Dozens of homes and businesses in the Australian settlement of Yarloop have been destroyed by a massive bush fire. Firefighters are working to contain the blaze which is threatening other towns south of the state capital Perth. John Donnison reports. "This is one of the worst bush fires of the Australian summer so far. Already it's burnt through around 50,000hectares fueled by strong gusty winds. The fire raped directly through the town of Yarloop with population of around 500 people. ________________." 澳大利亚亚鲁普发生大规模森林火灾,几十户家庭和店铺被毁.为避免大火蔓延至首府佩斯南部其他城镇,消防人员仍在努力灭火.乔恩?唐尼森报道. 这是目前为止澳大利亚夏季发生的最严重森林火灾,在强风的助燃下已经烧掉了大约5万公顷土地.大火一直蔓延到有大约500人的亚鲁普镇, _________________.