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标题: Lesson IV. Using the Telephone 1 [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2008-5-21 17:18     标题: Lesson IV. Using the Telephone 1

Part Three

Do you remember Mr Hzissein? He's the man from the Gulf Trading Company. At the moment he is staying at the Plaza Hotel in Dongali. He's staying there because his company is opening a new office in L'.Iongali.lIe has to make sure everything is ready for the opening. He has to order all the office equipment they will need.And he is ordering all the equipment from Modern Office Limited. Today Mr Ballito,the Managing Director of Modern Office Limited, wants to see Mr Hussein to check his order. Here he is asking Opal to telephone the Plaza Hotel.

MR BALLITO: Opal,I'd like to see Mr Hussein this afternoon. Would you phone him at Plaza Hotel, Room 246 and ask him if he's free to come to the office at 4 o'clock.

OPAL: Four o'clock, certainly, Mr gallito. And shall I leave a message with the receptionist if he's out?

MR BALLITO: Yes, leave a message. Ask him to phone you when he comes in. I think he usually goes back to the
hotel for lunch.

OPAL: Very well, Mr Ballito. Are you going to lunch now?

MR BALLITO:Yes. If anyone calls while I'm out, please make a note for me.

OPAL: Certainly, Mr Ballito. Goodbye.

MR BALLITO:Goodbye, Opal.


OPA LTO HERSELF) Now, what's the number of the Plaza? Ah! Here it is ... double three, one, four, eight.


ROSE: Switchboard.

OPAL: Would you give me an outside line, please.

ROSE: Certainly.(CRACKLE) Oh, just a minute Opal. That was a bad line. I'll try and get another one for you.
(DIALLING TONE)There you are.

OPAL: Thank you. Three Three One Four Eight. (ENGAGED TONE) Oh it's engaged. Do they have another number?
Ah yes. 33149. I'll try that one. I hope it isn't engaged too.

PLAZA HOTEL OPERATOR: Plaza Hotel. Good morning!

OPAL: Good morning.This is Modern Office Limited. Would you put me through to Mr Hussein,please. Room 246.


QPEITATOR: I'm trying to connect you. (CLICKS) Thank you.

PLAZA HOTEL OPERATOR: I'm sorry caller. There's no reply from his room. But he might be somewhere else in the Hotel. I'11 page him for you. Hold the line please. (CLICKS) Paging Mr Hussein. Calling Mr Hussein.Would Mr Hussein please go to the nearest telephone. (CLICKS) I'm sorrv caller. I can't find Mr Hussein. Would. you like to leave a message?

OPAL: Oh yes, please. When Mr Hussein comes in please ask him to ring Mr Ballito's secretary at Modern Office

PLAZA HOTEL OPERATOR: Mr Ballito's secretary... Modern Office Limited. Does he know the number?

OPAL: I think he does. But you'd better give it to him again.It's 52364.

PLAZA HOTEL OPERATOR: 52364. OPAL, That's right. Goodbye.

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2008-5-21 17:18     标题: Lesson IV. Using the Telephone 2

Part Four

Today Mr Hussein and other people are telephoning Mr Ballito at Modern Office Limited.But Mr Ballito is not there and so his secretary Opal makes a note of each call for him. She puts the messages on his desk, and he will see them when he comes in. Now let's see how Opal takes messages and gives them.


OPAL:Mr Ballito's office.

FEMALE VOICE: Good morning. This is the (DONGALI Dongali Airlines Office. Mr AIRLINES) Ballito wanted a seat on the
eleven o'clock flight to Sofia next Saturday morning.

OPAL: Yes, that's right. that's the only direct flight that day,isn't it?

DONGALT AIRLINES: Yes, it is. But I'm afraid it's fully booked.

OPAL: Oh, can't you fix him up with another flight on Saturday?

DONGALI AIRLINES: Well, yes, there is a flight leaving at ten o'clock oil Saturday, but he would have to change at Athens and wait two hours in transit.

OPAL: Oh, I see. Well, he's out of the office at the moment but .I'll ask him when he comes in. I'll ring you back this afternoon. Goodbye.


OPALTO HERSELF) Now where is the telephone message page ... Ah, here it is ... now let me see ... Date ... Thursday
... 5th ... time 11. 4 5 a. m. Message for Mr Ballito From...Dongali Airlines. (PIIONE-RINGS) No, not again. Mr Ballito's

MR HUSSELN: Is that Opal?

OPAL: Yes, this is Opal speaking.

MR HUSSEIN: Ah, good morning, Opal, this is Mr Hussein. I've just got back to the Hotel and received your message.

OPAL: Oh, thank you for ringing so quickly, Mr Hussein. Mr Ballito would like you to come to the office at four o'clock this afternoon. Is that convenient for you?

MR HUSSEIN: Yes, I think I can manage that. Yes, yes I can. Tell Mr Ballito I'll be there at four o'clock.

OPAL:Thank you,Mr Hussein Goodbye.

MR HUSSEIN: Goodbye, Opal.

OPAL: (PUTS PHONE DOWN) (TO HERSELF) I'll just make a note of that. telephone message page again? Ah, Message --- Mr Hussein will call at four o'clock signed ... Opal. (DOOR OPENS)

MR BALLITO: Good afternoon Opal.

OPAL: Hello,Mr Ballito. Did you have a good lunch?

MR BALLITO: Yes, thanks, Opal. Excellent. Now were there any messages while I was out?

OPAL: Yes, there were.I've put them on your desk.

MR BALLITO: Can you tell me what they were please Opal. I'm in a hurry.

OPAL:Oh, of course, Mr Ballito A Mr Li rang.


OPAL:Yes. Mr Li of the Dongali Development Corporation. He rang to enquire about buying some duplicators. I transfered the call to Mr Shelli. Then the Airline office rang about your flight to Sofia on Sa-turday.


OPAL:The flight you wanted is fully booked, but I've made a note of other f lights and I said we would ring back this

MR BALLITO:Good. Anything else? OPAL: Yes, Mr Hussein rang and he will be here at four o'clock as you asked.

MR BALLITO: Right. I'll be back then. Goodbye.
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2008-5-21 17:19     标题: Lesson IV. Using the Telephone 3(Test)

Test (1)

In this Test section we will see how well you can ask questions. We shall tell you something about Mr Hussein, and we want you to ask a question about Mr Lee.

Here are two examples:

Mr. Hussein usually stays at the Plaza Hotel. Where does Mr. Lee usually stay?

Mr Hussein is stays at the Plaza Hotel now. Where is Mr Lee staying now?

Now you ask two types of question. 1.Mr Hussein usually stays at the Plaza Hotel.

2.Mr Hussein is staying at the Plaza Hotel now.

3.Mr Hussein usually goes to the office in the morning.

4.Mr Hussein is going to the office now.

Test (2)

Taking messages is another very important part of a secretary's work. The message must be accurate and easy to understand. These are some things that a message must have in it:

1.The name of the person the message is for.

2.The date and time of the message.

3.Who the message is from.

4.The message itself.

5.The name of the person who took the message.

Now let's see whether you can take down a telephone message. Read the following conversation and write down your notes.

A: Good morning. Can I speak to Mr Ballito? B: I'm afraid not. It's 12 o'clock. Mr Ballito always goes to lunch at noon.Can I take a message? A:Yes please. My name is Hasan. I have an appointment with Mr Ballito this afternoon.

B: What day is it ... April 23rd ... ah yes, Mr Hasan, 3 o'clock.

A:That's right, but I'm afraid I may be about ten minutes late. Would-you tell Mr Ballito that, please?

B:Certainly Mr Hasan, I'll tell Mr Ballito that you will be ten minutes late for your 3 o'clock appointment.

A:Thank you very much.

Can you write down the five points?

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