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标题: 【流行美语第6课】逆转局势 你完蛋了! [打印本页]

作者: leyla    时间: 2012-6-25 11:58     标题: 【流行美语第6课】逆转局势 你完蛋了!


李华要参加课堂辩论,心里很紧张, 找Larry出主意。他们会用到两个常用语:you're toast和the tables have turned.
        LH: Larry,我可怎么办?这次辩论的成绩占期末成绩的一半呢!
Larry: OK, OK. Calm down for a minute. What's the topic of the debate?
        LH: 辩论的题目是国会最近通过的医疗改革法案!我当时没注意这个新闻,现在什么都不知道啊!
Larry: Oh, my. That is certainly a complicated topic, even for an American. Are you arguing for or against it?
        LH: 我是辩论的正方还是反方?哦...我忘了。
Larry: You don't even know what side of the argument you're on? Well. Looks like you're toast.
        LH: I'm toast? 你在说什么啊?
Larry: It means you have no chance; you're done for; you're finished. I don't see how you could possibly be prepared for this debate.
        LH: "I'm toast" 就是I'm finished? 我完了?没戏了?哎呀,这门课可是必修课,我必须要通过呀! Larry, you have to help me!
        Larry: I don't think I can, Lihua...Although I know I'm going to be toast if I just sit there and be negative. Haha...
        LH: 没错,要是你只顾坐在那里看我出丑,你就死定了!哼!
Larry: Well, I can tell you about the health care bill, but if you don't know what side you are on for the debate, I don't think that will help you.
        LH: 虽然我忘了自己在哪一方,可我的老对头Susie是我的对手,我们不在一队,而且她特别能辩论。 I really AM toast, Larry.
        Larry: Unfortunately, I would have to agree with you. You don't have any friends in that class? Give one a call and see if they remember which team you are on.
        LH: 对! 我给Jennifer打个电话,看她知不知道我是哪一方的。
LH: Larry, 好消息!Susie生病了!
Larry: Huh?
        LH: Jennifer说,Susie重感冒,嗓子出不了声,更别提辩论了! I'm not toast anymore! 我有救啦!
Larry: Oh, I see. What about your team? Do you know what side you need to prepare to argue for?
        LH: Jennifer说,我和她都是正方的,支持这个法案。她还让我不必担心,说我们这方有几个很牛的人! 这真太棒了!
Larry: That is good news. Looks like the tables have turned in your favor.
        LH: The tables have turned? 什么桌子?
Larry: I'm not talking about an actual table. The tables have turned means that the person that used to be ahead is now behind, and the person who used to be at a disadvantage now has an advantage.
        LH: 我明白了,the tables have turned就是指形势发生了一百八十度大转弯! 我之前处于弱势,可现在忽然处于优势了!
Larry: Exactly. You can say the tables have turned in your favor. It doesn't look like your grade for this class is toast anymore.
        LH: The tables have turned in my favor.风水转到我这边来了! 一切都对我有利了! 我本来以为I was toast, 但是现在,对手病了,队友强大,The tables have turned! 我真是幸运!
Larry: It looks like your classmate Susie is the one who is toast now. And since you don't have to prepare for that debate anymore, I was wondering if you could help me out a little...
        LH: 怎么了Larry?
        Larry: Well, I need to submit a report on the Chinese market to my boss, and I've been putting it off. It's due tomorrow and I could use someone to help me do some research on Chinese websites...
        LH: 你明天要交一分关于中国的市场分析报告,现在还没怎么写?你想让我帮忙在网上查资料?哼! 我才不管呢!
Larry: Oh! Lihua, Please! If I don't finish this report in time, well, I'd be...
        LH: You'd be toast! 你就完蛋啦! Larry, 几分钟前你还不肯帮我准备辩论呢,现在轮到你求我,我不帮忙了。 哈哈! It seems the tables have turned!
        Larry: That situation was a little bit different...I didn't really have any way to help you.
        LH: 这倒也是。可是,我也真的帮不了你啊,我又不会写市场调查报告。
Larry: You're not going to help me? But I'll be toast without your help!
        LH: Sorry, Larry! 可我真的没法帮你,我要和我们辩论队的人在图书馆开会,对了,你能开车送我去图书馆么?
Larry: Ha, it looks like the tables have turned again...
今天李华学了两个常用语。一个是you're toast,意思是“你完蛋了”。另一个是the tables have turned,意思是“局势发生逆转”。

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