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标题: VOA标准英语2014.04.10 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2014-4-11 11:42     标题: VOA标准英语2014.04.10


From Washington, this is VOA News. A call from a top US diplomats for face-to-face talks between Russia and Ukraine. Israel boards a ship in international water it says was carrying Iranian weapons headed to Palestinian militants. I'm Ira Mellman in Washington. _________________________Kerry spoke Wednesday in Paris telling reporters he and envoys from Britain and Ukraine met separately with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and with Ukraine interim Foreign Minister. 来自华盛顿,这里是VOA新闻.美国高级外交官呼吁俄罗斯和乌克兰举行直接对话.以色列在国际水域登上一艘运输伊朗武器至巴勒斯坦武装份子的船只.我是艾拉.梅尔曼.华盛顿报道. ______________________周三,克里在巴黎发表谈话,他告诉记者,他已经同英国和乌克兰的特使分别与俄罗斯外长谢尔盖.拉夫罗夫和乌克兰临时外长举行会晤.


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