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标题: 12月14日双语资讯:《公主与青蛙》上周票房夺冠 [打印本页]

作者: x-ace    时间: 2009-12-14 16:36     标题: 12月14日双语资讯:《公主与青蛙》上周票房夺冠

  传统手绘动画片《公主与青蛙》(The Princess and the Frog)大范围上映后首周末票房收入2,500万美元,成为上周末美国票房排行榜冠军。该片受到高度的评价和热切的期望,是华特-迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)六年来首次重返传统手绘动画技术。
  'The Princess and the Frog' opened at No. 1 in the U.S. box-office rankings, taking in $25 million its first weekend in wide release, amid rave reviews and anticipation about Walt Disney Co.'s return to traditional animation techniques for the first time in six years.

  《公主与青蛙》首周末票房击败华特-迪士尼此前的手绘动画片《熊的传说》(Brother Bear);2003年上映的《熊的传说》首周末票房只有1,900万美元。
  'Princess' in its opening weekend beat Disney's previous traditionally animated feature, 'Brother Bear,' which took in just $19 million its first weekend in 2003.

  不过,该片仍是多年来上映首周末票房最差的大型动画片之一。票房不及华特迪士尼动画制作公司的姐妹公司皮克斯(Pixar)出品的大部分影片、二十世纪福克斯(Twentieth Century Fox)出品的《冰河世纪》(Ice Age)三部曲、甚至是2008年迪士尼的3D电脑动画片《闪电狗》(Bolt)。二十世纪福克斯由新闻集团(News Corp.)所有,新闻集团也是《华尔街日报》的发行商。
  Nonetheless, the opening was one of the weakest for a major animated feature in years. It opened behind most releases from Disney Animation's Pixar sibling; all three installments of Twentieth Century Fox's 'Ice Age' franchise; and even 2008's 'Bolt,' Disney's previous animated feature, which used 3-D computer graphics. Twentieth Century Fox is owned by News Corp., which also publishes The Wall Street Journal.

  迪士尼国内发行总裁韦恩(Chuck Viane)不同意传统手绘2D动画片对观众不再有吸引力的说法。
  Chuck Viane, Disney Studios' president for domestic distribution, brushed off suggestions that traditionally drawn, 2-D films no longer appeal to moviegoers.

  'I don't believe the audience seriously takes into consideration whether it's 2-D or 3-D,' Mr. Viane said in an interview Sunday morning. 'The consideration is how we present the movie, and how well we tell the story.'

  Despite the relatively soft first weekend, the company still has high hopes for 'Princess,' which features Disney's first African-American princess. Mr. Viane predicted that children will continue to see the movie as schools' holiday vacations kick in. And he said the studio is hopeful that 'Princess' will hold up relatively well next weekend, despite facing the science-fiction epic 'Avatar,' since the two movies target such different audiences.

  'Princess' earned $2.8 million before its wide release, in a limited two-week run at just two theaters in New York City and Los Angeles, bringing its total gross to $27.8 million.

  在皮克斯的联合创始人、华特迪士尼动画制作公司和皮克斯的负责人拉萨特(John Lasseter)的领导下,迪士尼既致力于电脑制作的动画片也关注传统手绘动画片。迪士尼的下一部影片将是电脑制作的《长发公主》(Rapunzel)。不过该公司的另外一部手绘维尼熊动画片也在前期制作中。
  At the behest of Pixar cofounder John Lasseter, who now oversees Disney Animation as well as Pixar, Disney has committed itself to traditionally animated films as well as ones drawn on computers. The studio's next release is to be the computer-generated 'Rapunzel.' But the company also has in preproduction a hand-drawn Winnie the Pooh feature.

  《弱点》(The Blind Side)上周末以1,540万美元的票房排在第二,这部适合全家观看的美式橄榄球题材影片目前总收入1.50亿美元,而制作成本只有3,000万美元。
  'The Blind Side' was second in the weekend rankings with $15.4 million, bringing to $150 million the total gross for the family-friendly football movie, which cost just $30 million to produce.

  根据南非前总统曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)的真实故事改编的《成事在人》(Invictus)上周末以910万美元的票房排在第三。该片讲述的是曼德拉在一位白人英式橄榄球明星的帮助下把南非统一起来的故事。
  'Invictus,' based on the true story of South African President Nelson Mandela's effort to unite his country with the aid of a white rugby star, took in $9.1 million for third place.

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