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标题: 考研英语常用词组总结 [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-4-9 17:27     标题: 考研英语常用词组总结

01. account for  [1]说明(原因等);
  EG: His illness account for his absence from school.他因病未能去上学。
  That accounts for it.原来如此。
  [2](将保管的款项)记账;[3]对……负责( answer for )。
  02. add up to
  [1]合计,总计(amount to ,count up to );
  EG: These figures add up to 117.
  03. allow for
  [1]考虑到(take into consideration);
  EG: You should allow for his youth.你应当体谅他还年轻。
  04. arrive at
  **在表示到达的具体含义时,arrive at/in =get to =reach ;在表示达成等抽象含义时,只用arrive at或reach.。
  05. ask after探望,问候
  EG: She asked after your health.她问候你。
  06. ask for
  [1](向人)请求见面;[2]央求。EG: ask for help.
  07. avail (oneself) of利用(机会等)
  EG: You must avail yourself of every opportunity to speak foreign languages.
  08. back up
  09. bear/keep in mind记住
  EG: We have no vacations now, but we‘ll certainly bear your application in mind.
  010. break away (from)脱离,逃跑
  EG: He considered breaking away from the clan.他考虑同那伙人分道扬镳。
  **break away (from) & get away from都是vi.
  前者—Escape with a sudden violent effort.
  后者—Escape from the scene of a crime or from being caught.
  011. break down损坏,分解,瓦解
  012. break in
  013. break into
  014. break off
  015. break out
  016. break through
  017. break up
  018. bring about带来,造成(=give rise to, lead to, result to )
  019. bring down
  EG: The wind brought down a number of trees.
  EG: Good Harvest will bring down the price.
  020. bring forth
  EG:Trees bring forth fruit.
  EG:bring forth a question.
  021. bring forward
  EG: Can you bring forward any proof of what you said ?
  022. bring out
  EG: This essay fully brings out his ability.这篇论文充分显示出他的才能。
  [2]公布,出版。bring out a new book[3]把某人(尤其指女孩)引进社交界;[4]发挥(才能等)。
  023. bring to
  EG: A glass of water brought him to.
  024. bring up教育,培养,使成长
  025. bring/put…into practice实施,实行
  026. build up
  027. burn out
  028. burn up
  EG: He burned up all the books after the failure in the entrance examination.
  029. call for
  EG: The job calls for patience.
  EG: I‘ll call for you at your house.我将到你家去找你。
  030. call forth
  EG: The proposals called forth a good deal of hostile criticism.这些建议引起许多敌意的批评。
  call forth all one‘s energies全力以赴
  031. call off取消,放弃(cancel)
  EG: He phoned me and called the appointment off.
  032. call on/upon
  [1]拜访(某人);[2]要求做…(to do);
  call on him for a speech = call on him to make a speech
  033. call up
  [1]召集,动员;应征入伍;[2]使人想起call up scenes of childhood ring up;[3]打电话=ring up;[4]起床。
  034. can‘t /couldn’t help禁不住,不得不
  I can‘t help laughing (+动名词) / but
  laugh (but+动词原形)
  035. care for
  EG: Do you care for cheese?你喜欢奶酪吗?
  036. carry off
  EG: Tom carried off all the school prizes.
  037. carry on
  EG: The baker has carried on business here for years.面包师傅在此地经营了许多年。
  038. carry out贯彻,执行,实现
  carry out one‘s promise实现承诺
  carry out experiments做实验
  039. carry /bring into effect实行,实现
  040. cast /shade / throw light on/upon对…加以说明,澄清
  041. catch fire =take fire开始燃烧
  042. catch on [1]理解,明白;
  EG: I catch on to the job gradually.渐渐地我明白这工作怎么做了。
  043. catch one‘s breath吓一跳,屏息
  044. catch one‘s eye引人注目
  045. catch sight of看到
  046. catch up with
  EG: Work hard and you will catch up with your class.
  047. check in办理登记手续
  EG: You must check in at the airport an hour before your plane leaves.
  048. check out
  [1]结帐后离去check out of a hotel[2](美)签发支票(银行存款);[3](登记)离去,离开。
  049. check up / (up) on调查,检查,核对
  050. cheer up
  EG: The news cheered up everyday.
  EG: He cheered up at the news.
  051. clear away扫除,收拾~ the dishes
  052. clear up
  [1]解释,澄清;(make clear / explicit弄清,澄清)
  to clear up the mystery/misunderstanding
  053. come off
  054. come on
  055. come out
  056. come round /around
  057. come through经历,脱险
  058. come to
  059. come to the point
  060. come true(梦等)实现,如愿以偿
  061. come up
  062. come up to达到,符合
  063. come up with提出,提供
  064. come /go into effect生效,实施
  065. come /go into force生效,实施
  066. come /go into operation开始生效,开始运转,开工
  067. compare…to…
  EG: He compares my book to his.
  He compares books to friends.
  068. count on依靠,指望,期待
  depend /reckon/rely on sth(依靠,指望)
  069. count up把…相加(=add up)
  070. cover up掩盖,掩饰
  EG: How can we cover up our mistakes?
  071. cross out注销
  cross out 2 words删去2个字
  072. cut across
  073. cut back
  074. cut down
  075. cut in
  076. cut out
  077. cut short突然停止
  EG: He cut short his tour abroad and retained to Paris.
  078. derive from渊源于,(从…)取得
  079. die down渐渐消失,平息
  080. die off相继死去
  081. die out灭绝,消失(out = completely)
  082. do away with废除,去掉
  083. do without没有…也行(= go without)
  084. do /try one‘s best尽力
  085. double up
  086. doze off打瞌睡
  087. draw in(火车、汽车)到站
  088. draw on [1]动用,利用;
  draw on one‘s imagination运用想象力
  089. draw up
  EG: The car drew up to me.
  090. dress up穿上盛装,打扮地漂漂亮亮
  EG: Helen has invited us to dinner but says we shouldn‘t bother to dress up.
  01. drop by /in顺便走访
  EG: Would you drop in on me /at my
  house this evening?
  092. drop off
  [1]减弱,减少;[2]打瞌睡;=doze off
  093. drop out
  094. dwell on /upon
  095. embark on /upon从事,着手,开始工作
  EG: China embarked on a massive programme of reform.中国开始实施大规模的改革计划。
  096. face up to大胆面向
  EG: He has never been able to face up to
  the realities.他从来都不能大胆面对现实。
  097. fail to未能
  098. fall back on转而依靠,求助于
  099. fall behind
  100. fall in love (with)相爱,爱上
  EG: I fell in love with her at first sight.我对她一见钟情。
  101. fall in with
  102. fall out
  103. fall through落空,失败
  104. feed in输入
  EG: You feed in coin here and the coffee comes out there.
  105. feel like (doing)欲,想要,[一般用于否定句或疑问句中]
  EG: I don‘t feel like eating now.
  106. fill in(英) /out(美)填充,填写
  107. find fault (with)埋怨,挑剔;吹毛求疵,批评
  108. find out
  find与find out
  (1)find是一种客观结果,find out实指主观有意识的动作;
  (2)look for寻找具体事物,find out(找出,查明)的通常是抽象的事因、复杂的真相等。
  109. flare up
  fire /flame /flare /blaze up皆为发火
  110. gain /have an advantage over胜过,优于
  111. get across使人了解,使人清楚
  EG: The idea got across to all.
  put across解释清楚
  112. get along /on with
  [1]进展(get on);
  EG: How is your work getting along?
  [2]过活,生活(get by);
  EG: How are you getting along?
  113. get round /around
  114. get around /round to找时间做,开始考虑
  115. get at
  EG: I can‘t get at the tool on the shelf.
  EG: What are you getting at ?你的意思是什么?
  116. get away
  EG: I‘m too busy to get away.
  [2]逃脱(break away强行逃脱)。
  EG: One of the mice got away.
  117. get better of胜过,占上风
  118. get by (get along)
  [1]通过,经过(get along);
  EG: The parade has got by.
  EG: She can‘t get by on such a small income.
  119. get down
  EG: He got down from his horse.
  [2]写下(write down, put down)。
  EG: Get what he says down in writing.
  120. get down to开始,着手(set about, take up)
  EG: Get down to work.
  121. get hold of
  122. get in
  [1]进入(join in);
  EG: They got in and drove off.他们一上车,车就开了。
  EG: The farmers are getting the crops in.
  EG: She talks so much that you can‘t get a word in.
  123. get into
  [1](口语)穿上(衣服鞋子等)=put on;[2]进入…,从事。
  124. get off
  EG: They got off the bus.
  EG: The thief got off lightly.这个贼被从轻发落。
  125. get out of
  [1]出自…(issue from);逃脱(escape from);[2]弃绝(癖好、习惯等);[3]避免(做)(doing);[4]自(某人处)取得(金钱、消息)。
  126. get over (recover)
  EG: The man returned to work after he got over his illness.
  EG: The committee will have to find means to get over the difficulty.
  EG: How shall we get over these problems?
  127. get rid of
  EG: These goods are difficult to get rid of.
  EG: He can‘t get rid of the cold.
  128. get the best of胜过(他人)
  129. get the better of打败,胜过
  EG: I‘ll get the better of him some day.
  130. get through
  EG: As soon as I get through my work, I will go and see you.
  EG: I could not get through to my son yesterday.
  [3]度过(时间);get through the winter[4]花光(金钱等);
  EG: He got through all his money.
  EG: It‘s difficulty to get through to him.要他理解是困难的。
  get through with完成
  get through to(电话)接通
  131. get together
  EG: When can we get together?
  EG: It‘ll take me a week to get together all the materials that I need for my talk.
  132. get up
  EG: I‘m not used to getting up early.
  [3]起立(stand up)。
  133. get /learn by heart记住,背诵
  EG: The girl learned the poem by heart.
  134. give away
  EG: He has given away all his money to the poor.
  EG: I promised never to give her secret away.
  135. give back送还,恢复(return)
  give it back to its owner.
  136. give in
  EG: He always gives in to his wife‘s demands and does whatever she tells him to do.
  [2]交上(turn in, hand in)
  EG: Given in your exercise books.
  137. give off释放,放出(emit, send off)
  EG: The flower gave off a sweet fragrance.这些花散发出甜美的香味。
  138. give oneself away泄露,露马脚
  EG: She tried to appear indifferent, but her eyes gave herself away.
  139. give oneself up自首,投降,投案
  EG: The murderer gave himself up (to the police)。凶手向警方自首了。
  140. give out分发,放出(hand out)
  EG: The teacher gave out the examination papers.
  141. give rise to引起,造成,发生
  EG: Such conduct might give rise to misunderstandings.这种做法很可能引起误会。
  142. give up放弃,停止
  143. give way断裂,倒塌
  EG: The bridge gave way under the weight of the lorry.卡车把这座桥压坏了。
  144. give way to
  145. go after追求
  146. go ahead开始,前进,领先
  EG: The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned.新桥的修建将按照计划进行。
  147. go along with
  148. go around /round足够分配
  EG: There aren‘t enough chairs to go round.
  149. go back on违背
  EG: He never goes back on his word.他从不食言。
  150. go by
  [1](人)经过;[2](时间)过去(pass);[3]依…行动(be guided by)。
  151. go down
  152. go for
  153. go in for从事,致力于;沉迷于,追求
  154. go into
  [1]进入…;[2]变成(某种状态);[3]从事(职业等)(enter);[4]讨论,调查(investigate);[5]参加(take part in)。
  155. go off
  156. go on
  157. go out
  158. go over
  [1]复习;[2]横过,越过;[3]查看细节(inspect details of);[4]倒向(别的党派等),改变信仰。
  159. go through
  160. go under
  161. go up
  162. go with伴随,与…协调
  163. go without没有…也行
  164. go wrong
  165. good for胜任,有效,适用
  EG: He is good for a job as a go-between.他适合于做媒。
  The ticket is good for two days .这张票两天之内有效。
  166. had better [加动原]最好还是,应该
  167. had /would rather…than宁愿…而不愿
  EG: I‘d rather go for a walk than watch TV tonight.
  168. hand down
  169. hand in交上,递交
  170. hand on把…传下去(指依次传递)
  171. hand out发给,分发,散发(反义-hand in)
  172. hand over交出,移交,让与(反义-take over接管,接替)
  173. hang about闲荡,徘徊,逗留
  174. hang back畏缩,踌躇,犹豫
  175. hang on
  176. hang on to紧握住,坚持下去
  177. hang up挂断(电话)(=ring off)
  178. happen to恰巧
  179. have (something ) to do with与…有关
  180. have back收回,要回
  181. have in mind记住,考虑到,想到
  182. have nothing to do with与…无关
  183. have on
  184. have to do with与…有关;交易
  185. head for朝…行进,使走向
  EG: We saw the car heading for us, so we stepped aside.我们看见那辆车朝我们开来,就让到一边。
  You are heading for serious trouble.这样下去你会遇到麻烦的。
  186. head on [作状语]迎头,迎面
  EG: The car hit the tree head on .汽车迎面撞到树上。
  187. help oneself(to)自取所需(食物等)
  188. hold back
  189. hold on继续握住不放
  190. hold on to紧紧抓住,坚持
  191. hold out
  192. hold up
  [1]举起,承载;uphold [2]阻止,使停止;[3]抢劫,拦截。holdup
  193. hunger after渴望
  EG: He hungers after knowledge.他渴求知识。
  194. hunger for渴望
  195. hurry up(使)赶快,匆匆完成
  EG: Hurry up with your letter so that you can send it off today.赶快把信写好,以便你今天发出去。
  Hurry her up! We are all waiting for her.催她快点,我们都在等她。
  They hurried up their meal in order to see the football match.他们匆匆吃完饭,以便去看球赛。
  196. improve on改进,使…更好,改善
  **improve in在…方面好转或改善
  197. keep an eye on
  198. keep back
  199. keep company with与…交往,与…结伴
  200. keep down
  201. keep from使…不(做);
  202. keep house管理家务,做家务
  203. keep in touch保持联系
  204. keep off不接近,避开
  205. keep on持续不断,保持
  206. keep one‘s head保持镇静
  207. keep one‘s word守信(反义-break one’s word)
  208. keep out of躲开,置身…之外
  209. keep to固守…,局限于…
  210. keep track of与…保持联系,跟上…的发展
  211. keep up
  212. keep up with向…看齐,跟上…
  213. keep /hold pace with跟上,与…同步
  EG: One should keep pace with the times.一个人应该跟上时代的步伐。
  214. knock down击倒,撞倒
  215. knock out击倒,击昏
  216. known as以…而闻名
  217. lay aside把…搁置一边,储蓄
  218. lay down
  219. lay off
  220. lay out
  221. lead the way带路,引路
  222. leave behind
  EG: Take care not to leave anything behind.当心不要落下东西。
  EG: He has left a good memory behind.他给人留下了美好的回忆。
  223. leave out遗漏,略去(omit)
  EG: I left out the important point .我遗漏了重要的一点。
  224. leave /let…alone让独自呆着,不打扰,不干预
  EG: Please leave me alone for a while.请让我一个人呆一会儿。
  225. lend itself to适宜于,对…有用a novel which lends itself well to dramatization for television适合于拍成电视剧的小说
  226. let alone
  EG: Let me alone.不要管我(让我安静一会儿)。
  EG: He won‘t even thank you ,let alone pay you.他连谢都不会谢你,别说让他付钱给你了。
  227. let down
  228. let go放开,松手
  EG: Let go your hold.请松手。
  229. let in让…进入,放…进来
  230. let loose放开,放松,释放
  EG: Has the dog been let loose or is it still tied up?狗已经放了,还是依然拴着?
  231. let off <让…离开>
  232. let out <让…离开>
  233. lie in存在于(后多跟抽象名词;exist in后多跟具体名词)
  EG: Happiness lies in contentment.知足常乐。
  234. line up排队,使排成一行
  EG: The children lined up on the ground according to height.孩子们按高矮在操场上排成一行。
  235. live on /by靠…生活,以…为食
  live on rice /welfare parents(某人或某物)
  live by begging(手段,方式)
  236. live through度过,经受过
  237. live up to做到…,不辜负(keep high standards)
  EG: His works lived up to his reputation.他的作品配得上其名声。
  238. look after
  239. look at
  240. look back
  EG: They looked back and saw their pursuers gaining upon them.他们回头一看,发现追赶他们的人越来越近了。
  EG: The past always seems better when you look back on it.每当回首过去时,往事似乎总是比较美好。
  241. look down upon /on看不起,轻视
  242. look for
  243. look forward to盼望,期待
  244. look in(vi.)顺便看望(= drop in)
  245. look into
  246. look on
  347. look out
  [1]注意,警惕,留神,提防(=watch out);[2]向外看。
  248. look over查看,调查,检查
  249. look through仔细查看,浏览,温习
  250. look up查阅,查询
  251. look up to尊敬,敬仰
  252. lose heart灰心
  253. lose one‘s head不知所措
  254. lose one‘s temper发脾气,发怒(反义-keep one’s temper)
  255. lose track失去联系
  **keep track通晓事态,注意动向
  256. make a face(或faces)做鬼脸
  257. make a fool of愚弄,欺骗
  258. make a fuss of娇养(某人);过分关怀(某人)
  EG: Don‘t make a fuss of children so much.别太娇惯你的孩子。
  **make a fuss about /over对…大惊小怪(=make much fuss about /over)
  make much fuss about a tiny thing小题大做
  259. make a /the difference有影响,很重要(反义-make no difference)
  260. make allowances for考虑(事情),宽容
  make allowance(s) for his youth念在他年轻(识浅)的份上
  261. make believe假装,冒充(pretend)
  make believe not to hear her假装没听到她说的话
  262. make for
  263. make friends交朋友
  264. make fun of =poke fun at嘲弄
  265. make one‘s way
  266. make out
  267. make progress进步,进展
  **be in progress在进行中,在进步中
  268. make sense讲得通,言之有理,有意义
  269. make sure of /that
  270. make the best of充分利用,妥善处理
  271. make the most of充分利用(make the best of表示将不利之物充分利用,make the most of只是表示作最大利用之意)
  272. make up
  EG: He was very good at making up convincing excuses.他非常善于捏造令人信服的借口。
  EG: It was time to start making up for the evening performance.该是为晚上演出化妆的时候了。
  EG: How long does it take you to
  make up blood you lose?需要多长时间才能补足你损失的血呢?
  EG: Whatever New England may lack in materials it makes up in bright ideas.新英格兰不管在物质方面如何缺乏,但在观念方面却很开朗。
  EG: I‘m sorry I’ve got to go away again. I promise I‘ll make it up next week.真抱歉,我又得走了。我保证下周补偿。
  273. make up for补偿,弥补
  EG: He made up for the loss.他赔偿了损失。
  Hard work can make up for a lack of intelligence.勤奋往往可以弥补智力的不足。
  274. make up one‘s mind下决心
  275. make use of利用
  276. make way开路,让路**make one‘s way前进,行进
  277. mark time原地踏步,停止不前,拖延时间
  278. mix up
  EG:Dinner will be ready as soon as I finish mixing up this salad dressing.
  The teacher always mixed me up with another student of the same name.老师总是把我和另一个与我同名的学生弄混。
  279. occur to被想到,被想起
  EG: It suddenly occurred to him that he hadn‘t locked the door.
  280. pass away去世,逝世(die的婉转语)
  EG: I‘m sorry to hear that your grandmother has passed away.
  281. pass off停止,中止[stop (doing sth);give up]
  EG: Has your toothache passed off yet?你牙痛好了吗?
  282. pass out失去知觉,昏倒(另:knock out击倒,击昏;类例lay out;反义come to苏醒,复原;bring to使苏醒,使复原)
  EG: I thought I was going to pass out.我想我要昏倒了。
  283. pay attention to注意,照顾,招待(?)
  EG: Pay courteous attentions to the guests.殷勤待客
  284. pay back
  EG: Will you lend me $10? I will pay you back next month.能借给我10美元吗?我下个月还你。
  EG: How can I pay you back for all your kindness?我该怎样报答你的好意呢?
  285. pay off
  EG: It took him six years to pay off the loan.
  [2]得到好结果,(使)有报偿,使…得益(be successful)。
  EG: We worked away for months in all weathers, and the hard work at last pay off very much.我们不论天气好坏,连续干了三个月,艰苦的劳动终于有了很好的结果。
  286. pay up全部付清
  EG: If you don‘t pay up, I’ll take legal action.如果你不还钱,我就要起诉。
  287. pick out
  288. pick up
  EG: People usually stop and pick up a fisherman.人们常让渔夫搭车。
  EG: I may pick up a couple of useful ideas for my book.我或许偶尔获得几个对我这本书有用的想法。
  EG: Did you pick up any Swedish?你学会了一点瑞典语吗?
  EG: The economy is picking up.经济在好转。
  EG: The car pulled slowly away, then gradually picked up speed until it was out of sight.轿车慢慢启动,然后逐渐加速,消失在视线之外。
  289. play a part (in)(在…中)起作用
  EG: She played a major part in the success of the scheme.她对该计划的成功起了重要作用。
  290. play with以…为消遣,玩弄
  291. point out指出
  292. prey on
  EG: prey on small game捕食小猎物
  Feelings of guilt preyed on his mind.内疚感折磨着他的心灵。
  293. pull down
  [1]拆毁,拉倒(同义—take down,tear
  EG: Plans have been put forward to pull down and rebuild the area.已提出计划,要把这个地区的房屋拆掉重建。
  EG: He pulled down his hat over his eyes so that nobody should recognize him.
  294. pull in(车)停下,进站,(船)到岸
  EG: I pulled in for gas.我进站停车加油。
  **pull in不及物;pull into及物,要有宾语。例:The train pulled into the station at 10:10.
  295. pull off脱(帽、衣等)(反义—pull on穿上)
  296. pull on(匆忙)穿戴(尤其指用力或匆忙穿上)
  297. pull out
  EG: He pulled out a gun from inside his jacket and pointed it at her.他从上衣里掏出枪来指着她。
  EG: He pulled out to overtake the lorry and narrowly missed a car coming the other way.他开着车想超过那辆卡车,险些与迎面而来的小轿车相撞。
  EG: We watched from the bridge as the train pulled out of the station.火车驶出站时,我们从大桥往外望去。
  298. pull up(使)停下
  EG: The car pulled up at the gate.汽车徐徐开到大门口停了下来。
  299. put across解释清楚,说明(同义词get across, put over, get through)
  EG: The teacher quickly put /got the meaning of the passage across to the students.
  300. put aside储存,保留(尤其用于金钱)
  EG: Your best plan is to put aside funds to cover these sudden calls for money.你的最佳计划是储存基金,以支付这些突然所需的款项。
  Ten percent of the income was put aside for expansion of production.
  **They have agreed to put aside their differences in the interests of wining the election.他们已同意为了赢得这次选举而把分歧搁在一边。
  301. put away
  EG: The correspondence was all put away in numbered files.信件都分别放在编了号的文件夹里。
  302. put down
  [1]放下(lay down, place down);
  EG: We put down our burdens and rested for some time.
  [3]镇压,平定(keep down, put down)。
  EG: They had to put down several other revolts before they gained complete control over the country.他们得把其他几个叛乱平息以后才能完全控制这个国家。
  303. put forward提出
  EG: What have you got to put forward to the committee?你有什么要向委员会提出的?
  304. put in(船)进港
  EG: We were refused permission to put in at Sydney.我们没有获准在悉尼进港。
  305. put in for申请(与apply for不同,指书面正式提出申请)
  EG: She thinks of putting in for position of manager.她想申请当经理。
  306. put in order使条理清楚,有秩序(?)
  307. put in to effect实行,实现
  308. put off推迟,延迟
  EG: The meeting has been put off still Friday.
  **put off+ doing sth
  309. put on
  310. put out
  EG: He put the fire out.他把火扑灭了。
  EG: They put out false figures to cover up the real situation.他们公布虚假的数字来掩盖实际情况。
  EG: Last year the factory put out over six million records.去年这个厂出了600多万唱片。
  311. put to use利用,使用
  EG: What a shame that no one has put that old deserted mansion to use.没有人利用那栋无人居住的古老大厦真可惜了。
  312. put up
  EG: We shall have to put up a fence.我们将不得不搭起栅栏。
  I should put your umbrella up.我应该撑开你的伞。
  EG: She put up a large sign outside her house.她在她房子外面贴了一块大招牌。
  EG: He put up as an independent candidate.他作为独立的候选人而获提名。
  EG: The government has promised that taxes will not be put up again this year.政府许诺今年税收不会再提高。
  EG: They put me up for the night.他们留我过夜。
  313. put up with容忍,忍受
  EG: I‘m prepared to put up with it for the time being.我准备暂时忍受一下。
  314. put /bring into operation使投入生产,使运转
  315. reckon on指望,依靠
  316. reckon with
  EG: The matter is easy to deal /cope /reckon with.这件事很容易处理。
  **cope with意为有效地或成功地对付或应付;而deal /reckon with只是采取行动去对付某人或某事,不考虑是否成功。deal with还表示论述、涉及的意义。reckon with还表示估计到,预料到的意义。
  317. refer to
  [1] refer…to引…去查阅,参考;[2] refer to…提到,涉及;把…提交;[3] refer to…参考,查询。
  318. refer to…as把…称为,把…当作
  EG: The American Indians referred to salt as magic white sand.美洲印第安人把盐称为魔力白沙。
  319. ring off挂断电话
  EG: I will have to ring off, I have a train to catch.我得挂电话了,我还要赶火车呢。
  320. rub out擦掉,拭去
  321. run down
  322. run for竞选
  **run for it(为躲避大雨或危险等)快跑,例:As soon as they heard the siren, they ran for it.他们一听到警报声就奔跑躲避。
  323. run into偶然遇见,撞上(同义—come up against, meet with )
  EG: In youth we run into difficulties, in old age difficulties run into us. (Josh Billings)年轻时,咱们自己闯进困境里头去,上了年纪之后,困境冲着咱们而来。(比林斯)
  EG: He ran into a bus at the zebra crossing.在人行横道线处,他与一辆公共汽车相撞。与上句类例crash into /bump into /drive into与…相撞:The car smashed into a wall.汽车撞在墙上。
  324. run off复印,打印
  EG: Could you run me off 5 copies of this article, please?
  325. run out of用完,用尽,耗尽
  EG: It looks as if oil will run out faster than coal.石油似乎要比煤炭耗尽得快。
  EG: We were rapidly running out of money.我们的钱很快就要花光了。
  **run out of尤指汽油、墨水等用完;run down尤指电池、电等用完;use up泛指用完。
  326. run over
  327. run short(of)短缺,不足
  328. scrape through擦过,勉强通过
  EG: He scraped through in the written papers, but she might make up his marks in the oral.虽然他勉强通过了笔试,但在口试中他或许能得高分。
  329. see off给…送行,送别
  EG: She saw him off at the station.
  330. see through
  EG: I see through your little game.我看穿了你的诡计。
  EG: I saw through the swindle, and refused to have any dealings with him.我识破了这一骗局,拒绝与他有任何来往。
  331. see to
  EG: Can you help me see to my car?你能帮我修一下车吗?
  I must see to getting the dinner ready.我必须把饭做好。
  332. send for
  333. send in递送,呈送,提交
  EG: If you want a visa, be sure to send in your application in good time.你要获得签证的话,一定要及时提交申请。
  334. serve as用作,作为
  EG: He serves as a clerk in a bank.
  The large box in his room can serve as a desk.
  335. serve somebody right给某人应得的待遇,活该
  336. set about开始,着手
  EG: We set about our task at once with great enthusiasm.我们立刻一极大的热情投入工作。
  As soon as she arrived home she set about tidying up the room.
  337. set aside
  EG: Each week she tried to set aside a few dollars.她每周都设法存下几元钱。
  How could you set aside all the objections and cling to your own course?你怎能不顾一切反对意见而一意孤行呢?
  The judge set aside the decision of the lower court.法官宣布下级法院的判决无效。
  338. set back推迟,延缓,阻碍
  EG: The accident has them back several weeks.那场事故已使他们耽搁了几周。
  The bad weather will set back our building plans.坏天气将影响我们的建房计划。
  339. set down写下,记下
  EG: They were asked to set down a summary of their views.我要求他们把自己的观点归纳出来。
  340. set fire to放火
  341. set forth阐明,陈述
  EG: The Prime Minister forth the aims of his government in a television broadcast.首相在一次电视讲话中阐明了政府的目标。
  342. set free解放,释放,给…自由
  343. set off
  EG: They set off for the North yesterday.
  EG: The question set off a lively discussion.
  That set all of them off laughing again.
  344. set out
  EG: We set out along the beach.我们沿着海滩开始旅行。
  EG: There were plenty of chairs set out for the guests.很多椅子被摆出来,供客人们坐。
  EG: The views set out above are based on investigations.上述观点是在调查的基础上得出的。
  The reasons for my decision are set out in my report.我在报告里阐述了我作出决定的理由。
  345. set out to打算,开始,着手(=set about doing)
  346. set up
  EG: His father intended to set him up as a doctor.他父亲打算让他成为一名医生。
  She left her parents‘home and set up on her own.她离开父母家开始自立。
  He made a trip to the South and considered setting up there.他去南方跑了一趟,打算在那里开业。
  347. settle down定居,过安定的生活
  348. show in领入
  349. show off炫耀,卖弄
  EG: Most small children like to show off in front of visitors.
  He is always picking up very heavy things just to show off his strength.
  350. show up
  351. shut out排除,不让…进来
  EG: This shut out any danger of fire.这排除了失火的危险。
  The late comers were shut out the stadium.迟到者都被关在体育场外面。
  352. sick of厌烦
  EG: She is sick of doing nothing.她因无所事事而厌烦。
  353. sit for(准备)参加(考试),应考
  EG: He sat for the entrance examinations.
  354. sit in(on)列席,旁听
  EG: I was allowed to sit in on the deliberations of the board.我被允许出席委员会的评议会议。
  355. sit up迟睡,熬夜
  356. speed up使加速(反义slow down;同义step up)
  357. stand by
  358. stand for代替,代表,意味着
  359. stand out突出,显眼
  EG: He stands out in the crowd, as he is 2 meters in height.他在人群中显得很突出,因为他身高2米。
  The two girls stood out from the whole class, and were always winning prizes for school work.这两个女孩子在班上表现得很出色,因成绩优异而频频获奖。
  360. stand up
  361. stand up for支持,维护,保卫
  EG: Don‘t be afraid to stand up for your rights.不要害怕维护你的权利。
  362. stand up to
  EG: He is too weak to stand up to her.他太软弱,不敢面对她。
  363. start from scratch从头做起,从零开始
  364. step in插入,介入
  EG: If the police had not stepped in when they did there would have been serious violence.当时警方迟一些干预就会发生严重的暴力事件了。
  365. step up加快,加速,增加
  EG: When John found himself going to be late, he stepped up his face.当约翰发现自己要迟到时,他就加快了步伐。
  EG: The factory has stepped up production.工厂提高了产量。
  366. stick out伸出,突出
  367. stick to坚持,忠于,信守(同义adhere to,keep to,cling to,hold to)
  EG: I will stick to my father whatever is said of him.
  368. sum up总结,概括
  369. summon up
  EG: You must summon up all your courage to meet the danger.你必须鼓足勇气于面对危险。
  EG: She tried to summon up the memory of the event.她试图唤起对那件事的回忆。
  370. take a chance冒险一试
  EG: Won‘t you take a chance on the prize? You may win it.你何不碰碰运气去争奖?你可能得奖。
  371. take advantage of利用
  372. take after与…相象
  EG: She takes after her mother in appearance.她的长相随她的母亲。
  **look like外表看起来像;
  take after相貌、性格方面随年长的亲属。
  373. take apart拆开,拆卸(机器)(?)
  374. take away消除,消耗
  EG: Please use this medicine to take away the pain.止痛请用这种药。
  375. take care当心,留神
  EG: Take care not to catch cold. = Take care (that) you don‘t catch cold.小心不要感冒着凉。
  376. take care of
  [1]照顾,照料;[2]承担,处理,负责(be responsiblefor)。
  377. take charge of负责,监督,管理
  378. take delight in以…为乐
  EG: Harry takes great delight in teasing his little sister.哈里很喜欢逗他的小妹妹玩。
  379. take down记下,写下(同义—get down, set down, put down, write down)
  EG: Your speech is so quick that I can‘t take down what you’ve said.
  380. take effect生效,奏效
  381. take in
  EG: The school will take in three hundred new students.
  EG: People never take in new facts very easily when they‘re unhappy.人们不高兴时,从来就不会非常容易地理解新事实。
  EG: The newspaper‘s reportage on everything good and nothing bad takes its readers in.这家报纸只报喜不报忧,使读者受骗。
  382. take off
  EG: He took off his hat and bowed politely as he passed.
  383. take on
  EG: Her face took on a haunted quality.
  EG: The word is taking on a new meaning.这个单词具有一种新的意义。
  EG: They no longer have to take on large numbers of temporary staff to do the checking.他们无须再雇佣大量的临时工做核对工作。
  EG: He was always ready to take on the hardest job.他总是乐于做最艰难的工作。
  384. take one‘s cue from学…的样,听…的劝告
  EG: Tom took his cue from his teacher‘s tone.汤姆学他老师说话的腔调。
  385. take one‘s time慢慢来,从容不迫
  EG: She is used to taking her time.她习惯于不慌不忙。
  **take time费时间,花功夫
  386. take over接管,接办
  387. take pains煞费苦心,尽力
  388. take part in参加,协助
  389. take place发生,举行
  390. take shape成形
  391. take the place of代替
  EG: Nothing could take the place of the family he has lost.他失去了家庭,这一损失是无法弥补的。
  392. take to喜欢,亲近形成…的习惯
  EG: I saw him yesterday for the first time and took to him at once.昨天我第一次见到他,并很快就喜欢上了他。
  He took to writing novels.他开始喜欢写小说。
  393. take turns轮流,交替
  394. take up
  EG: My assistant left to take up another post.我的助手离开了,去从事另一项工作。
  EG: She wished Jane would take up Tom‘s offer to decorate the house.她希望简接受汤姆的提议,去装修房子。
  EG: He hated to see her taking up this hard, uncompromising attitude.他不愿看见她采取这种强硬的、不妥协的态度。
  EG: I won‘t take up any more of your time.我不愿再占用你的时间。
  395. take…as把…作为
  EG: They take him as a lucky person.他们把他看作幸运者。
  ** take…as是作为…使用(或对待),
  I took him for my brother.我把他当成
  396. take…for把…认为是,把…看成为(参见395)
  397. take…for granted
  EG: He is so busy with his job that he takes his family for granted.他工作很忙,于是他便认为可以因此而不关心他的家人。
  398. take…into account考虑
  EG: I will take your suggestion into account.我将考虑你的建议。
  399. talk back回嘴,顶嘴
  400. talk into说服
  EG: She talked me into taking a week‘s holiday.她劝我去度一周假。
  **talk…out of说服…不…
  401. think better of改变主意,重新考虑
  402. think of
  EG: Just think of the cost!想一想那费用吧。
  EG: think of a word beginning with B.想到一个以B为首的字。
  EG: I am thinking of going to Dublin.我正计划去都柏林。
  403. think of…as把…看做是,以为…是
  EG: You mustn‘t think of me as being unhappy.你一定不要认为我不高兴。
  I have long thought of it as the most enchanting city in England.长期以来我一直认为这是英国最迷人的城市。
  404. think over仔细考虑
  405. touch on关系到,涉及(稍稍谈到)
  EG: Our conversation touched on many subjects.我们的谈话涉及到许多题目。
  406. touch up
  407. try on(动作)试穿
  408. try out试验
  409. tune in (to sth)收听,调谐
  410. turn down
  EG: That radio is pretty loud. Can you turn it down a little?收音机声音太大了,你能关小一点吗?
  EG: He proposed to her, but she turned him down.他向她求婚,她拒绝了他。
  411. turn in
  EG: The work you‘ve been turning in lately hasn’t been up to scratch.你近期交上的作品还没有修改呢。
  412. turn(…)into变成EG: The caterpillar turned into a butterfly.毛毛虫变成了蝴蝶。
  The magician turned the girl into a swan which surprised the audience.魔术师把这个女孩变成了天鹅,使观众们很惊讶。
  413. turn off
  EG: You don‘t even turn off, you just go straight ahead.你甚至不用拐弯,一直往前走就是了。
  414. turn on接通,打开
  415. turn out
  EG: The beggar turned out to be a thief.
  EG: The factory has turned out high-precision instruments.这家工厂生产出了高精密仪器。
  EG: He was turned out of his birth place.他被迫离开出生地。
  EG: Turn out /off the gas.关掉煤气。
  416. turn over
  [1]移交,转交(=hand over);[2]翻过来,翻倒。
  417. turn to
  EG: In his desperation, he turned to drink.他在绝望中借酒消愁。
  418. turn up
  EG: He turned up at rehearsal the next day looking awful.第二天彩排时,他来了,脸色非常不好。
  EG: Could you turn the fire up?你能把火调大一点吗?
  419. use up用完,耗尽
  EG: Our stock of matches is used up.我们储存的火柴用完了。
  420. ward off防止,避开
  EG: Brushing your teeth regularly helps to ward off tooth decay.经常刷牙对防止蛀牙有好处。
  421. warm up (使)暖起来,(使)加热
  422. wear off渐渐减少,逐渐消失
  EG: The paint on your fingers will wear off in time.你手指上的油漆会慢慢褪掉的。
  The effects of the shock will soon wear off.这种打击的影响不久即可消失。
  **(使)人精疲力竭用wear out.
  423. wear out
  EG: His patience was worn out by all these troubles and anxieties.这些烦恼和忧虑使他再也忍耐不住了。
  424. wipe out
  clean的动词连用,表示清除物体内部;而off可表示离开平面,因而与表示clean的动词连用,表示清除物体表面(the surface of)。如:
  Did you sweep out the closet last night?
  I cleaned out the desk and dusted it off.
  EG: The whole enemy was wiped out.敌人全军覆没。
  The earthquake wiped out the town.地震毁灭了那座城市。
  425. work out
  EG: The weekly rate is worked out by dividing by 52.除以52就算出来每周费用了。
  EG: Economists have tried to work out an alternative economic system.经济学家试图找到一种可供选择的经济体系。
  426. work up
  427. write off取消,注销,勾销
  EG: The new equipment was written off in three years.新设备三年就报废了

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