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标题: 雅思写作常用单词--常用的连接词 [打印本页]

作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2007-2-26 10:14     标题: 雅思写作常用单词--常用的连接词

first,firstly to begin with further in the first place
second,secondly to start with still furthermore
third,thirdly what is more last last but not least
also and then next besides
and equally important too moreover
besides in addtion finally
by contrast although though yet
at the same time but despitethe fact that even so
in contrast nevertheless even though for all that
notwithstanding on the contarary however in spite of
on the other hand otherwise instead still
therfore consequently because of for the reason
thus hence due to owing to
so accordingly thanks to on this account
since as on that account in this way
for as a result as a consequence
still nevertheless concession granted naturally
in spite of all the same of course despite
even so after all
furthermore moreover likewise what is more
besides also not only...but also...
too in addtion
for example for instance for one thing that is
to illustrate as an illustration a case in point
as a matter of fact frankly speaking in this case namely
in other words
in summary in a word thus as has been said
in brief in conclusion altogether in other words
to conclude in fact finally in simpler terms
indeed in short in particular that is
in other words of course on the whole to put it differently
namely in all therefore to summarize
作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2007-2-26 10:15     标题: 雅思写作常用单词--常用的形容词和副词

absurd 荒唐的
addictive 上瘾的
affectionate 有感情的
aggressive 有上进心的
alert 敏锐的;警惕的
arduous 费劲的
artistic 艺术的
authoritative 权威性的
awkward 尴尬的
balanced 平衡的
cogent 使人信服的
cold-blooded 冷血的
cold-hearted 无情的
compassionate 富有同情心的
compatible 兼容的
complicated 复杂的
confident 自信的
contemptible 可鄙的
contributive 有贡献的
corrupt 腐败的
delicious 美味可口的
demanding 要求高的
describle 值得要的
detrimental 有害的
devious 偏离正道的
dishonorable 不光彩的
disturbed 受到干扰的
eccentric 古怪的
economical 经济的
enlightened 开明的;文明的
evil 邪恶的
exotic 异国的
fallacious 荒谬的
fashionable 时髦的
feaible 可行的
fictitious 虚假的
flexile 灵活多样的
fruitful 有成效的
glamorous 富有魅力的
gorgeous 辉煌的
humane 人道的
ignorant(of) 无视的;无知的
impressive 令人印象深刻的
inborn 天生的
incompatible 不调和的
incompatible 不和适宜的
inconceivable 不可思议的
indecent 不妥的;不检点的
indifferent 冷漠的
indispensable 不可或缺的
inexhaustible 取之不尽的
infectious 传染性的
inferior 低人一等的
infirm (身体)弱的
influential 有影响力的
ingrain 根深蒂固的
inhumane 不人道的
initially 首先
innocent 多管闲事的
inquistitive 有害无益
insalubrious 有教育意义的
instructive 智力的
intellectual 中间的;过渡的
interim 人际关系的
interpersonal 密切的
intimate 不可侵犯的
inviolable 内在的
inward 不可挽回的
irreparable 不可抵抗的
irresistible 不可挽回的
irritating 恼人的
isolated(from) 隔绝的
laudable 可赞誉的
lavishly 大方的
legitimate 合法的
loyal 忠诚的
luxurious 奢侈的
magnanimous 宽宏大量的
mature 成熟的
misleading 误导的
misrepresented 不如实叙述的
money-oriented 向钱看的
multilateral 对方面的
nourishih 有营养的
obscure 晦涩的
old-fashioned/out of date 过时的
palatable 美味的
perilous 危险的
permissive 宽容的;许可的
pernicious 有害无益的
pornographic 色情的
potential 潜在的
practial 实际的;务实的
preferential 优惠的
pressing 紧迫的
prevailing 占主导地位的;流行的
professional 专业的
prosperous 繁荣昌盛的
prudent 明智的
psychological 心理上
rational 理性的
resentful 愤怒的
reverse 相反的
rewarding 值得的
ridiculous 荒谬的
rigid 严格的
rough 粗略的
self-contemptuous 自卑的
shabby 破旧不堪的
shelrered 受保护的
sociable 好交际的
sole 唯一的
stern/strict 严格的
stressful 有压力的
stringent 严厉的
stylish 时髦的
superficial 表面现象的
tempting 吸引人的
time-honored 久享盛名的
traditional 传统的
typical 典型的
unadvised 轻率的
uncompromising 不妥协的
unconcerned 冷漠的
uneasy 不自在的
unethical 不道德的
unfeeling 冷漠的
unhealthy 不健康的
unified 同一标准的
unique 独特的
unjust 不公平的
unsrupulous 肆无忌惮的
unsociable 不善于社交的
untimely 不和适宜的
unwholesome 不健康的
utterly 完全;绝对地
vexing 令人烦恼的
vivid 形象的
voluntary 自愿的
vulnerable 易受伤害的
well-grounded 有充足理由的
wholesome 健康的
作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2007-2-26 10:15     标题: 雅思写作常用单词--常用的名词

abolishment 废除
absurdity 荒唐;谬论
abuse 滥用
achievement 成绩
acqaintance 熟人
adaptation 改写;适应
admiration 崇拜
adventurer/explorer 探险者
adversee impact 负面影响
adversity 逆境
affection 友情/感情
alienation 疏远
ambition 志向
amusement 娱乐
anecdote 轶事
apathy 冷漠无情
approach 鼓掌
architecture 建筑
art 艺术
assault 攻击
assessment 评估
association 联想;联系
athlete 运动员
availability 可得到的东西
barrier 妨碍
behavior 行为
beneficiacry 受益人
budget 预算
burden 负担
campaign 运动
candidate 候选人
capacity 能力
celebrity 名人
character 性格
charecteristic 特征
charm 魅力
clerk 职员
cohesion 凝聚力
colleague 同事
collectivism 集体主义
comfort 舒适
commercial 商业广告
commercialization 商业化
commodity 商品
companion/partner 同伴
conformity 一致
conssensus 同意
consultation 咨询
consumption 消费
content 内容
contentment 满意;满足
contribution 贡献
correlation 相关性
costume 服装
creativity 创造性
criteria 条件
cruelty 残忍
customer 顾客
cybercrime 网络犯罪
depression 沮丧;低沉
deprivation 剥夺
descendant 后代
deterioration 恶化
detour 绕道
developed countries 发达国家
developing countries 发展中国家
digestion 消化吸收
dignity 尊严
discipline 纪律
discomfort 不舒服
discontent 不满足
discrimination 歧视;区别
disgust 反感
disorder 无序状态
disorientation 迷失方向感
disposition 性格
distraction 干扰
diversity 多样化;多样性
domain 领域
duplication 重复(建设)
economy 耐用
employee 雇员
employer 雇主
endeavor 努力做
enjoyment 享受
enthusiasm 热情;狂热
equality 平等
evaluation 评价
expection 例外
exhibition 展览
exploration 探险
export 出口
favor 喜好
feature 特点
fidelity 忠实
flexibility 灵活性
forefather/ancestors 祖先
freedom 自由
frustration 挫折
gallery 美术馆
garment 服装
goodwill 善意
grace 雅致
graduate 毕业生
guardian 监护人
halt 停止;终止
hardship 艰难险阻
heritage 遗产
horizon 地平线
hostility 敌对
humanity 人性
idol 偶像
immunity 免疫力
import 进口
indication 迹象
indictment 控告
indifference 不关心
individuality 个性化
industry 工业;行业
inequality 不平等
infrastructure 基础设施
ingenuity 独创性
initiative 主动性
instruction 教导
instructor 教师
integrity 诚实
intellectual 知识分子
intelligence 智能
interaction 交际
interference 干涉
interpretation 解释
intolerance 不宽容
intrusiveness 干涉
involvement 参与
jealousy 妒忌
jogging 慢跑
joint effort 共同努力
journalist/correspondent 记者
joy/delight 欢乐
lack 缺乏
landmark 标志性建筑;里程碑
license 执照
life expectancy/life span 寿命
literacy 读写能力
manufacturer 制造商
match 匹配
measure 测量;评估
millennium 千年
minority 少数人
miscondust 行为不端
morality 道德
motion 运动, 动作
muscle 肌肉
myoplia 近视
nationality 民族;国籍
norm 准则
notoin 观念;想法
obligation 义务
obsacle 障碍物
occupation 职业
opponent 对手
originality 独创性
outcome 产物
outlook 观点;景色
participation 参与
pastime 消遣
peer 同龄人
penalty 刑罚;处罚
perseverance 坚定不移
personality 性格
perspective 看法
popularity 普及;流行
popularization 普及
practice 做法
precaution 防范
prerogative 特权
principle 原则
profession/occupation 职业
proficiency 精通
promotion 提升
prospect 前景
prosperity 繁荣
protocol 协议
prudence 慎重
public opinion 舆论
punishment 惩罚
purity 纯洁性
rebellion 反叛
recovery 恢复
regression 衰退
regulator 监控者
reliability 可心度
remedy/therapy 疗法
remote education 远程教育
revelation 揭示/表现
revenue 总收入
reward 奖赏;报酬
rumor/gossip 谣言;传闻
satisfaction 满足
self-discipline 自律
self-respect/self-esteem 自尊心
shortcoming 缺点
side-effect 副作用
signal 信号
skyscraper 摩天大楼
sociologist 社会学家
soul 灵魂
specialty 专业
spelling 拼写
status 地位
stereotype 成见
straightforwardness 直率
strain 压力;过度劳累
strategy 策略
strength 实力
stress 压力
substance 物质
supplement 补充
sympathy 同情
symptom 症状
talent 人才
teenager 青少年
temper 性情;烦躁
tempatation 诱惑
threshold 开端
tip 提示;技巧
tolerance 宽容
tragedy 悲剧
trait 特点
trap 陷阱
triviality 琐事
troblemaker 捣乱者
tutor 导师
uniformity 一致
vanity 虚荣心
varety 多样性;种类
verdict 判决
vexation 烦恼
victim 受害者
vitality/vigor/energy/vim 活力;精力
void 空虚
warmth 温暖
weakness 缺点
withdrawal 退出;撤退
zeal 热情
作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2007-2-26 10:16     标题: 雅思写作常用单词--常用的名言和谚语

Virtue and a trade are the best portion for children.
Better early than late.
A man can do no more than he can.
Honesty and diligence should be your eternal mates.
Early birds catch worms.
Every coin has its two sides.
Every man has his hobby-horse.
Every man has his his taste.
Every one is born equal.
Every rose has its thron.
Good things stay indoors while bad things will go far away.
Gossip is a fearing thing.
He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl.
It is never too late to learn.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Health is better than wealth.
A contented mind is a perpetual feast.
a friend in need is a friend inneed.
Every advantage has its disadvantages.
Every little makes a nickel.
Self-trust is the first secret of success.
Example is better than precept.
No pains , no gains.
Throw the baby out with the bath water.
One man's meat is another man 's poison.
If the old dog barks, he gives counsel.
Parents are the first teachers of the children.
Different strokes for different folks.
An old man is treasure of a family.
You live with a lame, you will learn a limp.
He that lives with crippes learns to limp.
It is good to learn at another man's cost.
The devil knows many things because he is old.
All bread is not baked in one oven.
There is a good side and bad side to everything.
Forgetting histtory means betrayal.
Strictness helps, indulgence spoils.
Father is one hundred headmasters.
All work without play makes jack a dull boy.
Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today.
If you want to understand today, you have to research yesterday.
Each man has his limitation.
They that live longest see most.
Think thrice before we leap.
Too much liberty spoils all.
A wise man and a fool together know more than a wise man.
The older,the wiser.
The onlooker sees the game best.
The spectator sees most clearly.
Two heads are better than one.
Years bring wisdom.
A friend is easier lost than found.
Time waits for no man.
Look before you leap.
Every man has his liking.
Variety is the spice of life.
It is a two-adged sword.
Ill news travels fast.
Knowledge is power.
Life is irreversible.
More gain for more pay.
No garden without weeds.
No sweet without sweat.

Just as the saying goers:“No garden is without weeds”,computer games have also some disadvantages.
As the proverb goes:“Every coin has its two sides”,television has both advantages and disadvantages.
作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2007-2-26 10:17     标题: 雅思写作常用单词--常用的动词

abide by/obey/observe 遵守
abolish 废除
abuse 虐待;滥用
accommodate 供给;调节
acquire 获取
adore 崇拜;爱慕
allocate 分配
alter 改变
appral to/attract 吸引
approach 对待;处理
approve of 赞成
arise 出现
arouse 激发
assume 承担(责任)
attach 赋予;粘上
attain/obtain/acquire 获取;得到
attend 参加;就读
ban 禁止
blossom 兴旺发达
boom 繁荣
bring sb./sth. into full play 充分调动……的积极性
censor 审查
characterize 以……为特色
charge 收费
cherish 珍视
claim 宣称
coexist 共存
coincide with 与……相符
collect 收集
commute 来回往返于
condemn 谴责
consult 咨询
contaminate 污染
contribute to 贡献
crack down on 打击
cultivate 培养
defy 不服从;藐视
degenerate 退化
degrade 使降级
depreciate 贬值
deprive(of) 剥夺
desert 抛弃
detect 侦查
deter 阻止
deteriorate 恶化
determine 决定
disclose 揭露
discourage 使气馁
diversify 使多样化
divbert 使分心
dominate 占优势
drop out 退学;放弃
eliminate 消除
endanger 危害
enlighten 启发
enrich 丰富
entertain 招待;娱乐
evaluate 评价
evolve 演变
exaggerate 夸张
exert 施加(压力)
expel 排除;开除
explore 探究
expose 揭露
give full play to 充分发挥
guarantee 保证;担保
hamper 妨碍;牵制
hinder/impede/block/hamper 阻碍
idealize 理想化
identify 辨认
ignore 无视;不理睬
imitate 模仿
impair 危害;伤害
impose/confine/place restrictions on/restrict/limit 限制
incur 招致;引发
inflict 使……承受
inherit 继承
innovate 改革创新
invent money in 投资
install/set up/erect/fix/mount 安装
lavish 浪费
maltreat 虐待
maximize 最大化
minimize 使最小化
mould/build 塑造
neglect 忽视
oblige 强迫
observe/follow 遵从
overcome 克服(困难)
participate 参与
perform 履行;表演
please 取悦
preserve 保留;保护
prohibit 禁止
publicize 宣传
pursue 追求
quit 放弃
quote 引用
refine 精炼
reflect 反映
reform 改革
refresh 使恢复
regulate 管制;调控
rehabilitate 改造
reject 剔除
relax 修养
release 释放
render 给予
represent 代表
resort to 速诸于;采取
restore 重建;恢复
restrain 约束
retain 保留
roam 闲逛
sacrifice 牺牲
shirk 回避
shun 回避
signify 表示;意味
spoil/indulge 宠坏;溺爱
spread 传播
steer 驶向;掌舵
stick to 坚持
stimulate 刺激
stipulate/set 规定
subsitute 代替
supervise 监督
control 控制
surpass 超过
survive 生存
threaten 威胁
tolerate 忍受
treasure 珍视
trigger 引发
underestimate 低估
undermine 危害
unload 摆脱负担
vanish 消失
wither 退化;萎缩
wreck 摧毁

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