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标题: 你吃的所有食物都可能致癌,不过不必介意 [打印本页]

作者: kobe    时间: 2012-12-9 10:06     标题: 你吃的所有食物都可能致癌,不过不必介意

Sarah Kliff 对《美国临床营养学周刊》的新发现做了仔细的研究,她在文中详细阐述了食物和癌症的相关性和因果关系,并且指导人们该如何更有效地看成分表。

将一种食物与癌症的风险联系在一起,这是可能是一个最常见的保健头条新闻,输入食物与癌症”,Google 的搜索结果达到1.96亿条。好了,你可能不重视这些研究,绝大多数的研究所谓的食物癌症联系其实关联性往往微不足道。根据美国临床营养学杂志最近通过梳理50种最常见的烹饪原料,其中40种已经列为引发癌症的风险的研究对象。

Schoenfeld 和 Ioannidis 开始翻阅波士顿烹饪学校烹饪书,然后梳理其配方中最常见的成分。然后他们去的癌症研究机构对照,发现这些常见的成分中,80%已经列为癌症风险研究的对象。你可以看到在下面列表中,盐和胡椒等香料,咖啡,以牛肚都在其中。




不要惊慌, Schoenfeld 和 Ioannidis 发现,这些成分和癌症风险之间的关联显示真的很弱。在对衡量研究统计关系的P-值进行分析后,发现它们之间的关系是“弱或名义上存在一定相关性的”。75%的研究结果本意是表现出较高的癌症风险相关性,但其中有76%最后得出的结论却是较低癌症风险。

“我很好奇到底关于抗癌食物到底有多少是真的。所以我打算自己系统的试验下,”Sarah Kliff 在给作家 John Ioannidis的邮件中说到:“我怀疑这些研究结果都是错的,我看到的是几乎每一种食物有可能致癌。但是,我相信这些都还有待考证”。

作者: kobe    时间: 2012-12-9 10:09

Sarah Kliff at the
Washington Post
digs into
new research
out today from The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. She writes about correlation and causality, and how to read statistics more intelligently.


“I was constantly amazed at how often claims about associations of specific foods with cancer were made, so I wanted to examine systematically the phenomenon,” e-mails study author John Ioannidis ”I suspected that much of this literature must be wrong. What we see is that almost everything is claimed to be associated with cancer, and a large portion of these claims seem to be wrong indeed.”

Among the ingredients in question for their purported relation to cancer risk: veal, salt, pepper spice, flour, egg, bread, pork, butter, tomato, lemon, duck, onion, celery, carrot, parsley, mace, sherry, olive, mushroom, tripe, milk, cheese, coffee, bacon, sugar, lobster, potato, beef, lamb, mustard, nuts, wine, peas, corn, cinnamon, cayenne, orange, tea, rum, and raisin.

Now: combine
all of them
into one recipe and do the study again, I say.

作者: tang24    时间: 2012-12-9 17:03

Oh my god!
作者: 簿子酒    时间: 2013-1-9 22:30

作者: tang24    时间: 2013-3-11 22:45

That's funny,Thanks for sharing
作者: kobe    时间: 2013-3-31 23:06

Good enough and ke
作者: kobe    时间: 2013-4-21 16:02

Good enough and ke
作者: kobe    时间: 2013-4-30 21:21

You're so great%
作者: kobe    时间: 2013-4-30 22:27

thanks for sharing

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