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标题: ■■■■■动感英语笔记(本站原创)■■■■■ [打印本页]

作者: 爱相随    时间: 2006-4-15 14:49     标题: ■■■■■动感英语笔记(本站原创)■■■■■


▲Movie dictionary 电影词典▲
Sylvester Stallone 希尔维斯特•史泰隆

▲American slang 美国俚语▲
—But in her condition, not very far. I suggest two days drive at most.
—I can put three men on it. But it’ll cost.
—Good. I want this taken very seriously. And she is found, a $10,000 bonus to the man who does, in cash. And another ten to you.
it’ll cost:很贵,代价很大
【It’ll cost you to have your car fixed. 把你的车修好需要不少钱】
【I don’t know how Duran is gonna afford a vacation in Europe. It’ll cost him. 不知道Duran怎能负担的起去欧洲度假,要花好多钱】

▲Classic film clips 经典对白▲
—Heartland, huh?
—Have you always lived here?
—No. I lived in New York for a coupla years. Tried to be an actor. Closest I ever got to Broadway was tendin’ bar at Sardi’s. Sometimes I feel like a failure for comin’ back here, but other times I think it’s the smartest move I ever made.
—Know why I came here? To be near my mom.

—Yeah, it’s me. I’m sorry. Did I scare ya?
—I’m just a little on edge.
—Look, I want you to come with me.
—Come with you where?
①smart move:聪明之举
【Investing in that stock was a smart move. I think I’ll be able to make a lot of money from it. 把钱投到那支股票上是聪明之举,因为我相信可以赚到很多钱】
【It was a smart move to come to Beijing. There are so many job opportunities here. 来北京是聪明之举,这里就业的机会太多了】
②on edge:紧张
【Evelyn doesn’t like going to big parties. She’s on edge around new people. 伊夫林不愿去大型聚会,周围都是陌生人她会紧张】
【I’m always on edge when I stay with pretty girls alone. 当我和漂亮女孩独处的时候,我总是很紧张。】

▲Movie Tunes 原声碟▲
【Brown Eyed Girl】褐眼女子

Laughing and a-running                  欢笑,奔跑
Skipping and a-jumping                  轻蹦,跳跃
In the misty morning fog                  在朦胧的晨雾中
With our hearts a-thumping            有我们的心跳
And you.                        还有你
作者: 爱相随    时间: 2006-4-15 14:51


▲Movie dictionary 电影词典▲
Kevin Costner 凯文•科斯特纳

▲American slang 美国俚语▲
A-Derek. I kick the field goals around here.
C-Will you listen up? I need your cooperation. I need it now.
B-Is he gonna be all right?
A-Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He has his good days and his bad days. Used to be an assistant coach at some big football school, but he had a mental breakdown or something. Don’t worry. He’ll snap out of it. Let me know when it cools down, baby.
A-All right.
snap out of: 尽快摆脱…状态,从…状态中脱离
【Bob has been acting really strangely recently. I hope he will snap out of it soon.鲍勃最近行为举止很奇怪,我希望他能尽快摆脱这种状态】

▲Classic film clips 经典对白▲
A-Me, a college student?
B-Yes. Bobby, think about it. A whole world will open to you.
A-Boy, Mama, that sounds nice. Me, a college man.
C-Coach, my Bobby’s a sweet boy, but he ain’t exactly what you’d call “college material”, so don’t you go fillin’ his simple head with all those crazy dreams of school and college and things of that sort.
A-But Mama, I’m tired of everybody callin’ me a dummy. I’m tired of not havin’ any friends.
C-My ass is tired sittin’ here jawin’ all right. I’m goin’ to bed. Nice to meet you, Mr. Coach. Good luck with your fool’s ball. Bobby, after you let Mr. Coach out, you come into my bedroom. Mama’ll brush your hair.
B-You know, when I was your age, my mother told me not to get a tattoo of Roy Robison. But what Mama don’t know won’t hurt her.
①college material: 大学生的料,上大学的料
【My sister hates to study. She is definitely not college material. 我妹妹很讨厌学习,她绝对不是上大学的料。】
②What you don’t know won’t hurt you. 有些事情如果你不知道,就不会被伤害
【A: Have you told your parents about your new tattoo?】
【B: No. What my parents don’t know won’t hurt them.】

▲Movie Tunes 原声碟▲
【If I can help somebody】如果我能帮助谁
Just listen to that rain         倾听雨声
A-raining in the north         北方的雨声
A-raining in the south         南方的雨声
A-raining in the east         东方的雨声
A-raining in the west         西方的雨声
Tell me it did rain children     告诉我现在是在下雨吗?小孩
Rain all night long               雨下个不停
Did it? You know it did         是不是?你知道的
I said my good lord               我说我的天啊
Did it rain                   是在下雨吗?
It rained 40 days and
40 nights without stopping     大雨连下四十个昼夜

[ 本帖最后由 爱相随 于 2006-4-15 02:54 PM 编辑 ]

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