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标题: VOA标准英语2013.06.23 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2013-6-25 09:25     标题: VOA标准英语2013.06.23


From Washington,this is VOA news. Radical Islamist take to the streets in Tunisia today, fighting the police; and the visit of China's Premier to India gets underway. I'm Marti Johnson reporting from Washington. Radical Islamist in Tunisia had been fighting police on the street in the town of Kairouan today after thousands of them were banned from holding an annual conference in the center of the country.The Tunisian government banned the conference by the Ansar al-Shariah group as a threat to public order. _____________________这里是美国之音新闻,从华盛顿为您进行报道.伊斯兰教激进分子走上突尼斯街头与警察进行对抗.中国国务院总理开始对印度的访问.马蒂` 约翰逊从华盛顿为您进行报道. 今日,在突尼斯北部城市的伊斯兰教圣地凯万,激进分子们与警察在街道上进行了激战,此次对抗源于日前数千名伊斯兰教教徒在国家中心举行年度会议的要求被驳回.突尼斯政府声称,驳回此项请求的原因是因为安萨尔-萨拉菲组织对公众秩序会产生威胁. _______________________


作者: 簿子酒    时间: 2013-6-25 23:19

we get underway

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