983. __________________危地马拉一所法院近日裁定,该国的前任独裁者里奥斯` 蒙特犯有"种族灭绝"以及"违反人道罪".一名危地马拉市的法官宣判,依"种族灭绝罪"判处蒙特50年有期徒刑,依"反人类罪"判处30年有期徒刑,因此,刑期将累计为80年.在里奥斯` 蒙特掌权的1982年到1983年间,其被控下令军队执行屠杀,造成种族集团1771人丧生.______________________