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标题: 2004年考研英语词汇复习测试题(三) [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-5-11 17:33     标题: 2004年考研英语词汇复习测试题(三)

 1. When workers are organized in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them .   (A)off   (B) aside   (C) Out   (D) down
  2. The wealth of a country should be measuredthe health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce.
  (A) in line with  (B) in terms of  (C)in regard with  (D) by means of
  3. He has failed me so many times that I no longer place anyon what he promises.
  (A) faith  (B) belief  (C) credit  (D) reliance
  4. My students found the bookit provided them with an abundance of information on the subject.
  (A) enlightening  (B) confusing  (C)distracting  (D) amusing
  5. Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will down the economy.
  (A) put  (B) settle  (C) drag  (D) knock
  6. In this factory the machines are not regulated but are jointly controlled by a central computer system.
  (A)independently  (B)individually  (C)irrespectively  (D) irregularly
  7. Every chemical change either results from energy being used to produce the change, or causes energy to be in some form.
  (A) given off  (B)put out  (C)set off  (D)used up
  8. If businessmen are taxed too much, they will no longer be motivated to work hard, with the result that incomes from taxation might actually.
  (A) shrink  (B)delay  (C)disperse  (D) sink
  9. American companies are evolving from mass-production manufacturing toenterprises.
  (A) moveable  (B) changing  (C) flexible  (D) varying
  10. If you know what the trouble is, why don't you help them tothe situation?
  (A) simplify  (B) modify  (C) verify  (D) rectify
  11. I can not what has happened to the vegetables, for they were freshly picked this morning.
  (A) figure out  (B) draw out  (C) look out  (D) work out
  12. I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with flat .
  (A) disapproval  (B) rejection ( C) refusal  (D) decline
  13. From this material we canhundreds of what you may call direct products.
  (A) derive  (B) discern  (C) diminish  (D) displace
  14 .She had clearly no of doing any work, although she was very well paid.
  (A) tendency  (B) ambition  (C) intention  (D) willingness
  15. What seems confusing or fragmented at first might well become a third time.
  (A) clean and measurable  (B) notable and systematic
  (C) pure and wholesome  (D) clear and organic
  16. The public opinion was that the time was not for the election of such a radical candidate as Mr. Jones.
  (A) reasonable   (B) ripe   (C) ready   (D) practical
  17. Hudson said he could not kill a living thing except for theof hunger.
  (A) sensation   (B) cause   (C) purpose   (D) motive
  18. For the new country to survive, for its people to enjoy prosperity, new economic policies will be required.
  (A) to name a few   (B) let alone   (C) not to speak   (D) let's say
  19. Foreing disinvestment and the of South Africa from world capital markets after 1985 further weakened its economy.
  (A) displacement   (B) elimination   (C)exclusion   (D) exception
  20. When a number of peopletogether in a conversational knot, each individual expresses his position in the group by where he stands.
  (A) pad   (B) pack   (C) squeeze   (D) cluster
  (A) (lay) off:"解雇"。(B)(lay) aside:"把……放在一边,放弃;积蓄;留作别用"。(C)(lay)out:"摆开;陈列;安排,布置"。(D)(lay)down:"放下;放弃;铺设;主张"。从上下文看应选(A)。
  (A) in line with:"与……一致;按照"。(B)in terms of:"用……表示;就……来说;从……角度"。(C)in regard with无此搭配。[但有in(with) regard to"关于"的固定搭配。]故(C)应排除。(D)by means of:"凭借"。从上下文看,(A)和(D)也不合题意,均应排除。(B)符合题意,故应选(B)。
  place faith后接in,而不接on,故(A) faith应排除。place...belief也是后接in,不接on,故(B)belief也应排除。Place credit后接in,不接on,故(C)credit也应排。(D)(place)reliance(on):"相信",是固定搭配,。从上下文看, 故(D)为正确答案。
  请先看本题后半句的意思:"它为这门课提供丰富的信息",显然这是一本好书,故 (B)confusing"使人弄糊涂的"和(C)distracting"分散注意力的"应马上排除。现在再看(A)enlightening:"有启发作用的",这显然与上下文相吻合,故应选(A)。(D)amusing:"逗人笑的;引起乐趣的",作为一门课的主要书籍仅仅逗人笑或引起乐趣是远远不够的,故(D)应排除。
  (A) (put)down:"放下;镇压"。(B)(settle)dowm:"安居下来;使平静下来;专心致志于"。(C)(drag)down:"拖垮"。 (D) (knock) down:"击到,撞到"。从上下文看,显然(C)是正确答案。全句的意思是:谁也不知道财务制度的不稳定性将需要多长时间,会多严重地拖垮经济。
  (A) independently:"独立地"。(B)individually:"单独地"。(C)irrespectively:"不顾;不考虑"。(D)irregularly:"不规则地"。显然(B)与上下文相吻合,故应选(B)。
  (A) given off:"释放,放出"。(B)put out:"生产;摆出,熄灭"。(C)set off:"出发;动身;使爆炸;引起;分开"。(D)used up:"用光"。(A)与上下文意思相吻合,故应选(A)。
  (A) shrink:"下降:收缩;减少"。(B)delay:"延期;耽搁;误点"。(C)disperse:"使分散,解散;击溃"。(D)sink:" 沉;倒下;降低"。(A)shrink作"减少"解时,主要指"数量"或"价值"的减少。这符合题意,故(A)为正确答案。(B)、(C)离题意较远,故应立即排除。(D)sink作"减少"解时,主要指"价格"的下降,或指"程度"、"体积""强度"的"减弱"。这里指的是"所得税"的下降。故(D)不合适,应排除。
  (A)evolve"从……逐渐发展成;从……演变成……"。从本句意思上看,"美国的公司从大规模生产演变成……企业",这种企业显然不是 moveable(可移动)也不可能演变成changing(变化莫测的)企业,更不能演变成varying(多样化的)企业。跟mass- productio相对的只能是(C)flexible(可变通的;灵活的)企业,故应选(C)flexible。(A)、(B)和(D)与题意均有不程度偏颇,故均应排除。
  (A) simplify:"简化"。(B)modify:"修改;改动;修饰"。(C)verify:"证实;查证;核实";(D)rectify:"整顿;纠正;调整",(D)与上下文的意思吻合,故正确答案应为(D)。全句的意思是:如果你知道麻烦之所在,为什么不帮他们整顿一下局势?
  (A) figure out:"断定;领会到;算出"。(B)draw out:"拟订;引出;拉长"。(C)look out:"注意,留神;照料"。(D)work out:"拟订;草拟;作出"。从上下文看,(A)与题意相吻合,故(A)为正确答案。
  (A)disapproval:"不同意",通常与动词express连用,可指对某人固定的、没有什么道理的不喜欢,也可指对某一想法有充分理由的反对。(B)rejection:"断然拒绝",用来表示拒绝与某人或某事有任何的往来,强调否定或敌对的态度。通常与动词take连用。(C)refusal:"拒绝",含有明确的、果断的、否定的意思,强调对一个请示或要求持否定态度,比rejection的否定程度要轻一些。常与动词meet with, get, announce连用,前面可以用flat来修饰,显然这个词最接近本题原意,故(C)是正确答案。(D)decline:"婉言谢绝",常指对某人的邀请、建议很有礼貌地不接受。(A)、(B)和(D)与题意都很接近,但最合适的答案应是(C)refusal。
  (A) derive:"取得,得到",通常接from意为"来自……"与题意相符,故为正确答案。(B)discern:"看出,识别出"。(C)diminish:"减少"。(D)displace:"取代……职位;移置"。
  (A) clean and measurable:"干净而有分寸的"。(B)notable and systematic:"令人注目而又有系统性的"。(C)pure and wholesome:"纯净而又有利健康的"。(D)clear and organic:"清楚而又有机的",这正好与前面的confusing or fragmented"使人弄糊涂的或支离破碎的"相对应,故(D)为正确答案。这次前后两个词意思相互对应的考题是1980年恢复研究生考试以来,英语词汇部分第一次出现的一种新考法,值得考生注意。
  (A)reasonable:"有理由的,合理的"。(B)ripe:"成熟",这正好与前面的time(时机)形成搭配,故应选(B)。(C)ready:"准备就绪的",不与前面的time搭配。(D)practical:"实用的 ",也不与前面的time搭配。故(A)、(C)、(D)均应排除。
  (A)sensation:"感觉、知觉、轰动、轰动一时的事"。这个词主要与感觉如:听、看、触、尝、闻有关,本题中的hunger(饥饿)与上述感觉有所不同,故(A)应排除。(B)cause:"原因",主要指产生影响或结果的局势、重大事件。此处与题意有出入。故(B)也应排除。(C)purpose:"目的",指对计划中的事要下更大的决心时使用。例如:I have a purpose in writing you.(我写信给你有一个目的)。(D)motive:"动机",指一个人内在的冲动或推动力迫使他去做有明确目的的事,如爱、恨、报仇或雄心壮志等。这与题意相吻合,故应选(D)。
  (A) to name a few:"说出若干个(名字)",这与题意相距基远,故(A)应排除。(B)let alone:"更不用说;谈不上;不管",这与题意相吻合,故正确答案应为(B)。全句的意思:为了新的国家能生存下去--尚谈不上为了使这个国家的人民享有幸福的生活--新的经济政策还是需要的。(C)not to speak,通常后接"of"意为"没有什么可说的,没有什么值行一提的",此处无"of",故(C)应排除。(D)let's say:"让我们说",与上下文不搭配,故(D)也应排除。
  (A)displacement:"取代;转移;免职",与本题毫不相干,故(A) 应排除。(B)elimination:"消灭,消除,排除",主要指从内部排除不需要的或无关的废物、废料等。此处与题意有出入,故(B)也应排除。 (C)exclusion:"排除",指"不让进入"或"不考虑让……进入"某一组织,或指"把……关在门外",常后接from,这完全符合题意,故 (C)为正确答案。(D)exception:"除了",后不接"from",故(D)应排除。
  (A) pad:"使(软物)填满"。这与题意相距基远,故(A)应排除。(B)pack:"挤满;塞满,装满",通常后接with,不接together,故 (B)也应排除。(C)squeeze:"压榨,挤",通常指对某物进行"挤压",压出"水"或"汁",一般不用与人有关的场合,故(C)也应排除。 (D)cluster "群集(在一起)",通常指人或相同的物聚集在一起,这与题意正吻合,故(D)为正确答案。

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