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标题: 如何在英文写作中避免性别歧视 [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-3-5 16:35     标题: 如何在英文写作中避免性别歧视

四十年来,尽管非性别歧视语还没有达到非不可的程度,但它毕竟已进人日常会话和写作的主流之中。随便翻开一张英美的报纸,或瞧一下五花八门的宣传广告,就会发现supervisor(工头,领班)替代了原来的foreman,workman’s compensation(工人赔偿金)变成了worker’s compensation;sales rep,sales associate或seller(推销员)取代了常用词salesman等。



  Sexist:When bathing a baby,never leave him unattended.

  Revised:When bathing babies,never leave them unattended.



  Sexist:From each according to his abilities,to each according to his needs.

  Revised:From each of us according to our abilities, to each of us according to our needs.



  Sexist: No man knows his true character until he has run out of gas, purchased something on the installment plan and raised an adolescent.

  Revised: You don‘t know what your true character is until you have run out of gas,purchased something on the ! installment plan and raised an adolescent.



  Sexist:One who,when he has the choice of two evils,chooses both.

  Revised:One who,when given the choice of two evils, chooses both.



  Sexist: What a person thinks of after he becomes a departee?

  Revised:What a person thinks of after becoming a departee?



  Sexist:Can a critic give his opinion of an omelet without being asked to make one?

  Revised:Can a critic give an opinion of...?


  7)用someone,one, the one,no one等替代

  Sexist:He who can take advice is sometimes superior to him who can give it.

  Revised:Someone who can take advice is sometimes superior to the one who can give it.


  8)使用he and she或his and her,但使用的次数不宜太多。s/he仅可用于备忘录(memos),便条(notes),或者非正式的交谈之中。


  Sexist: To find a friend one must close one eye - to keep him, two.

  Revised: To find a friend,one must close one eye - to keep a friend, two.


  2.尽量使用那些包括两性在内的词,即无性别之分的词(gender-free words),

  例如: child,teacher,officer(警官),people,worker, immigrant(移民),voter(投票者,选民), coach(教练),church member(教友), sale rep(推销员),grand parent(外/祖父或祖母),leader,evening student, employee (雇员),testee(考生,应试者),engineer,customers(顾客), dealer(交易者,商人),clerk(职员,办事员),civilian(平民),scientist, operator(接线员,办事员),patriot(爱国者),person, planner(策划者,计划者),politician(政客), producer(生产者、制造者),tutor(家庭教师,导师,[美国]助教),reporter,writer,chief executive(首席行政长官),everybody, expert等.

  3、如非特指男性或女性,尽量用同义词或近义词替换含有-girl, -woman, -wife, -man后缀的词,例如:

  calendar girl(月份牌上的美女像)-calendar model挂历模特

  call girl(应召女郎)--prostitute妓女

  cover girl(杂志封面女郎)--cover model封面模特

  flag girl(女司旗手)--flag bearer司旗手,执旗员

  flower girl(卖花女)--flower seller卖花人

  housewife(家庭主妇)--house worker(家务工人)

  midwife(接生婆)--birth attendant(助产士)


  chairman(主席)--chair, head(主席,头头)

  ring man(赌/赛马者)--bettor;gambler(赌马者,赌博者)

  seaman(海员,水兵)--sailor;navigator;mariner pilot, captain水手,航海者,船员,领航员,船长

  spokesman (发言人) -speaker; representative, voice; press agent发言人,代表,

  right-hand man(得力助手) --right hand; deputy; assistant;helper得力助手,副手,助理,助手

  4.写信时,如果不知道收信人的性别,最好不要使用传统的Dear Sir;Dear Gentleman,Dear Madam.可以选用下列之一:

  1) Dear friends of the library(亲爱的图书馆的朋友们)

  2)Dear Madams and Sirs(亲爱的女士们及先生们)

  3) Dear Personnel Officer(亲爱的人事处长)

  4)Dear Committee Member(亲爱的委员)

  5)Dear Citizen(亲爱的公民)

  6)Dear Customer(亲爱的顾客)

  7) Dear Councilor(亲爱的参议员,或顾问)

  8)Dear Agent(亲爱的代办)

  9)Dear Director(亲爱的厂长或局长;主任;)

  5.尽量少引用含有通性词man; men的引语,如果非引用不可,下列处理办法可供选择:


  Sexist:W. Phillips said: "The best use of laws is to teach people to trample bed laws under their feet."

  Revised:W. Phillips suggested that the best use of law is to teach people to trample bad ones under their feet.



  w. Phillips said:“The best used laws is to teach men[sic] to trample bad ones under their feet.”


  W. Phillips said the best use of laws was to teach people "to trample bad laws under their feet”。   

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