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标题: 又是一年毕业时,Commencement 毕业典礼相关英语总结 [打印本页]

作者: 凉茶    时间: 2010-8-19 16:10     标题: 又是一年毕业时,Commencement 毕业典礼相关英语总结

Commencement 毕业典礼

graduation season features dozens of ceremonies that will run through May 30. Commencement
An annual outdoor event that begins with a procession of students and faculty in colorful regalia
illustrated her annual Commencement address by citing examples 结业演说引经据典
The University awarded degrees to 1,125 undergraduates 授予1125名学生学位
conferred honorary doctoral degrees upon five individuals 授予五名个人荣誉学位
awarded a master of engineering degree in electrical engineering, 被授予了机电工程管理的硕士学位
earned his bachelor's degree from Princeton 从普林斯顿获得学士学位
celebrated the receipt of his diploma at Butler College 庆祝他在Butler大学获拿到了毕业证书
rejoiced after receiving her master in public affairs degree from the Woodrow Wilson School
在获得了Woodrow Wilson 学院的公共管理硕士的学位时兴奋不已
the crowd assembled on the front lawn of Nassau Hall. 学生在Nassau会堂前的草坪上集合
hooding ceremony 加冕仪式
keynote speaker 主要发言人
speech dilevered by teacher
the speakers passing on acumen and inspiration to graduating students 演讲者向毕业生传达一种睿智,一种激励
applied what they had learned at the University 应用所学
at the Baccalaureate service在毕业训辞仪式上
urging them to ignite a broad social movement that would bring peace, health and justice to humanity. 激励他们展开一场轰轰烈烈的追求和平健康公平的社会运动
The valedictory oration was delivered 毕业生代表致告别辞
the tassel on the hat 学位帽上的缨绶
listened to the addresses during the Commencement exercises 在毕业典礼上聆听演讲
honored excellence in teaching at the Commencement ceremony.在毕业典礼上被授予优秀奖教师奖
President's Awards for Distinguished Teaching.
the highest general distinction conferred upon undergraduates
were recognized for their work 工作得到认可
Other honors for the new graduates were presented over the last few days of the academic year.
is the premier undergraduate award of its type in these fields 是这一领域授予本科毕业生的第一个奖项
take photos of the graduates 毕业生合影留念
Students tossed their caps into the air after officially being designated as graduates 把学位帽抛向蓝天以宣布他们正式成为毕业生
shared a laugh with 一同欢笑
行毕业礼时代表致辞salutatory address(第二名)毕业生
contains humorous tributes, recollections and a farewell to Princeton campus life.
view the ceremony via simulcast 通过同步直播观礼
on a large screen to be set up outside the chapel 在礼拜堂的外面设置的一个大屏幕上
honorary degree symposia 荣誉学位座谈会
rent the gown 租毕业装
keep their caps and tassels 收藏他们的学位帽和缨绶
Undergraduates may keep their stoles 本科毕业生可以收藏他们的披肩
are hooded at Commencement Convocation 被在毕业典礼上加冕
the beginning of their lifelong association with SMU as alumni 他们成为SMU的终生校友
march following the colorful banners of their respective schools, accompanied by music and applause from proud families
All masters candidates will wear the hood for the degree they are about to receive 所有硕士生将会戴上他们的学位帽等待他们今年将要取得的学位
undergraduate candidates are entitled to two tickets for their guests 本科毕业生可以得到两张家属票
作者: 凉茶    时间: 2010-8-19 16:12



2009-10 Princeton winners are*;*,a *major from seatle
were selected on the basis of academic merit from a field of 1,097 mathematics, science and engineering students
one- and two-year scholarships 一年期或两年期的奖学金
trustees selected him to become Princeton's 16th president.
assumed office 任职
his tenure 任职期
coeducational 男女生同校
the undergraduate student body 本科生
reflected on these milestones 反思这些历史上的大事
channel their energy in constructive ways 建设性地运用其能力
it will make for a richer and more relevant educational experience
weathered the storms with its dignity and its civility intact 挺过风雨,坚守尊严,刚正不阿
draw on their Princeton education 从普利斯顿的教育中汲取营养
to aim high and be bold 志向高远,敢闯敢为
I hope you will carry forward the spirit of 传承一种*的精神
“It is you, the great class of 2008, who have given me what is most memorable and valuable that I will take away from Princeton, and I wish you all the best of luck and the greatest success”

作者: 凉茶    时间: 2010-8-19 16:15

本帖最后由 凉茶 于 2010-8-19 16:16 编辑

In history 典礼上总会说说历史

large University gatherings where students and faculty vented their fury and frustration at events outside their control 大规模的学校集会学生和老师呼声震天,群情难抑
right to dissent 持有不同意见的权力
all forms of coercion 所有形式的政治镇压
At least 10,000 students are set to receive diplomas at their respective commencement
bachelor's / master's /doctoral and professional degrees will be conferred.会授予学士学位,硕士学位,博士学位 以及专业学位

As is customary, 通常,还会有下面这些
spoil them with a great meal at your event 在毕业之际请他们吃一顿美餐
don't need a formal sit down meal 不需要很正式地坐下来吃
graduation parties are all about socializing, reminiscing, and congratulating the graduate
seats will only be held until 7:30 p.m 730入场
is a most joyous time on our campus 是整个校园最为欢快的时刻
Times will change, people will change, but the spirit will live on and the tradition will continue.

作者: 凉茶    时间: 2010-8-19 16:18



inspirational 催人奋进的
pioneering 先驱的
outstanding 杰出的
internationally influential 享有国际声誉和影响力的
a world renowned author, essayist and translator 世界著名的作家,散文家,翻译家
is an exemplar of the Princetonian是普林斯顿人的榜样
model themselves after sb as they make their way in the world 在他入社会时已*为榜样
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs 教务长兼副校长负责向学业问题
A long-time proponent of literacy programs 是文学项目的长期支持者
acclaimed author and honorary Doctor of Humane Letters recipient
return to her alma mater 回到母校
CEO of The San Francisco Foundation 圣弗朗西斯科基金会的总裁
an expert on how sleep affects the brain 是睡眠如何影响大脑方面的专家
As a scholar, soldier and leader who has devoted his life to the service of his nation, he embodies the University's commitment to duty and sacrifice. We look forward with great excitement to both honoring his accomplishments and learning from his wisdom this spring."

Alumni 都做了些什么?
radio host and editor for New American Media 播音主持人,和美国新媒体的编辑
graduates of the School of Public Health 公共卫生学院的毕业生
reporter at The New York Times 纽约时报的记者
has landed a coveted prize as UC Berkeley's top graduating senior
receive a $2,500 scholarship. 还获得了2500美元的奖学金
self-made entrepreneur 自成一家的创业者

作者: 凉茶    时间: 2010-8-19 16:19

Retrospect 回忆大学生活
During her freshman year 在大一时
plunged into her Global Poverty & Practice minor 全身心投入到《全球贫困和实例》专业的学习
a task that has sensitized her to the sexism, racism and violence in these students' daily lives
I have a 4.0 GPA because I have tremendous sense of responsibility," Shaw Crane said. "If I'm here, I need to be busting ass and doing as well as I can because there are a lot of people who deserve to be here, but are not
her academic rigor and brilliance 学业上的严谨和出众
nomination letter 提名信"Emma combines such gifts with a lovely modesty and grace ... her undergraduate and graduate colleagues never knew that she was in fact doing double the work - all with a big smile on her face"
While Shaw Crane excelled academically, she also sought out community work
a weekend, once-a-year activist
has a perfect 4.0 GPA and a resume packed with research, community projects and awards 他的简历里不仅有一个近乎完美的4.0平均分的成绩,还有他参与的各种调研以及社区项目,以及各种奖励
Tall and glowing with health 身材高大,身体健康
a deeply generous and committed activist 是一位热情慷慨,甘于奉献的积极分子
A self-described child of privilege 他认为自己和她孩子相比是很幸运的
she frequently ran wild, but managed to keep up academically 她有时很淘气,但是却能一直保持学业上的优异成绩
She speaks fluent Spanish and conversational Arabic. 她能讲流利的西班牙语,她也通晓一些基本的阿拉伯语
underneath that, in spaces that aren't visible publicly, is a destitute immigrant labor population that drives the whole economy在不为人知的背后是穷困潦倒的移民群体在推动整个经济
help day laborers negotiate jobs with prospective employers
enrolled in her class 选了她的课

minored in 副修
During her time at Olympic College, Wilson said she tried her best to create her own opportunities as well as give back to others. 在校期间,她不仅给自己创造机会还造福他人

About the university and its education 关于学校和教育
powerful combination of breadth and depth (教育)是广度和深度的强有力的结合
a period of transformative growth and change 转型和成长期
作者: 凉茶    时间: 2010-8-19 16:20

~His strengths as a leader were embedded in the qualities we hope to have instilled in each of you -- an open-mindedness to new evidence that allows for the possibility that your original impressions were wrong, coupled with the courage to say so out loud; the habit of listening to and learning from the views of others, particularly those with whom you deeply disagree; the capacity to speak the truth as you understand it; a willingness to hold your ground against fierce opposition; a deep respect for learning as opposed to uninformed opinion; and the strength that grows out of humility and compassion for human shortcomings

~You learn things from listening to everyone around you and openly exchanging ideas. It’s amazing how conversation opens doors.

It’s important to leave the biggest positive impact you possibly can.

作者: 西瓜大朗    时间: 2010-9-13 20:38

^_^,我不说话,嘿嘿!!找个板凳坐到  围观 ^_^!!!!!!!

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