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标题: 刚结束的雅思,元芳你怎么看? [打印本页]

作者: shenjunqun    时间: 2012-11-27 21:43     标题: 刚结束的雅思,元芳你怎么看?

本次part one部分的高频话题为hometown, major, house or apartment, drawing, relatives, weather, sports等等。

Part two部分的高频话题:
人物类话题A teenager your know, A person you enjoy talking with, A famous person, A happy marriage等;
地点类话题A street, A natural beauty, A garden等;
事件类话题:A wrong decision, An important traditional event, Your plan in the future, Something Difficult You Did, A thing or experience make you laugh, A situation when you need to be polite, A sport you enjoy/like to watch on TV等;
物品类话题Something you bought that you were not satisfied with, A vehicle(car/ bicycle),An old family photo, A piece of useful electronic equipment, Something you want to buy if you have enough money, A gift, A book等等。

雅思口语考试时,考官核实了考生身份后的第一个问的问题是: “Do you work or are you a student?”考生一定要注意的是要会准确的用英语表达自己所学的专业或是自己所做的工作。回答此问题时要注意以下要点:
1、不要用yes 或no开头回答这个问题.
2、不要这么回答:I’m not a student. I’m working.这样先否定后再给出答案的方式不可取,直接回答问题即可。
3、有些考生回答为:I’m a worker. 这样的回答不合适,因为worker在英文里面表示的是体力劳动者。跟“在职工作人员”是两码事。
4、不要给出indirect 的回答,比如: “I’m a teacher”,“I’m working at Kooleran Company.” “I’ve been working for five years.” 这都没有直接回答考官的问题。
5、合适的回答为:首先说“I work.” or “I’m working.”,然后再适当介绍下所做的工作,在哪儿工作等等。比如“I work. I'm an IELTS teacher in New Oriental company in Beijing.”
6、如果考生为高中生,不要说 “middle school” or “senior school”,最好说 “high school”或是 “secondary school”,可以这么回答:“I’m a student, a high school student.”;如果考生为大学生,可以这么回答:“I’m a student, a university student.”。注意后半句话的重音在high school 或是university上,而不是student.
作者: kobe    时间: 2012-11-27 23:24

What's your opinion?
作者: tingroom    时间: 2012-11-28 13:56

I work
作者: lolomo    时间: 2012-11-28 14:22

作者: shenjunqun    时间: 2012-11-28 21:46

回复 3# tingroom

i work what‘s  about you?
作者: shenjunqun    时间: 2012-11-28 21:50

回复 2# kobe

    You answer the more detailed, the better
作者: tingroom    时间: 2012-11-29 15:44

回复 5# shenjunqun

   me too!

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