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标题: 每天两个常用短语( TWO COMMON PHRASES EVERY DAY) 欢迎大家踊跃翻译 [打印本页]

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-10-25 13:27     标题: 每天两个常用短语( TWO COMMON PHRASES EVERY DAY) 欢迎大家踊跃翻译

1)  "A"  for effort
   Ginving recognition for having  tried to do something but not being very successful at  it

  eg:  *  you didn't do very well, but   I'll give you an "A" for effort.

         * Her grades showed that she failed a class, but an "A" for effort was given anyhow.
2)  Abide by

   To obey orders; to follow rules

  eg: * All drivers have to abide by the rules of the country.
         * Children need to abide by parents wishes.
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-10-26 08:49     标题: go on

3)able to breathe easily again

able  to relax or recover from a busy or stressful time.

eg:  * tests are finished for the year,so now i can breathe easily again.

       *now that the dangerous animal has been caught, we'll all be able to breathe easier again.

4)   Able to do something with one's eyes closed .

    Able to do something very easily , even without having to think about it or look at it

eg:   * it's easy! I can do it with my eyes closed.
        *I can knit with my eyes closed.
作者: aduo    时间: 2006-10-26 15:14

Very good!!!
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-10-27 10:13     标题: continue

5)   Able to take a joke
   To be the object of a joke willingly ; to accept ridicule goodnaturedly

  eg: * Let's play atrick on john and see if he can take a joke.
        * Don't tease Debbie she doesn't take a joke well.

6)  Above average

      Higher or better than average

eg:  * My grades are always above average.
        *He has above average intelligence
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-10-28 09:03     标题: come on

7)  Above reproach

   Not deserving of  blame or criticism

eg:  *You need  to accept your are not above reproach.
        * politicians sometimes behave as though they  are above reproach.

8)  Absent without leave (A WOL)

   Absent from anything without permission;Absent from the military
   without permission--this is a serious sffence in the military

eg:   *  the  student was AWOL from school and got into a lot of trouble because of it

       *  The military police took the soldier away because he was absent without leave.
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-10-28 09:06     标题: correct the wrong words

there is a mistake ,in (8)    this should be "this is a serious  offence in the military" it is offence  not sffence

sorry !
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-10-30 10:06     标题: go on

9)   According to all accounts;by all accounts.

     From all the reports; everyone is saying

eg:  *  By all accounts, it was a very poor performance.

      * According to all accounts, they made her party a success.

10)  Accustomed to  

     To be comfortable with someone or something; accepting of someone as usual

eg:   * The soldiers were accustomed to riding horses.

       * I'll never become accustomed to you.
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-10-30 10:18

11)  Acknowledge of receipt

   To inform the sender that something sent has been received

eg:  *  John acknowledged receipt of the goods.

        * The package did not arrive , so they were not able to acknowledge the receipt of it .

12)  Acquire  a taste for something

   To develop a liking for food,drink, or something else; to learn to like something.

eg:   *Some people will never acquire the taste for foreign food.

       * Mary acquired a taste for art when she was just a child.
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-10-31 14:42

13)  Across the board

      Equally for every one

eg:  * Congress cut the budget for everyone across the board.

        * The school board raised the pay for all teachers across the board.

13)  Act high and mighty

     To act proud and poweful

eg:  *Why do some doctors always act high and mighty?

       *If Sally didn't act so high and mighty,she would have more friends.
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-1 08:00

15)   Act of faith

   To act or deed demonstrating religious faith;  an act or deed showing trust in someone

eg:  *  He gave money to his church as an act of faith.
         * For him to trust you with his safty is a real act of faith.

15)   Act one's age

    To behave  more maturely; to act as grown up as one really is (often said to a child)

eg:   *Stop picking on your sister, act your age!

       * Come on ,Bob,act your age.Stop throwing rocks at passing cars.
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-2 16:23

17)   Act something out

    To act something out as if it were a play   (   把某些事情或东西说出来,表达出来)

eg:   * The doctor asked his patient to act out his thoughts.

        *Bill always acted out his anger by pounding his fists on the table.


18)    Actions speak louder than words
     It is better to do something about a problem than just talk about it.


eg:    *  Betty kept promising to do something. Bill finally looked her in eye  and said,"Actions speak louder than words".

          * After watching the boss always tell his employees to dress better,someone sent him a memo that said ,"Actions
            speak  louder than words.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-2 16:25

17)   Act something out

    To act something out as if it were a play   (   把某些事情或东西说出来,表达出来)

eg:   * The doctor asked his patient to act out his thoughts.

        *Bill always acted out his anger by pounding his fists on the table.


18)    Actions speak louder than words
     It is better to do something about a problem than just talk about it.


eg:    *  Betty kept promising to do something. Bill finally looked her in eye  and said,"Actions speak louder than words".

          * After watching the boss always tell his employees to dress better,someone sent him a memo that said ,"Actions
            speak  louder than words."

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-3 08:37

17)  Act something out

    To act something out as if it were a play.


eg:  * The doctor asked his patient to act out his thoughts.

        *Bill always acted out his anger by pounding his fists on the table.


18)   Actions speak louder than words

      It is better to  do something about a problem than just talk about it.( A proverb)


eg:    * Betty kept promising to do something.Bill finally looked her in the eye
              and said," Actions speak  louder than words"


          * After watching the boss always tell his employees to dress better,
            someone sent hm a memo that said,"Action speak louder than words"

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-3 09:19

19)  Add fuel to the fire

    To make a problem worse; to make someone more angry than he already is;
    to do something to make a bad situation worse


eg:  * To spank a crying child just adds fuel to the fire.


       * Mary shouted louder to be heard,but it really just made everyone mad.


20)   Address someone as something

     When talking or writing about someone,using a title; to treat someone in a particular manner


eg:  *They addressed their boss as Mr Smith.


  * You should address him as an equal you are fellow employees.


作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-4 10:39

21)   Advance in years      

      Go up in years


eg:   * Mr Jones was advaced in years.

      *All the residents of the home were advanced in years.


21)   Advise against someone or something

    To suggest that something not to be done


eg:   *I advised him against leaving (not to leave )work early.

        *She advises her husband  against making(not to make) hasty decisions

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-6 13:24

23)  Afraid of one's shadow   

     Easily frightened ; always frightened ,timid, or suspicious


eg:    *  After Bob was robbed,he was afraid of his own shadow.


          *Jane has always been shy,she seems afraid of her own shadow.


24) After a  fashion   

   To do something in a poor or different way


eg:  * I can swim,after a fashion.


        *After  a fashion,he thanked me for what I had done

作者: 小叮铛    时间: 2006-11-7 10:40


[ 本帖最后由 小叮铛 于 2006-11-7 10:42 AM 编辑 ]
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-7 12:01





作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-7 12:36

25)  After  the  fact

  After something has already happened,usually a crime

        犯罪之后; 作错事之后

eg:   *If you don't do something first, there is nothing that can be done after the fact.


        *Bill always makes excuses after the fact.


26) After the fashion of someone or something

       The  manner of style


  eg:   *The church was built after the fashion of the 1800's.


       * She likes to dress after the fashion of a movie star.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-8 09:14

27)  Again  and  again

   To do something repeatedly


eg:   *They knocked on the door again and again until someone answered it.

        * I will  go to my favorite beach again and again.


28)   Against one's will

     Without the person's consent or agreement


eg:  * You cannot force me to come with you against my will.


      *  Against their will,the people had to stand for hours in the hot sun.

作者: applejuice12345    时间: 2006-11-8 11:20

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-9 12:26

29) Ahead of schedule

    Having completed a task before the time allotted


eg:  * They finished the job ahead of schedule.


       * We don't have to rush because we are ahead of schedule.


30) Ain't it  the truth? (Informal)

   To be just the way something is;to agree completely with someone.


eg: *  Ain't that the truth?
       *Thing just aren't the way they used to be.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-10 12:15

31) Air one's grievances

     To complain in public


eg:  * I know how  you feel, but don't air your grievances to everyone.


       * He aired his grievance in the newspaper.


32) Alive and kicking;  Alive and well

     To be well and healthy


eg:  *   Tom is old but still alive and kicking!


         * The last time I saw Mary she was alive and well.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-11 12:23

33)  All in

  Tired; exhausted; all tuckered out


eg:  * I just walked all over the city and now I'am all in.

         * "What a day!" said Sally " I am all in."


34) All in a day's work
Part of what is expected;typical or normal


eg:  * Putting up with rude customers is not pleasant,but it is all in a day's work.

          尽管容忍一些粗鲁的消费者很不是滋味,但是那也是我们工作中的一部分 .

           *  I hate to cook,but it's all in a day's work for a mother.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-12 08:02

35) All in good time

   At some future time; in good time;soon


eg:  * The pizza will be delivered all in good time.


   *All in good time the party will be over.


36)  All in one breath

   To speak rapidly while being very excited


eg: * Tom can recite the alphabet all in one breath!


     * He said his whole speech all in one breath.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-13 12:06

37)  All in the family

  Restricted to one's own family


eg:   * Let's not tell anyone outside the family.


         *Please keep this information all in the family.


38) All joking aside;  all kidding aside

  Be serious for a moment; in all seriousness


eg:   *  I  know I laugh at him,but all joking aside,he is a  very good friend.


          *He can be funny,but no kidding,he is really shy.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-14 08:13

39) All manner of things
        All types of people or things


eg:   * We see all maner of people at the outdoor market.

           在我家门外的市场上可以看到 形形色色的人.

         *They sell all manner of items at the supermarket.


40) All night long

   Throughout the whole night


eg:    * I couldn't sleep all night long.


       * All night long the wind blew.
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-15 09:04

41)  All of  a sudden



eg:    *   My back hurt all of a sudden.


          * All of a  sudden lightning struck the tree.


42) All or nothing

  To do something or not to do it; everything or nothing at all

                做还是不做;  全部或没有

eg:  *  It was all or nothing.If she stayed in the burning car she would die,if she jumped out,she would live.

           是做还是不做呢? 如果她仍然呆在着火的汽车中就会死的,如果她跳出的话,就有可能生还.

     *Mike would not accept just part of the money. it was all or nothing.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-16 09:23

43)  All-out war
Total war as opposed to small,warlike acts or threats of war


eg:    *We are now concerned about all-out war in the Middle East.


          * Threats of all-out war have caused tourism to slow down


44)  All over again

    Starting over completely; going though something another time


eg:  *  Do I have to go through this all over again?


     *I need to start all over again because some of you came in late.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-17 10:14

45) All over with



eg:   *  His problems are all over with now.


       *After dinner is all over with , we can play some games.


46) All set

   Readay to begin


eg:  * We are ready to go ,all set?

          我们马上要出发了,都 准备好了吗?

       *All the details have been finished. We are all set to begin
         the presentation.

作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2006-11-17 13:31

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-18 08:43

47) All skin and bones
Very thin; skinny;emaciated


eg:  * He has lost so much weight he is just skin and bones.


       * Look at that horse it is just skin and bones.


48)All talk and no action

  Talking about doing something,but never actually doing it


eg: *The car needs washing,but Bill is all talk and no action when it comes to
         cleaning the car.


      * Joe says he will get a job soon. He is all talk and no action.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-20 13:25

49)  All the livelong day

    Throughout the whole day


eg:  * They kept doing their job all the livelong day.


        * He likes to sit and fish all the livelong day.


50)  All the rage
What is the current fashion


eg:  * Jazz was once all the rage.


       * To wear a large belt is all the rage right now.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-21 08:34

51)  All the same
  Nevertheless; anyhow


eg :   *  They were told not to bring presents,but they brought them all the same.


          *  Her mother told her not to do it, but she did all the same.


52)  All the time

   Throughout a specific period of time;at all times;repeatedly


eg:  * Your blood flows all the time.


       * She hums softly all the time.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-22 08:43

53) All thumbs
   Awkward or clumsy


eg:  * Poor Jane, when she plays the piano she is all thumbs!


        * The dancers looked like they were all thumbs.


54)  All told
    Including all parts; totaled up


eg:  * All told ,he has many fine qualities


      * All told,he earned a lot of money in the last weeks.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-23 13:14

55)  All tuckered out

      Tired out;worn out  


eg:   * Bob worked in the yard so long he was all tuckered out.


       * The children were all tuckered out from running and playing all day.


56) All walks of life

   All social, economic,and ethnic groups

eg:  * We saw people from all walks of life at the party.


        * The football game had people from all walks of life watching it.

作者: xdf251077    时间: 2006-11-23 22:52

very useful
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-24 08:35

thank you for your words

pls continue coming to tingroom

keep on it ,you  can get more knowledge you need.especially in english
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-24 08:39

hope everyone give me some good advices.

let's go into our bright future in the tingroom.

at first ,I  thank you for your good suggestions

and every one can share his things with others .

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-24 08:58

57) All well and good


eg:  * It's all well and good that you are passing English,but what about History.


      * It's well and good you are on time because I thought you would be late like usual.


58) All worked up about (over) something  (Proverb)

   One should have recreation as well as work


eg:  * Don't get all worked up about something you can't do anything about.


     * To be all worked up about something is bad for your health.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-25 08:07

59)All year round

   Throughout all the seasons of the years;during the entire year


eg:  *  The swimming pool is enclosed so it can  be used all year round.


        * In tropical climates they can grow flowers all year round.


60)  Almost lost it

   To be so angry or distraught as to lose temper,composure,or control

     大发雷霆;没有了 理智地发疯

eg: * I was so mad that I almost lost it.


        * When he saw the dent in his fender,he almost lost it.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-27 08:27

61) Along with
  In addition to someone or something;together with someone or something


eg:  *  Jane went shopping along with David.


       * I ate some chocolates along with some nuts.


62) Amount to

  To be or to become valuable or successful


eg:  * Their parents hope their children will amount to something.


      * Putting money in the bank will allow it to amount to something in many years.

作者: qiangwei    时间: 2006-11-27 16:59

you're so great,go on!
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-28 09:02




作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-28 09:21

63) And so forth

   To go on and on;continuing talking in the same way


eg:   *She told me everything about her kids and so on and so forth.


        * I heard about problems at work and so on.


64) And so on

  Continuing on in the same way;continuing to talk,saying more and more

     等等;继续谈; 说的越来越多;

eg:  *  I need help to get ready,finish making dinner,and so on.


         * I heard about problems at work and so on.

作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2006-11-28 10:08

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-29 08:05

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-29 08:20

65) And then some

    Even more;more than has been mentioned


eg:  * John is going to have to run like a deer and then some to win the race


      * She put the amount of salt in the soup that it asked for,and then some.


66) Angry enough to chew nails
       Angry enough to bite through metal mails


eg:  * I was so mad I could chew though mails!


       * He made the man so angry,he was chewing nails!

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-11-30 09:29

67) Answer the door

   To go to the door and see who is there


eg:  * Would you please answer the door?

      *I wish someone were home to answer the door.


68) Appear as

   To act a certain part in play,opera,ect.


eg:   *The actor refused to appear as a villain in the play.


        * She appeared as an angel.

作者: qiangwei    时间: 2006-11-30 20:18

looking forward to the next!
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-1 08:16

69) Appear  out of nowhere

  To appear suddenly,without warning


eg:  * A huge bear appeared out of nowhere and tried to chase us.


     * The maid appeared out of nowhere to take our coats.


70) Apple of one's eye

    Someone's favorite person or thing


eg:   * The baby was the apple of her  mother's eye.


         * Jim is the apple of Mary's eye. She adores him.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-2 08:04

71) Arguing for the sake of arguing

  Simply arguing to be difficult or contrary


eg: * You are just arguing for the sake of argument


      * He is so annoying because he just argues for the sake of arguing.


72) Arm in arm

    Linked or hooked tother by the arms


eg:  * The two lovers walked arm in arm across the bridge.


        * Arm in arm ,the line dancers kicked up their heels.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-4 09:04

73)  Armed and dangerous

    This is said of an armed person who is suspected of a crime and has not been arrested and who is likely to resist arrest


eg:   *Ben is at large,presumed to be armed and dangerous.


       * The suspect has killed once and is armed and dangerous. Be careful.



74) Arrive  on the scene   To appear at a certain arrea or place


eg:  *  What time did the boaters come on the scene?


      * The witness arrive on the scene at about dusk.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-5 08:44

75) As a duck takes to water

     Easily and naturally


eg:  *  She took to playing the flute just as a duck takes to water.


      * He knew how to play golf as well as  a duck takes to water.


76)As an aside

  As a comment; as a comment that is not supposed to be heard by others


eg:  *  At the wedding,Tom said as an aside,"The bride doesn't look well."

            汤姆评论说, 在婚礼上, "新娘看起来无精打采"

       * At the concert he told his companion,as an aside,that he hoped the
         musicians would not fall of the stage.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-6 09:30

77)  As a result of

   Because of something that has happened


eg:  * As a result of the car accident, Bill couldn't walk for six months.


        * We could not buy a house as a result of the high interest rates.


78) As a token of

   Symbolic of something,especially of gratitude;as a memento of something


eg:  *  He gave  me a rose as a token of his love.


        * Please accept this money as a token of what you did to help me.

作者: wszdzdh_25    时间: 2006-12-6 19:48

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-7 09:53     标题: tahnk you ,i will go on it.

79) As bad as all that

   As bad as reported; as bad as it seems


eg:  *  Nothing could be as bad as that!


   * Stop crying,it can't  be as bad as all that.


80)  As big as all outdoors

  Very big, large;usually referring to a  space of some kind


eg:  * The swimming pool was as big as all outdoors!


       * The living room was huge,as big as all outdoors!

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-8 08:57

81) As big as life

  An exaggerated way of saying that a person or a thing appeared in a particular place

eg:  * I opened the door,and there was Tom as bif as life.

      * The small child just stood there as big as life

82) As black as coal

   Completely black

eg:  * Jason's eyes were as black as coal.

        * His clothes were so dirty they were as black as coal.
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-8 09:31

81)   用很夸张的说法来说某个人出现

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-9 08:32


83)As black as night

    Very dark and black


eg:  * The ink in this pen is as black as night.


      * Without lights,the room was as black as night.


84) As bright as a button

    Intelligent;quick minded


eg:  *Your little girl is as bright as a button!


       * You can't fool Jane she is as bright as a button about computers.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-10 08:36


85) As busy as a beaver

     Very busy


eg:   * He is working so hard that he is as busy as a beaver.


        * I don't have time to talk to you I am as busy as a beaver!


86) As busy as Grand Central Station

    Very busy; crowded with customers or other people


eg:  *  This house is as busy as Grand Central Station[/color].


       * My office is usually like Grand Central Station.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-11 08:52


87)  As clean as a whistle

     Very clean


eg:  * The window was as clean as a whistle.


     * The little girl took a long bath so she would be as clean as a whistle.


88)   As clear as a bell

      very clear and easy to hear


  eg:  * The radio station comes in as clear as a bell.

        * The walls were very thin since I could hear what was going on as clear as a bell.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-12 09:23


89) As clear as crystal

   Very clear; transparent;easy to understand


eg:   * The water in the ocean was as clear as crystal.


          * The explanation was as clear as crystal.


90)As comfortable as an old shoe

    Very comfortable and familiar


eg:    * This house is as comfortable as an old shoe.


         * Bill likes to wear clothes loose and as comfortable as an old shoe.

作者: qiangwei    时间: 2006-12-12 13:36

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-13 08:34




作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-13 08:41

91)  As cool as a cucumber

    Calm and not agitated; with one's wits about one.

  eg:  *  The captain remained as cool as cucumber as people got into the life rafts.

         *She always looked as cool as cucumber.

92) As crazy as a loon

   Very silly; completely loonly

eg: * He's acting as crazy as a loon!

      * If you think you can get away with that you are as crazy as a loon.

no time to translate ,so hope every one try  your best to translate them thank you
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-14 09:11


94) As dead as a doornail or doornob



eg:   * The bird flew into the window and now was as dead as a doornail.


         *Fortunately,the snake was as dead as a doornail.


94) As drunk as a skunk

        Very frunk


eg:  * He came home as drunk as a skunk again.


         * Mary left the party as drunk as a skunk,I hope she got homw ok.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-15 08:48


95)  As  dry as bone

   Completely dry


eg:  *My throat felt as dry as a bone.


        *During the drought,the soil was as dry as a bone.


96) As easy as ABC
        Very easy


eg:  *Calculus is as easy as ABC's.   


        * She recited the alphabet as easy as ABC.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-16 12:30

97) As easy as pie
    Very easy

eg:  * Sewing cloth into a dress is as easy as pie.

       * Mountian clibming is as easy as a pie.

98) * As easy as falling off a log

     Very easy

eg:   * Passing the exam was as easy as falling off a log.
        *  Running the mile in two minutes is as easy as falling off a log.
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-18 08:20


99) As exciting as watching paint dry

     Very ,very dull; boring


eg:   * This book is about as easy to read as watching paint dry.


        * Watching golf on TV is about as fun as watching paint dry.


100) As far as it goes

       As much as something does,covers,or accomplishes


eg:  * Your plans are great as far as they go but now you need to finish them.


         * As far as it goes, this law is a good one.
作者: qiangwei    时间: 2006-12-18 09:18

go on,i'm looking forword
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-19 08:43

101)As far as possible

   As much as possible;to whatever is possible

eg:  *As far as possible, the police will issue tickets to all speeders.

        *I'll follow your instructions as far as possible.

102) As far as a fiddle

    Healthy and qhysically fit

eg:  *Bob is as far as a fiddle.

      *That racehorce is as fit as a fiddle.
作者: qiangwei    时间: 2006-12-19 10:30



[ 本帖最后由 qiangwei 于 2006-12-20 08:43 AM 编辑 ]
作者: craleo    时间: 2006-12-19 13:08

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-20 07:12

but i think the last sentence transalte into:


this my little suggestion.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-20 07:13

but nice girl. you have done a good job.

thank you
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-20 08:41


103) As flat as a board

       Very flat


eg:  * The terrain in that part of the country is as falt as a board.

       *What mountain?It is as flat as a board!

104) As free as a bird

    Carefree;completely free


eg:  *In the summer,without school,I feel as free as a bird!


        Jane is always happy and acts as free as a bird.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-21 09:06

105) As fresh as a daisy

     Very fresh;fresh and alert


eg:  *  Miranda always looks as fresh as a daisy,even in the heat.

       * The morning dew was as fresh as a daisy.


106)   As funny as a barrel of monkeys
   Very funny

eg   * Todd was always as much funny as a barrel of monkeys. We will miss him.


        * To watch the kittens play was as funny as a barrel of monkeys.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-23 07:21


107)As gentle as a lamb
  Very gentle(usually used to describe people)


eg:   *Lisa was as gentle as a lamb when dealing with children


         *He may look fierce,but he really is as gentle as a lamb.


108) As good as gold



eg:   *  Mary's promise is as good as gold.


         * Bobby,as a two year old, was always as good as gold.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-23 08:09


109) As grace as a swan

      Very graceful

eg:  * Jane walks as gracefully as a swan.


        * The boat sailed out onto the lake and looked as graceful as a swan.


110) As gruff as a bear

    Gruff;curt ans unsociable


eg:  *  Jimmy wakes up every morning as gruff as a bear.


       * Don't ask Erica any questions she is as gruff as a bear when she answers.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-25 08:34


111) As happy as a clam
     Happy and content


eg:  * Tom sat there smiling,looking as happy as a clam.


        * They sat looing smug,as happy as  clams.


112) As happy as a lark

      Visibly happy and cheerful


eg:  * Sally walked along whistling, as happy as a lark.


        * The children danced and sang,as happy as larks

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-26 08:39


113)  As happy as can be

            Very happy


eg:   * Kathy and Mary are as happy as can be because they will be together next year.


      * Susan was as happy as can be when she won the lottery.


114)As hare as a rock

           Very hard


eg :  * This cake is as hard as a rock!


        * The muscles in Bob's stomach are as hard as a rock.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-27 09:24


115)As hard as nails

  Very hard;cold and cruel

    很硬 ;冷醋   

eg:  * The loaf of bread dried out and became as hard as a nails.


      * Anne was never happy. She was as hard as nails to make smile.


116) As high as a kite

  Very high;as drunk as can be


eg:   * The tree grew as high as a kite.


       *They took so many drugs they were as high as kites!

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-28 09:39

117) As innocent as a lamb




eg: * I watched the baby sleep.It was as innocent as a lamb.


     * "You can't throw me in jail,I'm as innocent as a lamb", cried the robber.

118) As large as life

  As a person; Present at a certain place


eg:  * I thought Jack was away,but he showed up as large as life.


     *  The small child appeared as large as life.
作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-29 08:27

119) As mad as a hornet

     Very angry


eg:  * Jane can get as mad as a hornet when someone criticizes her.


       * The student made the teacher as mad as a hornet!


120)As meek as a lamb
Meek; quiet and docile


eg:   * Betsy terrorizes the kids,but is as meek as a lamb around the teacher.

         *An hour after their argument,they were both as meek as lambs

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-30 08:42

121)  As neat as a pin

      Neat and orderly


eg:   * My father is a good housekeeper. His house is always as neat as a pin.


        * My desk is always messy,but my roomate's is always as neat as a pin.


122) As nutty as a fruitcake   (Slang)

       Silly; crazy


eg:   *Mary has been acting as nutty as a fruitcake lately.


       * Whenever John is at a party, he is as nutty as a fruitcake.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2006-12-31 08:23


123) As old as the hills

   Very old

eg:   *  My children think I am as old as the hills. But I am only in my forty's!


         * The song on the radio is not new. It is as old as the hills.


124)  As patient as Job
Very patient (Job is a charavter in the Bible)


eg:   *  If you want to teach children you must be as patient as Job.


       * To work with old folks you have to have the patience of Job.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2007-1-4 08:36


125)As phony a a three-dollar bill



eg:   * This guy's as phony as a three-dollar bill.


    * The deal stinks. it's as phony as a three-dollar bill.


126)   As pleased as punch

     Very pleased; very pleased with oneself   


eg:   *She is as pleasant as punch, but realizes she is not the only one deserving of the prize.


         * The children did a good job performing before the parents.
            The teachers were as pleasant as punch.

作者: qiangwei    时间: 2007-1-4 20:10

作者: johnson1    时间: 2007-1-5 08:17

can you tell me where you go ahead these days?
i can't get tough with you by the mobile.
why.  what happened to you at alll?
you know why i call you ,for i promiss you that if you return my message,
i will call now i know you are alive. that is enogh.
and meanwhile, thank you for your concerning.
i will try my best to keep on it.
作者: johnson1    时间: 2007-1-5 08:33


127)   As poor as a church mouse

        Very poor


eg:   * My aunt is as poor as a church mouse.


      * The family that lives down the blockk is as poor as church mice.


128) As prety as a picture.

     Very pretty


eg:  * Little Sue was as pretty as a picture in her new dress.


        * Their new house is as pretty as a picture.

作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2007-1-5 11:07

作者: johnson1    时间: 2007-1-6 08:12

it is my pleasure.

can you help to add my QQ in tingroom club.

my QQ NO. : 34975628
any one you like.  thank you.
作者: johnson1    时间: 2007-1-6 08:36

129)  As proud as a peacock

   Very proud; haughty


eg:  * The new father was as proud as a peacock.


        * That man is so arrogant. He seems as proud as peacock.


130) As quick as a flash

              Very quickly


eg:  * The dog grabbed his treat as quick as a flash.


       * The summer vacation went by as quick as a flash.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2007-1-9 18:21     标题: continue


131) As red as a cherry
Bright red


eg:  * After the children played in the snow, Betty's cheeks were as red as cherries.


      * Sometimes she blushes as red as a cherry.


132)  As sharp as a razor

    Very sharp


eg:   * The steak knife is as sharp as a razor.


      * This knife should be as sharp as a razor.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2007-1-10 09:26

133)  As sharp as a tack

Intellictually bright


eg:  * Liz can solve any mystery because she is as sharp as a tack!
           LIZ 很聪明所以她可以揭开所有的迷底.

        * He may not say much, but he is as sharp as a tack.


134) As sick a dog

  Very sick; sick and vomiting

eg:    *  she was feeling so bad, she was as sick as a dog.


         * They were sick as dogs because of the huge waves.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2007-1-11 08:30

135)  As slick as a whistle

    Quickly and cleanly; quickly and skillfully


eg:   *  Tom took a mop and hot water and cleaned the house as slick as a whistle.


         * Slick as a whistle, she pulled off the bandage.


136) As slippery as an eel

    Devious; undependable


eg:   * He is as slippery as an eel. Don't believe him.


        * It's hard to find Tom in his office because he is as slippery as an eel.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2007-1-12 08:10

137) As slow as molasses in January


eg:  * Can't you be ready to leave any faster? You are as slow as molasses in January!


       * The traffic crawled along as slowly as molasses in January.


138) As sly as a fox

  Smart and clever


eg:   * you have to be as sly as a fox to pull one over on me.


      * My niece is as sly as a fox.
作者: johnson1    时间: 2007-1-15 07:13

139)As smooth as glass

    Smooth and shiny


eg: * The water on the bay is as smooth as glass.


      * Mary polished the-floor until it was as smooth as glass.


140) As smooth as silk

   Very smooth and soft


eg:   * A baby's skin is as smooth as silk.


        * The pudding is as smooth as glass. It slips down very easily.

作者: johnson1    时间: 2007-1-16 14:11


141)   As snug as a bug in a rug

       Cozy and snug


eg:   * If you wrap the blanket around yourself tigh, you will be as snug as a bug in a rug.

         * I love to live in a small house because I know I will be as snug as a bug in a rug.


142)  As soft as a baby's bottom

     Very soft and smooth to the touch.

         光滑; 柔软

eg:  * This cloth is as soft as a baby's bottom.


      * Her skin is as soft as a baby's bottom.


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