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标题: My View on Life Value 人生价值何在? [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-3-21 17:07     标题: My View on Life Value 人生价值何在?

We all come to the world, but why do some of us make great achievements known forever and why are they remembered forever even though they leave the world? And why do some leave the world without anything valuable to his generation and the people? Every one of us will hope to have a significant and valuable life. But what kind of life is both significant and valuable?

Answers to the questions are ... "If you cherish your value of your own life, you will create something valuable for the world." Johann Goth said. "The life value should be judged from his contribution rather than his profession." Einstein said. Lei Feng, a communist soldier, said, "one lives to make others a more beautiful life." As we all know, Marx is an outstanding and great man. He founded his brilliant and scientific theory of communism. The theory guides the ways for the human being's liberation. Marx said, "If we can elect one suitable profession, we won't be demoralized with its pressure, because we make sacrifice for human beings.

Only by this way will we not be addicted to the joy of narrow-minded and individualism. Our happiness belongs to thousands upon thousands of people. I see, although it may be unknown, our cause will never be forgot forever. Even when we depart to God, the kind people will tear down upon our ashes." When he said these words, he was only 17 years old. He meant his word with his deeds in his late lifetime period. After his death, on his 100-birthday anniversary, the proletarian and the revolutionary people of the whole world still cherish the memory of Marx and mourn him respectively. It is his distinguishingable contribution to the mankind that his life is that significant. It is his great devotion to the human being that his life value is beyond measure. We also know that Lu Xun is a man of great.

Without his nobility "Fierce-browed, I wooly defy a thousand point fingers, head bowed like a willing ox I serve the children", and without his spirit of his loyalty and devotion to the last for the bright future of the Chinese people, his life would not have been so significant and so great. Actually, didn't those regarded as essence of human who live forever in the hearts of people make great contributions to the cause of the people? Wouldn't the people remember those whose great achievements for human are recorded in history? We know for certain that not every of us will be a second Marx or Lu Xun. However, a person of noble aspirations will do solid work. Struggle continuously and effortless. He will try to make his greatest contribution in his shortest time. He will try what he can to bring benefit to the people in his lifetime.

We'd say it is impossible for one to live alone if he isolates society and people. If he hopes to make a benefit life, he will bring benefit and make contribution to people. As a socialist youth, he will devote his life to the cause of communism in order to make a benefit life. Moreover, we say that a value of life will be only in direct proportion to achievement and contribution he makes to our society. In our real life, we can see many revolutionary martyrs die young for the people. Don't you think they cherish the life? Yes. They do. They are sentimentally attached to life; they are full of hope and desire. But they confront the death bravely and resolutely in order to make many more people live. Their brilliant status will be living in the hearts of people. They die glorious and great. The life of those who die busy about his lifetime without any achievements can not be compared with their life.

In our real life, we have many cases like those. Life is endless and tackling key problems will be continuous. Let's take these as examples. Mr. Jing Zhuying worked for the Chinese science causes to the last of his life. Mr. Zhang Hua sacrificed his own young life for the sake of others, which set a good example of the communist. Mr. An Ke died for fulfillment for the duty as a citizen. Ms Zhang Haiti, compared to be Paul of our time, worked very hard and faced frustrations of her life, though she was disabled. She still continues to live on bravely. All these are the strong of their life. Their value of life is precious.

My fellow students, don't you say what a beautiful life they have? Beethoven once said; "I must learn to control my life which will never make me give myself up. Oh, If only I can live more than thousands times!" Paul Cocking also had a golden saying, "Life is but one." I think every youth of us keep this in our minds. let's turn it into reality with our deeds. Let's not be a man full of promises but without any deeds, like Lusting, one of the characters by Dougeshefol.

My fellow students, let's not wander. Let's not hesitate. Only lament and vexation does not mean consideration and exploration. Only lament and vexation does not mean advancing and does not mean mature at all. Let's not kill our lifetime by playing cards. Let's not waste our youth by drinking. Let's not destroy our will without any achievements. Let's make great contribution to human. And only by these can we create benefit life. Every one will have to die and every body will be rotten. But every one may make achievements and contributions. We hate being rotten. Let's brighten up! Up! And up!

我们每一个人来到这个世界上,为什么有的人功业千秋,永垂不朽?为什么有的人悄悄而去,却没有给后人和社会留下一点儿有价值的东西?!人谁不希望自己的一生过得有意义、有价值?那么,怎样的人生才算是有意义有价值的人生呢?对于这个问题...... 歌德说:"你若要喜爱自己的价值,就得给世界创造价值。" 爱因斯坦说:"一个人的价值,应当看他贡献什么,而不是看他得到什么。"

共产主义战士雷锋说:"自己活着,就是为了让别人过得更美好。" 马克思是历史上一个了不起的伟大人物,他创立了科学的、光辉的共产主义学说,为人类的彻底解放指明了前进的道路。马克思曾说:"如果我们能选择一种最适合于人类工作的职业,那么,我们就不会在它的重压下变得意志消沉,因为我们是在为人类而作出牺牲,这样,我们就不会陷入到一种毫无意义的、狭小的、个人主义的欢乐之中。我们的幸福属于成千上万的人们。我们的事业虽然是无声无息的,但它将永世长存,在我们死后,善良的人们将在我们的骨灰上洒下他们的热泪。"说这段话的时候,马克思只有17岁,而在以后的人生历程中,他用实际行动履行了他所说的话。他诞辰100周年时,全世界无产阶级和革命人民,不是还在深切地怀念他、悼念他吗?正因为马克思为人类作出了卓越的贡献,他的一生才有那样重大的意义,他的人生价值才那样无可估量地巨大。

鲁迅先生也是个伟大人物,如果他没有"横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛"的崇高精神,如果他没有为中国人民的美好未来而鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已,其人生的意义和价值就不会这样伟大了。 事实上,那些千古不朽、光照史册、堪称人类精英的伟大人物,又有哪个没有为人类的共同事业做出过巨大的贡献呢? 当然,我们不可能人人都成为马克思、鲁迅第二,但真正的有志之士,总是在最短的时间内去做出伟大的成绩,在有生之年尽自己的全部力量去为人类造福。 一个人是不可能离开人类、离开社会而独立生活的,要使人生有价值,就得造福于人类,为社会做出贡献。作为一个社会主义社会的青年,要使人生有价值,就得把自己的生命融入伟大的共产主义的事业之中。

人生的价值只能和一个人对社会做出的贡献的多少、立下的功绩的大小成正比。 许多革命烈士,年纪轻轻就为人民献出了生命,难道他们就不爱人生?不,对人生,他们也充满了眷恋,充满了渴望。但是,他们为了更多人的生,面对死亡毅然决然。他们的光辉形象将永远耸立在人们的心中!他们死得光荣,死得伟大,他们的人生价值是那些碌碌无为而寿终正寝的人不可比拟的。 在今天的现实生活中,这样的事例也是很多的。生命不息,攻关不止,为中华的科学事业战斗到最后一刻的蒋筑英;用美好壮丽的青春,谱写舍己救人共产主义之歌的张华;用生命去履行一个公民职责的安柯;更有身残志坚、顽强学习,面对坎坷的人生之路,仍然勇猛前进的当代保尔张海迪。他们都是人生征途上的强者。他们的人生价值是可贵的。

朋友们,这样的人生是多么美好啊! 贝多芬曾说:"我必须学会掌握自己的命运,我决不会屈服于命运。能把生命活上千次百次真是很美!" 然而生命只有一次,保尔·柯察金那段至理名言,我们每个青年都应当牢牢记住,并把它变为自己的实际行动。千万不要像屠格涅夫笔下的罗亭那样,成为语言的巨人、行动的矮子! 亲爱的朋友们,一味地徘徊、彷徨,一味地哀叹、烦恼,并不等于思考、探索、前进,更不是成熟的标志。我们不能让生命在纸牌中磨灭,不能让青春在酒精中溶化,不能让斗志在空想中瓦解,而应当在为祖国和人民的贡献中创造自己的价值! 人生可能腐朽,也可能燃烧,我们不愿腐朽,让我们燃烧起来吧!燃烧起来吧!燃烧起来吧!

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