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标题: VOA标准英语2013.10.06 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2013-10-10 10:50     标题: VOA标准英语2013.10.06


A truck bomb ripped through a busy market killing at least seventeen people in a largely Sunni Muslim Iraqi city of Samara about 100 kilometers north of Baghdad. _______________________________Rwanda says that more than 30 bombs and rockets have been fired across the border in the last week by the DRC military. Congo and a group of UN experts have accused Rwanda of supporting M-23 rebels, an allegation Rwanda denies. 在距离巴格达北部100公里的伊拉克城市萨玛拉,一辆装满炸弹的卡车冲进该市逊尼派穆斯林聚集的集市,爆炸共造成至少17人死亡.__________________________卢旺达称,上周来自刚过民主共和国军队的超过30枚炸弹和火箭弹越过边界地区.刚果和一群联合国专家指责卢旺达支持叛军M-23,卢旺达断然否定了该指控.


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