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标题: 双语·有声:圣诞夜,不寂静 [打印本页]

作者: kobe    时间: 2016-12-26 00:29     标题: 双语·有声:圣诞夜,不寂静

本帖最后由 kobe 于 2016-12-26 00:31 编辑


Pivoting1) from a life less loud into all the talk at my family’s Christmas gathering is like stepping off a plane from the wintry north into the heat of the tropics. I’m shocked for a second or two. Disoriented for several more. Then warmed and thrilled. Those are the feelings that last.


My brother Mark is talking, his thunderous voice scaled2) to be heard above the din3). My brother Harry is talking, with even more force, to be heard above Mark. My sister, Adelle, and I can’t precisely match their volume and don’t care to try, but we have patience, determination. We wait for some slack between syllables—for little cracks in the great wall of talk—and shimmy4) in. We’ve got plenty to say ourselves.


Everyone does, my father and my siblings-in-law and my 11 nieces and nephews, except perhaps the one or two going through a quiet phase, which will end. It has to. In my family talking is like breathing, necessary for survival.


At the high point of this particular Christmas weekend there will be 19 of us under one roof—Harry’s—and we’ll make sound enough for double or triple that number. It’s fortunate that the houses in his suburb are set far apart. Otherwise neighbors might complain.


Not all families are like ours. I’ve noticed. In a restaurant just the other night, I observed a young man and two older people who were almost certainly his parents let minutes go by without a word spoken. They weren’t eating then, or absorbed in iPhones or BlackBerrys, and they didn’t seem to be stewing5).


Had they somehow run out of things to say? Or was this an elective lull6), a restorative pause that gave them more comfort than conversation? I didn’t know what to make of7) them and had to force myself to stop staring. They were that exotic to me.


And they made me realize that the part of Christmas I most look forward to isn’t the perfume of the tree, the overflow of food or our exchange of presents. It’s our chatter, copious8) and constant.


I have friends with storytelling skills vastly superior to Mark’s. He tends toward malapropism9), using “dubious” as a compliment, and skips crucial details. But I’ve been listening to his inflections10) and cadences11) since they rose from the twin bed parallel to mine in our childhood home. None provide as powerful a reassurance that, for all that time alters or obliterates12), there are threads of continuity. Some things stick and some people stay.


作者: kobe    时间: 2016-12-26 00:30

I have peers and colleagues with more considered assessments of what’s going on in Iowa or Egypt or some other part of the world than his or Dad’s or Harry’s or Adelle’s. But because I’ve been traveling my whole life with these four, their takes13) on the scenery interest me most. I know where they’re coming from and how they’ve evolved.


We talk about everything and nothing, devoting 15 minutes to a debate about what to call the odd shade of blue that an old house of ours was painted, 20 minutes to a discussion of the perfect martini. We talk over cards and over carbs14), as soon as we wake up and until the moment we doze off15), with the TV on and with the stereo playing. Talking is our default setting, and talking is our cardio16).


I’ve been able to chart the growth of my nieces and nephews by their success at joining in. By age 4 or 5 they learn the ruse17) of seeming to be in distress as a way of stealing the microphone from whoever has been monopolizing it. By 6 or 7 they’re bold enough to try to interrupt outright. And by 11 or 12 they have the lung power to accomplish it. We get louder all the time.


We talk about the person who just left the room and then about the fact that we really shouldn’t do that and then about the need to say everything that needs saying before the person returns. And sometimes we talk too much, letting ancient grievances resurface or minor differences of opinion become major disputes. We needle18). We provoke.


BUT even as we do, I understand that it’s not so terrible—that it is, in its way, another reflection of the stock we put in19) one another’s reactions and judgments. The bad talk, like the good talk, affirms our closeness. All of it is a measure—the best barometer20) I know—of how much we treasure the audience at hand and how determined we are not to waste it.


When I return home to my apartment, the quiet is epic, like the exaggerated hush in one of those movies about the end of the world. But the phone rings soon enough. After days of nonstop talking, someone in the family has something more that he or she just has to say.


作者: kobe    时间: 2016-12-26 00:30


1. pivot [ˈpɪvət] vi. 绕支点运动

2. scale [skeɪl] vi. 逐步升高

3. din [dɪn] n. 喧闹声,吵闹声

4. shimmy [ˈʃɪmi] vi. 摇摆;晃动

5. stew [stjuː] vi. <口>焦虑,着急

6. lull [lʌl] n. 暂时平静

7. make of:解释,理解

8. copious [ˈkəʊpiəs] adj. 丰富的;大量的

9. malapropism [ˈmæləprɒpˌɪz(ə)m] n. 荒唐(或可笑)的用词错误

10. inflection [ɪnˈflekʃ(ə)n] n. 变音;转调

11. cadence [ˈkeɪd(ə)ns] n. (声音的)抑扬顿挫

12. obliterate [əˈblɪtəreɪt] vt. 去掉……的痕迹,冲刷掉

13. take [teɪk] n. <口>见解,看法

14. carbs:即carbohydrates,碳水化合物

15. doze off:打瞌睡,打盹

16. cadio [kɑː(r)diəʊ] n. 有氧运动

17. ruse [ruːz] n. 计谋;诡计

18. needle [ˈniːd(ə)l] vt. <口>(用话)刺激;嘲弄;惹……发作

19. put stock in:关心,看重

20. barometer [bəˈrɒmɪtə(r)] n. 晴雨表,反应或预示变换的事物

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