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标题: 银行英语会话听力资料 -- Lesson3 [打印本页]

作者: Life_on_journey    时间: 2008-5-3 20:59     标题: 银行英语会话听力资料 -- Lesson3

This is my first homework.
Lesson 3
Key sentences
1. Today's exchange rate of RMB to US dollars is 812 RMB yuan equal to 100 US dollars.
2. What kind of foreign currency have you got?
3. what's the exchange rate today?
4. What kind of currency do you want to change?
5. Please check the money and keep the exchange memo.
6. Sorry, you've filled the wrong account no. please re-fill it.
7. What's the equivalence of 500 dollars in RMB yuan?
8. We list the exchange rate issued by the People's Bank of China every morning.
9. What are you going to convert, banknotes or travellor's cheques?

Dialogue 1
- Excuese me?
- May I help you?
- I want to change some US dollars into RMB.
- Of course. We're an authorized foreign exchange bank and can change them for you. How much do you want to change?
- Let me see, 50 US dollars.
- Very well, Sir.
Dialogue 2
- Excuse me, but is this where you exchange foreign money for RMB?
-yes sir. What can I do for you?
- I want to have some pound sterling changed into RMB yuan.
- Very well, please fill in this application form and sign your name, sir.
- All right. Which address shall I give you, my home address or hotel address, here?
- Your hotel address, please.
- Right, where am I supposed to sign my name?
- Here, on this dotted line, sir.
- Here you are, is that all right?
- Let me see, Oh, would you mind telling me your passport no., sir?
-Of course not, let me see, it's E56789.
- Thank you, sir.
Dialogue 3
- Good afternoon, Madam. May I help you ?
- I'd like to change some money.
-What sort of foreign currency have you got, madam?
-US dollars. What's the exchange rate today?
- According to today's exchange rate, every US dollar in cash is equivalent to 8.659 RMB yuan. How much would you like to change.
- 1000. Here you are.
-Very well, this is your exchange memo, please fill in your name, passport no., your nationality, and the amount you intend to change.
- Here you are, will that do?
- Quite well, here is the money, 8659 RMB yuan in all. Please check it and keep the exchange memo.
- All right. By the way, what's the use of memo?
- If you have some RMB left while you're leaving China you can change it back to US dollars in Bank of China or at the airport exchange counter. There you'll be asked to show the memo.
- I see, thank you very much.
- Not at all.

Dialogue 4
- Excuse me, but is this where you convert foreign currency?
- Yes, sir. What kind of currency do you intend to change?
- I'm going to leave Shanghai and I want to change all the RMB I have into US dollars. Here isthe exchange memo.
- Well, please write down in this form the amount you wish to change, your full name in block letters, your hotel address, your passport no. and nationality and sign your name here, sir.
- Oh, I've a lot to write.
- I'm sorry sir, but...
- Yes, I understand. That's banking business. Everything is in order. Here you are, is that okay?
- That's fine you have 5,000 yuan altogether. is that right.
-That's right. How much will I get for 5,000 yuan?
-Between US dollars and RMB yuan, oh, it's 865.97 yuan for 100 dollars.
- It's a little different from the rate when I changed US dollars into RMB.
- yes, we call the rate for foreign currencies floating exchange rate. They often fluctuate with international money market. That's why sometimes you have more, sometimes less. And there's also a difference between buying rate and selling rate. But all banks throughout China have the same rate when dealing with exchange transactions though the rate has to be adjusted from time to time owning to the fluctuation in the international money market.
-I understand. That's very reasonable. Thanks a lot for your explanation.
-That's all right.
作者: Life_on_journey    时间: 2008-5-4 09:16     标题: 银行英语会话听力资料- Lesson 4

This is my homework :
Lesson 4
Key Sentences
1.I'd like to cash this cheque. you have an account with us?
3.Here is my Identification card.
4. Ten Hundreds and twenty Tens, and the rest in small change, please.
5. I want to withdraw some money from my cheque account.
6. We'll notify you when we receive the proceeds.
7. Would you please endorse the cheque on the back and show me your passport?
8. I'll prepare a collection receipt fo you.
9.We must charge a collection fee of 1 dollar and 50 cents.
10. Your account signature is not in agreement with the signature on the upper-left corner.

Dialogue 1
- Good morning, Sir, what can I do for you?
-I'd like to cash this cheque, please.
- Do you have an acount with us?
- Yes, here is my Identification card.
- All right, How would you like it?
- 10 Hundreds and 20 Tens, and the rest in small change, please.
-Okay... here you are.
Dialogue 2
- Good afternoon, Sir. May I help you?
- I'd like to cash some travellor's cheques. Can you do that for me?
-Certainly, Sir. Today's exchange rate is 8.80 yuan RMB for 1 US dollar. How much would you like to cash?
- 200. Here are the cheques.
- Would you please fill in the cheques and counter sign them, sir?
-All right, here you are.
-Thank you. May I have a look at your passport?
- Of course, here is my passport.
- sorry, you filled the wrong passport no. Please rewrite it.
- I'm terribly sorry. Is that OK, now?
- That's right. thankyou. One moment, please. Sorry I've kept you waiting, Sir. Please sign on the memo.
- all right.
- Thank you, here is 1,760 RMB. Please have a check and keep the memo.
-Thank you.
- It's my pleasure. Hope you 're enjoying your stay in Shanghai. Goodbye.
Dialogue 3
- May I help you , Madam?
- Yes, please. My son in Seatle sent me this cheque for 5,000 US dollars. I'd like to cash it and get RMB for it.
- I'm sorry, but you can't cash this cheque right now.
-Something is wrong with it?
-Not that, madam. The only reason is that it is a personal cheque.
- You mean you don't have personal cheque.
-NO, I don't mean that. But we have to send the personal cheque to the drawing/Seatle ( seems not right)bank for collection. It's different from a bank cheque which can be cashed immediately when it's presented to us.
- How long does it take to collect this cheque?
-It's about 15 days to clear. We'll give you the proceeds as soon as we collect the funds.
- Then you can pay me RMB?
- Yes, we 'll change the proceeds into RMB for you. We'll deduct a collection service charge from the proceeds of course.
- How much is that?
- Normally just a few dozens of yuan. We can ask for a cable remittance from Seatle if you like. Then we could cash it for you very quickly. but you have to pay the charge for the cable.
- Please don't bother. I can wait for 10 days. Will you notify me when you receive the proceeds?
- Yes, we'll call you. Will you please endorse the cheque on the back and show me your passport.?
- Here you are.
-Yes, and please fill out this collection application form.

That's all for Lesson 4, thanks for your time and attention.
作者: Life_on_journey    时间: 2008-5-4 09:23

作者: 万籁之琴    时间: 2008-5-4 09:58

不错 最好能在配上中文

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