Panetta announced the decision after meeting on Monday with Japanese Defense Minister Satoshi Morimoto.帕内塔于周一会见日本国防部长森本敏后宣布了这一决定._____________________________.Luis Ramirez, VOA News, Tokyo.voa新闻Luis Ramirez东京报道. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will turn the focus of his campaign back to the economy and other domestic issues this week. Romney will speak to attendees at a meeting of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles. He will tell the audience he will work with Congress to pass fair and enforceable immigration laws.共和党总统候选人罗姆尼本周将把竞选重心又放回到经济和其他国内问题上.罗姆尼将会在洛杉矶的拉美裔商会大会中发表演说.他将告诉选民自己会与国会通力合作,一起颁布公平、可实施的移民法.
作者: i852774842 时间: 2012-11-21 18:26
The Japanese offcials said no decisions had been made as to the where in japan the radar system is located