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标题: [12-18]英语美文:旅行让你生活更幸福的七大理由 [打印本页]

作者: kobe    时间: 2015-12-17 22:05     标题: [12-18]英语美文:旅行让你生活更幸福的七大理由

Traveling the world and exploring new places canchange your life. It exposes you to new cultures andcan help shape your mindset. Without further ado,seven ways being a traveler can make you lead ahappier, healthier life.


  1. Improve Your Social Skills


  Meeting new people is one of the great upsides oftraveling. Whether it's chatting up your hostel roommate, making small talk with your seat-mate ona train or having a lively discussion at a local bar, you will be forced to improve your social skills(especially if you're traveling solo). If new situations tend to make you anxious, traveling is a sureway to take steps toward reducing that anxiety.


2. Reduce Stress


  Taking time off is an obvious way to recharge and reduce stress levels. But while staying home andresting is a worthy use of your time off, traveling removes you from your everyday life and lets youtruly escape. Traveling lets you put aside your daily responsibilities and focus on yourself for amoment. When you return home you'll feel refreshed and have the motivation you felt drained ofbefore you left.


3. Accomplish Goals


  Having a travel "to-do" list and slowly crossing things off that list keeps you motivated andpositive. That list can include things like visiting certain locations or accomplishing a feat such asclimbing a mountain or becoming conversational in the language of your next destination. Achievingthose goals also increases confidence and gives a sense of success.


作者: kobe    时间: 2015-12-17 22:05

4. Stay Fit


  Once you catch the adventure travel bug, you'll never be the same. Let's say while traveling youget lured into taking a hike with beautiful panoramic views. You go, it's not too strenuous and theexperience takes your breath away. Now you want more -- harder hikes with even better pay off.While home, you exercise and prepare for more challenging hikes. You're healthier and fitter thanever and you get to look forward to accomplishing new goals.


作者: kobe    时间: 2015-12-17 22:05

5. Become More Flexible


  Sometimes things don't go according to plan while traveling. Maybe your flight is cancelled or itrains the day you're scheduled to go on an epic outdoor adventure. It's okay -- there are otherflights to take (or trains, or buses) and maybe on that rainy day you'll discover a hidden bookstoreto explore or an adorable cafe to experience. Traveling helps you be more flexible and open-minded, making you more zen in your everyday life.


作者: kobe    时间: 2015-12-17 22:05

6. Become More Patient


  Travel can involve a lot of waiting. You'll wait in lines. You'll wait for flights. You'll wait at restaurants.Learning how to cope with those waits, how to make conversation with those you're waiting withand how to stay calm in frustratingly slow situations will teach you how to remain patient and calmin all situations.


  7. Have Better Relationships


  Surveys have shown that couples who travel together report more intimate relationships. Whiletravel can't make you have a good relationship, it can strengthen it. Being free of responsibilitieslike doing the dishes and walking the dog helps you relax together and focus on each other.


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