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标题: 一日之计在于晨:早晨都要充实起来 [打印本页]

作者: leyla    时间: 2012-7-8 08:57     标题: 一日之计在于晨:早晨都要充实起来

You may not wake up singing "Good Day Sunshine!" every morning, but that doesn't mean you have to slug through a slow morning routine. Careful planning and self-motivation tactics can help you wake up on the right side of the bed and streamline your daily productivity, to-do list annihilation, and a better morning in the office.
      你或许不能保持每个早晨都哼唱着“Good Day Sunshine”的小曲欢快地起床,但是也不要一成不变的度过懒散的一上午。仔细计划、自我激励的小策略能够帮助你很快地清醒过来,提高效率,解决任务,在办公室里迎来充实的上午。
Most of us wish we could linger in bed a little while longer, but getting out of it earlier means getting back into it sooner. Here are simple tips for making each morning good personally and professionally.
1.Prepare For the Morning the Night Before
Treat your workday like a trip to the gym. Pretend you are in middle school: Pack your lunch, set out your clothes, organize your to-do list and email, put the keys, bus pass, and your purse in one place. When the alarm sounds you will be more likely to pop out of bed, shower, get dressed, and jump on the productivity train stress free.
2.Remember the Adages
The early bird does catch the worm. Try starting your day extra early — like 5 a.m. It can be a tremendous productivity booster and get you in good with the boss.
3.Front Load Your To-Do List in the AM
Pack a power breakfast and power through the to-do list in the am, so you aren't overwhelmed (and ready to cry) when the clock strikes 5 or 6.
4.Take an AM Break
If you get anxious in the morning at the office, take a break with a co-worker or friend. Walk around the block three times. Grab coffee. Most importantly: Gab about your stress and brainstorm efficient fixes you can implement immediately.
作者: kobe    时间: 2012-7-8 16:15


作者: 心魔作祟    时间: 2012-7-8 22:42

恩 早上的时间感觉过的很慢,早上起来早的话感觉今天一天都比较长,否则感觉一天过得好快
作者: AllenHL    时间: 2012-7-9 15:40

I like morning 。
作者: leyla    时间: 2012-7-9 16:59

回复 3# 心魔作祟

     呵呵 我也起不起来 太懒了我
作者: leyla    时间: 2012-7-9 17:02

回复 4# AllenHL

    me too,in the morning,I have energy and in the afternoon,I always feel asleep
作者: xiaopengyou    时间: 2012-7-9 17:15

i am a lazybones
作者: 心魔作祟    时间: 2012-7-9 23:05

回复 5# leyla

作者: applejulie    时间: 2012-7-10 19:43

I agree with you, if we get up early and make a plan for the day, we will lead a easy life!
作者: sml402102    时间: 2012-7-25 20:22

There were many strange words to me !
Come on !

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