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标题: BBC英语新闻2014.08.01 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2014-8-4 09:40     标题: BBC英语新闻2014.08.01


Correspondents say evidence put forward earlier in court did nothing to support the serious charges brought. The judge was shown in photograph from Mr. Greste's family holiday, a Sky Radio report on cruelty to horses and a video of a press conference in Nairobi. _____________________________________________________ Mr. Mohamed is sentenced to a further three years in jail on a separate charge involving possession of weapons," in a statement, al-Jazeera English's managing director al-Anstey said the sentence defied logic, sense, and any semblance of justice. 记者表示早前的呈堂证供无法支撑如此严重的指控.法官查看了一张Greste一家度假的照片,天空广播报道的虐马事件以及一则奈洛比新闻发布会视频. 半岛电视台英语总导演阿尔?安斯提在一份声明中称判决缺乏逻辑、理性以及任何正义的表现,_________________________________________穆罕默德还由于包括持有武器在内的额外罪名被追加了3年牢狱刑罚."


作者: herman_liu76    时间: 2014-8-6 11:03

Correspondent say evidents put forward earlier in couse did nothing to support the Syria's charge board.The judge with share fisi**c of *gr**a*sez sevenly holiday. the scare may be report on poor* *Hecarhusis and video of the press conference in Nerob. The 3 al_jazhae journalist who has been detained in Egypt for the past 6 months. for each sentense to 7 years in jail. Linst Muhamu sentense furth 3 years jail on seperat charge involving position of weapons. In the statement, al-Jazero English manager direct alias he said the sentense defive logic sense and any asemblense of justise.

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