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标题: VOA标准英语2012.06.02 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2012-6-2 10:16     标题: VOA标准英语2012.06.02


__________________________.The report says a disorderly default of sovereign debt in Europe or a break up of the euro common currency could mean nearly $400 million in trade losses in Asia. Aynul Hasan, a senior UNESCAP economist, says that faced with the uncertainties in Europe, the Asia Pacific economies need to shift from export-led growth to domestic consumption. The U.N. says the Asia Pacific region will remain the anchor of global economic stability despite the economic uncertainties. Ron Corben for VOA News, Bangkok, Thailand.报告称,欧洲主权债务的无序违约或欧洲统一货币的崩溃有可能会造成亚洲在双边贸易中近四亿美元的损失。一位UNESCAP的高级经济师,Aynul Hasan称,面对欧洲经济的重重变数,亚太经济体需要从出口导向型的经济增长向扩大内需转变。联合国表示,尽管经济存在变数,但亚太地区将依旧是全球经济稳定的支柱。VOA新闻,罗恩·寇本在泰国曼谷报道。 The U.S. trade gap widened in March as the country\'s import of oil and Chinese goods outpaced the country\'s increasing exports. The government said Thursday that the world\'s largest economy imported nearly $52 billion more in foreign products than it exported.由于美国在石油和中国商品上的进口增幅超过持续增长的出口增幅,3月份美国的贸易逆差随之扩大。周四美国政府表示,作为世界上最大的经济体,美国的贸易逆差将达到近520亿美元。 More at, I\'m Frances Alonzo, VOA News.更多新闻请点击 我是弗兰西斯·阿隆佐。这里是VOA新闻。


作者: 毛非    时间: 2012-6-11 10:02

作者: mei_charles    时间: 2012-6-12 13:44

作者: 3D小王    时间: 2012-6-15 09:09

too fast

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