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标题: 【双语】《正义联盟》:那些你不知道的历史和趣事儿 [打印本页]

作者: kobe    时间: 2017-11-19 20:20     标题: 【双语】《正义联盟》:那些你不知道的历史和趣事儿



The Justice League, born in a DC comic book published in 1960, is a fictional superhero team which comprises Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg, and it has inspired a number of comic books, TV shows and animated productions.


But the newly-released movie Justice League marks the first time the team features in a live-action screen production.


影片之星光灿烂,大概已无需多言。光是看本・阿弗莱克重新披挂上阵,盖尔•加朵(Gal Gadot)挥剑向魔,亨利•卡维尔(Henry Cavill)历劫重生,已经让人热血沸腾。更何况,还有“闪电侠”(Flash)负责卖萌和“海王”(Aquaman)秀肌肉。



The Justice League was initiated by Batman and Wonder Woman, but in the movie Superman seems to be much more powerful than his peers and rivals.

So, after watching the 120-minute feature in a local theater, I have been haunted by one question: If superman is so powerful and no one can rival him, how will the story develop?





这支美国DC漫画旗下的超级英雄团队,最早出现在1960年3月出版的DC系列漫画书《英勇与无畏》(The Brave and the Bold)上,美国漫画作者加德纳•福克斯(Gardner Fox)堪称“正义联盟之父”。

但在最初的版本里,正义联盟的开朝元老(founding member)并不是现在大银幕上看到的这6个,而是7个。

这7个人里头,除了蝙蝠侠、神奇女侠、超人、海王和闪电侠外,还有绿灯侠(Green Lantern)和火星猎人(Martian Manhunter)。而现在电影版中,被科学家父亲用外星科技复活的生化人钢骨(Cyborg)其实在漫画书里,是后来才被招募的。

当然,这个队伍后来越来越庞大,陆续加入的超级英雄们有:原子侠(Atom), 黑金丝雀(Black Canary), 绿箭侠(Green Arrow), 鹰女(Hawkgirl), 鹰侠(Hawkman), 塑胶人(Plastic Man), 逐星女(Stargirl)和沙赞(Shazam)等等。

The Justice League was conceived by American writer Gardner Fox and first appeared as a team in The Brave and the Bold series in March, 1960.

As an assemblage of superheroes, the Justice League has seven founding members: Superman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Batman and Wonder Woman.

Through the years, the team has expanded, with more DC heroes, such as Atom, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Plastic Man, Stargirl and Shazam.


他11岁生日那年,收到的生日礼物,是美国作家埃德加•赖斯•巴勒斯(Edgar Rice Burroughs)的两本书《火星之神》(The Gods of Mars,初版于1914年)和《火星军阀》(The Warlord of Mars,初版于1918年)。

A diehard fan of comic books, Fox fell in love with these characters at an early age.

On his 11th birthday, he received US author Edgar Rice Burroughs's: The Gods of Mars (1914) and The Warlord of Mars (1918).

这两本书为他“打开了另一个世界(opened up a complete new world for me)”。从此后,他爱上了漫画,读完了所有他能收罗来的巴勒斯的漫画小说。而且,这哥们基本就是个“人肉图书扫描仪”。

因为太爱看书了,他说“(获得)知识就是我的一个爱好(Knowledge is kind of a hobby with me)。”

所以,在他的漫画里,涉及到许多现实历史、科学和神话学的背景知识(real-world historical, scientific, and mythological references),也为他的漫画作品增添了深度和维度。





但通过这几年对电影宇宙(cinematic universe)的经营,漫威英雄们在大银幕上的风头已经压过了DC。





For most DC fans and movie industry watchers, the movie is a late reply to Marvel, probably DC's biggest rival in the comics-adapted superhero movies genre.

Marvel, the publisher of Iron Man, Captain America and Hulk comics, released its first movie, Iron Man, in 2008. And with The Avengers (2012) and Avengers: Age of Ultron (2014) and a series of stand-alone movies and franchises, it has established a well-known cinematic universe for its heroes.

Now, with the latest Marvel superhero movie Thor: Ragnarok, which was released in China and the United States simultaneously on Nov 3, Marvel has 17 such movies.



当时,漫威的老大马丁•古德曼(Martin Goodman)受到启发,意识到原来卖一个,不如卖一堆好卖。

于是,他要求斯坦•李(Stan Lee)赶紧也想出一支超级英雄队伍来,而这也促使了“神奇四侠”的诞生。次年,第一本《神奇四侠》漫画就此诞生,由斯坦•李和他的好搭档杰克•科比(Jack Kirby)共同创作。

而漫威大银幕上最成功的英雄系列“复仇者联盟”(The Avengers)则是到1963年才问世。漫画版“复仇者联盟”也是斯坦•李和杰克•科比共同创作的。

The DC comic series of Justice League's early success was indirectly responsible for the creation of the Fantastic Four.

This was because when Marvel-Timely owner Martin Goodman heard in 1961 how well DC's then-new book Justice League was selling, he told Stan Leeto come up with a team of superheroes for Marvel.

The result was Fantastic Four #1 by Lee and Jack Kirby, which debuted in November 1961.

The Avengers, a fictional team of superheroes appearing in Marvel Comics books, made its debut in 1963, created by writer-editor Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby.


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