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标题: 英语俚语:Oops! 惊讶(附上音频讲解) [打印本页]

作者: kobe    时间: 2012-7-3 12:44     标题: 英语俚语:Oops! 惊讶(附上音频讲解)

本帖最后由 kobe 于 2012-7-3 12:47 编辑



Oops! 感叹词:惊讶

Diarmuid: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Diarmuid. 大家好,欢迎来到BBC地道英语。我是圣保罗。

Feifei: 大家好,我是冯菲菲。在地道英语里你会学到英国人日常生活中常用到,而且通常在字典和课本里找不到的单词和短语。

Diarmuid: That's right. Feifei, could you pass me my cup of tea please? 对啦,菲菲,可以把我的茶递给我吗?

Feifei: Sure. Here you are… Oops! Oh, I'm so sorry I've dropped it. 我刚刚没拿好茶杯,所以把茶洒了一地。唉!

Diarmuid: No! My tea is all over the floor! 不!我的茶撒得一地都是!

Feifei: I'm really sorry Diarmuid. 真抱歉,圣保罗。

Diarmuid: Never mind. It's only a cup of tea. And anyway, something good has come out of this accident. 没关系。这只是一杯水,不管怎么样,还是有好事的。

Feifei: What's that? 是什么?

Diarmuid: You have already introduced today's new word: oops! 你已经说出了今天要说的新词了。

Feifei: Oops. O.O.P.S. Oops. Oops. 这是一个感叹词,表示惊讶或遗憾。当我们范了一个小错误是,比方说像刚才把茶洒了一地,或是在电脑上打字敲错了一个字母,这种时候我们就用 oops.

Diarmuid: Yes, whenever you make a small mistake such as knocking something over, you can say the word oops. 是的,无论什么时候你犯了一个小错误或者打翻什么东西,你可以用这个感叹词。


A: Be careful moving that pile of books. 小心移动那堆书。

B: Oops! 哎呀!

A: Now look! Those books are all over the place. 看吧,书到处都是了。

B: Don't worry. I'll soon pick them up. 别担心。我会尽快收拾好的。

Feifei: 不过要记住这个词一般只适用于犯小错误的时候。

Diarmuid: Yes, if you use oops when something serious has happened, it could appear that you are not taking the situation seriously. 是的,如果你用这个词描述一些严肃的事,那么就是说你没有严肃对待这种情况。

Feifei: Are there any other words in English that we can use instead of oops? 还有什么词和oops意思相近吗?

Diarmuid: Of course, there are always alternatives in English. Some people say whoops instead of oops. 当然,英语里有很多替换词。有的人用whoops代替oops。

Feifei: Whoops.

Diarmuid: And some people might even say whoops-a-daisy, although that is a little old-fashioned now. 有的人甚至用whoops-a-daisy,尽管有点过时了。

Feifei: Well it's the end of the programme. Remember to listen to more Real Authentic English... oops! I got the name of the programme wrong! 嗯,这期节目就到这里了。记得收听更多的地道英语节目……哎呀,我把节目名说错了。

Diarmuid: Whoops-a-daisy! I think you meant Authentic Real English from the BBC. 我相信你知道是BBC地道英语节目。

Feifei: I certainly did. 可以登陆我们每天更新的网站学习更多的地道英语 Bye for now.

作者: leyla    时间: 2012-7-3 19:03

回复 1# kobe

    今天我们这里中考查成绩,Kobe is so good
作者: kobe    时间: 2012-7-3 21:04

回复 2# leyla

作者: tingroom    时间: 2012-7-4 14:30


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