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标题: 户外英语(outdoor english)系列之六:坐火车 [打印本页]

作者: davy10    时间: 2012-5-28 16:48     标题: 户外英语(outdoor english)系列之六:坐火车

Excuse me, where is the International Tourist Bureau? 请问国际旅行局售票中心怎么走?

( 问路一定要问三个,最好是火车站工作人员,否则一定会有人带你去假冒的地方)

Excuse me, can I have a booking /cancellation form please. 请给我一张订票/ 退票表格。

I wanna go to Agra from Delhi tomorrow, is there any train available? 我要从德里到阿格拉,明天有票吗?

Which class would you like? 你要哪个等级的?

AC Chair Car. 空调软座。(详见《独闯印度》)

Sorry, its not available, we only have second sitting. 空调软座卖完了,只有二等硬座。

Whats the train number? 请问这趟车的火车号是什么?

Whats the departure/arriving time? 出发和到达时间是几点?

Its a direct train, only takes 2 hours and a half. 这是直达车,只要两个半小时。

Which platform does the train leave from? 这班车从哪个站台发车呢?

Sorry ,sir, Im afraid youre sitting on my seat. 你坐了我的座:(

I wanna go to Varanasi, would you please remind me when I get there?




I want to book a ticket from Penang to Chiang Mai, Thailand for Tomorrow.”


No direct flight is available, Mme. You can either transfer from Bangkok or from KL.”


Then from KL. 那就从吉隆坡转吧。

441 Ringgit, taxes included. But luggage fee not included since you’re departing within 24 hours.”

441林吉特一共含税。 但是行李费不包括在内,因为你订的是24小时内的票。

How much is that?” 那行李费是多少啊?

For the first 15 kilos, 30 ringgit, and for every extra kilo, 20 ringgit. 15公斤30林吉特,每超重一公斤,再加20林吉特。 (网络不提供24小时以内出发的订票服务,即使到了服务柜台,选择24小时内出发的机票,就意味倍增的机票价格和行李费。)

I have a huge case of 23 kilos, that means I have to pay extra 160 Ringgit for the baggage? That’s a lot.”


Yes, or you can leave the day after tomorrow, the flight fee is 339 Ringgit, tax included, and the Baggage fee is 30 ringgit for 20 kilos and 40 ringgit for 25 kilos, that’s much cheaper.”


OK, then, one ticket for the day after tomorrow. 那行,订后天的吧。

Card or cash?" 刷卡还是现金?

Card" 刷卡!

Sorry, your credit card is refused, do you have another card?”

不好意思您的信用卡被拒了, 您还有其他的卡吗?

Not possible! Whats wrong?”怎么可能?怎么回事呢?

I don’t know, you have to contact with your issuing bank or you can pay by cash.”


Is tax included in the price?" 这个价钱含税吗?

" rates are subject to 10 % government tax and 10 % service charge. "还要加10%的税金,10%的服务费。


作者: kobe    时间: 2012-5-28 20:13

train !
作者: 小钰钰    时间: 2012-5-29 15:10

作者: tingroom    时间: 2012-5-30 15:08

回复 3# 小钰钰


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