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标题: 2016年度最强loser,希拉里朴槿惠均上榜 [打印本页]

作者: kobe    时间: 2016-12-17 23:22     标题: 2016年度最强loser,希拉里朴槿惠均上榜


Hillary Clinton

Nothing went the way it was supposed to for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Bernie Sanders sapped her momentum in the primaries, leading to a drawn-out battle and an ugly convention. She was forever hounded by her decision to use a private email server as secretary of state — something that the FBI brought up again in the final, crucial stage of the election. Then, the odds-on favorite stunned political observers by losing the presidency to the man who she had warned would bring about the apocalypse. Oh yeah, she also caught pneumonia.Time to go for a long walk in the woods.

2016年度最强loser首当其冲就是希拉里了,谁敢与她争锋?从最开始被另一位民主党候选人伯尼•桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)削弱势头,陷入冗长乏味的大会之战,随后的“邮件门”——在她做国务卿的时候使用私人服务器——在大选最后的关键时刻,被FBI重启调查,给了她致命一击。“邮件门”这一丑闻,会伴随希拉里一辈子了。最后,本来赢面很大的希拉里却在大选中败给了川普——她曾说会给世界带来大灾难的人。对了,她还被诊断出得了肺炎。希拉里是该去树林里好好走走散散心啦。

Barack Obama

How do you come to terms with the fact that the man who is going to succeed you as president is the same guy who was the leading proponent of the conspiracy accusing you of being a secret foreigner, who accused you of founding ISIS , and who has vowed to undo your major political achievements? Smile and shake hands for the cameras!


Park Geun-hye

This whole impeachment scandal was so damn weird. Basically, it turned out South Korean President Park Geun-hye was a big loner whose only friend allegedly manipulated their relationship to make financial gains. Also, equestrian was involved somehow. Anyway, she became super unpopular and was impeached. Shame!



作者: kobe    时间: 2016-12-17 23:23

David Cameron

Step 1: Appease right-wing members of your party by agreeing to hold a referendum on membership to the European Union that no one expects to succeed.

Step 2: Don’t foresee that a populist movement will gain enough support to leap to a surprise victory.

Step 3: Plunge your country into turmoil.

Step 4: End your political career as an international laughing stock.

Step 5: FML.





第五步:Fu*k my like!

*注:FML是Fuck My Life的缩写,是由外国一些搞笑的人自爆自己的囧事而开创的名词。


Staying in South Korea, who can forget Samsung, once the country’s pride and joy, but now infamous for making phones that catch fire and which airlines won’t let you fly with. The Galaxy Note brand is now effectively dead and the fuck-up cost about $5 billion. Still, they pwned Apple in the Supreme Court, at least!!

说到韩国,谁能忘记今年的三星?这个曾是韩国骄傲的手机品牌,如今却因接二连三的爆炸变得臭名昭著,各大航空公司也因此对其实施拒载。Galaxy Note这一系列也已名存实亡,由此带来的损失达50亿美元。但至少,三星曾经在最高法院和苹果进行过持久的博弈。

Billy Bush

There were two people filmed making lewd remarks in that infamous 2005 Access Hollywood tape. One went on to be elected president of the United States; the other was fired in disgrace from his promising career at the Today show.


作者: kobe    时间: 2016-12-17 23:24

Anthony Weiner

His political career already in tatters because of past sexting controversies, Anthony Weiner’s 2016 sexting led to his wife leaving him, a child welfare investigation, an FBI investigation, and the potential downfall of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.


Brad Pitt

One half of Hollywood’s most powerful couple had a worse year than the other. After Angelina Jolie filed to divorce him, Brad Pitt was investigated by child services for allegedly verbally and physically assaulting one of their kids. Also, he was in that movie Allied, which was not the best.


作者: kobe    时间: 2016-12-17 23:24

Johnny Depp

OK, where to begin with Johnny Depp? Remember he had to film that painfully awkward video to apologize to the Australian government for sneaking in his dogs while he was filming a movie there?


But then his wife, Amber Heard, filed for both divorce and a restraining order against him, alleging that he abused drugs and alcohol and was physically violent. (She later dropped the allegations and donated her divorce settlement to charity).


After Depp altered his tattoo dedicated to Heard from “SLIM” to “SCUM,” Harry Potter fans then went nuts when Depp was announced as a cast member in the next Fantastic Beasts film. Yikes.


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