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标题: BBC英语新闻2015.09.13 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2015-9-15 10:30     标题: BBC英语新闻2015.09.13


______________________________________________________ President Idriss Deby named him as Mahamat Daoud, but did not say what might've happened to the man who has lead Boko Haram in recent years Abubakar Shekau. From Legas, Will rose. "In numerous propaganda videos, Abubakar Shekau taunted the Nigerian authorities, but he has not been seen for several months. President Deby did not say whether Abubakar Shekau had been killed. Last year, the Chadian leader was said to be brokering peace talks with Boko Haram, but the negotiations never happened, then were widely seen as a sham. So some analyst will question how much credence to give to Idriss Deby's latest comments." World news from the BBC. ______________________________________________________________总统伊地斯`戴比称此人名叫默罕默德`倒特,但他并未提及近年来领导该组织的阿布巴咖`塞科可能出了什么事.威尔`罗斯,雷加斯报道."在众多的宣传视频中,阿布巴咖对尼日利亚政府冷嘲热讽,但数月来他再也没什么消息.戴比总统并未提及阿布巴咖是否已遭杀害.据称在去年乍得领导人与博科圣地要举行会谈,然而和谈从未举行,之后此事被广泛视为是一个幌子.因此一些分析人士对戴比总统最新的这番论调的可信度持怀疑态度.BBC世界新闻报道.


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