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标题: 跟我学新概念:第二册 Lesson 7 Too late [打印本页]

作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-11 09:28     标题: 跟我学新概念:第二册 Lesson 7 Too late

本帖最后由 白天羽 于 2012-4-11 09:33 编辑

1 进房间不敲门是很不礼貌的。
It's very impolite to enter a room without knocking at the door.
2 那个小孩在商场里向妈妈要玩具。
The kid is asking his mother for a toy in the shopping mall.
3 下周我想去拜访初中的老师。
I want to call on my teacher of middle school next week.






作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-11 09:29

1、detective  n.侦探  [di'tektiv]  adj.侦探的;侦查用的,探测用的
employ a private detective雇佣一个私人侦探
a detective novel   a detective story
detect [di'tekt]
1)发现(不好的事物);察觉 discover; recognize
2)侦查,侦察 investigate and solve (crime---)
A machine has been invented to detect gold.
Many machines have been used to detect the fatal virus.   
fatal ['feitl] adj. 致命的;重大的;毁灭性的;命中注定的      
virus ['vaiərəs] n. [病毒] 病毒;恶毒;毒害
That woman employed a private detective to detect her husband.
detection  n.发现,查明,查出  the detection of a crime 破案
detector  n. 探测器
detectable adj.可发现的,可探知的
2、airport  n.机场      port  n.港口;港口城市   passport  n.护照        harbour ['hɑ:bə] n.港湾,避难所  Pearl Harbour珍珠港
airport(民航)飞机场      railway station火车站
at the airport   on the airfield
terminal ['tə:minəl] n.(铁路业、公路等的)终点站
tube station(英式)地铁站 = the underground railway station
a subway station(美式)地铁站  
metro ['metrəu] n.(尤指巴黎的)地下通道
n. + n.构成一个新的名词,如:handbag; water-gate水门; water bird水鸟;水禽(尤指淡水中的); blood test验血; silkworm蚕
air有关的合成词:airsick晕机的;airplane飞机(美);air raid空袭;airman飞行驾驶员或乘务员;airmail航空邮件;airtight不透气的;air-conditioner空调
作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-11 09:29

The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa.
Africa ['æfrikə] n.非洲   
African ['æfrikən] adj.非洲的,非洲人的;n.非洲人
the African Americans黑人
Asia ['eiʃə] n.亚洲   
Asian ['eiʃən] adj.亚洲的,亚洲人的;n.亚洲人
America  n.美洲,美国
American  adj. 美洲的,美洲人的;美国的,美国人的n. 美洲人;美国人
Europe ['juərəp] n.欧洲
European [,juərə'pi:ən] adj.欧洲的,欧洲人的;n.欧洲人
A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds.   try to do sth企图做某事, 试图做某事
try doing sth尝试着做某事
When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield.
Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House.      
custom  n. 风俗,习惯;  customs 1) 风俗,习惯(custom的复数);2)海关    customer n.顾客       customs duties海关关税
take --- off  
1)把---从---取下来  You should take your toys off the table.
2)起飞  The plane took off very smoothly.  ['smu:ðli] adv. 平稳地,平滑地;流畅地,流利地
3)从(价格)减去,减价   They are taking 50% off all goods in that boutique. 那家精品店的所有商品打5折。  boutique [bu:'ti:k] n. 精品店;专卖流行衣服的小商店
4)脱掉(衣服,帽子,鞋等);取下(眼睛,戒指等) take off your coat.
作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-11 09:29

由be的过去式和现在分词(was/were + doing),主要表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作。
In those years we were having a hard time.
We were picking cotton when they arrived.   cotton ['kɔtən] n.棉花
The wind was no longer blowing, but it was still rather cold.
I was reading a novel last night.    I read a novel last night.
When I was watering the garden, it began to rain.当我正在花园里浇水时,开始下雨了。
作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-11 09:30

1、The detectives were        a valuable parcel of diamonds,
A. expecting   B. waiting   C. expecting for   D. expecting to

2、The parcel was valuable. It was       .

3、The thieves wanted to       the diamonds.
A. rob   B. steal   C. take from   D. take to

4、After his father died, Bill carried on        the business.
A. over   B. with   C. for   D. in
作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-11 09:30

1 他期待着暑假去西藏旅游。
2 她飞机还没起飞,你还得等一个小时。
3 让我生气的是她故意骗我的行为。
作者: 白天羽    时间: 2012-4-11 09:34

作者: AllenHL    时间: 2012-6-6 10:16

He looks forward to summer vacation trip to Tibet.
作者: AllenHL    时间: 2012-6-6 10:17

Her aircraft yet to take off , you have to wait an hour .
作者: AllenHL    时间: 2012-6-6 10:19

It makes me angry is the behavior she deliberately lied to me .
作者: tang24    时间: 2013-9-1 00:42

Good eno
作者: sxt0000001    时间: 2013-12-16 11:17

thanks  very much!!
really good!!

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